Hearts of Iron IV

Started by Ian C, May 13, 2016, 01:07:15 PM

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Well, curses!

Just bought the game (Green Man Gaming 27% off!)

Curse you and your screen shots/reviews Ian C!!  :knuppel2:

Ian C

Don't blame me if you don't like it!

BTW - if I understand this correctly - the 'Cooperative' game option - does this mean several players can control the same nation against the AI over the net?


I seem to recall a massive hue and cry when HOI3 was released because Stalingrad was located in the wrong place.

It was a bit more than that. In fact a ton more than that. New York, ohio whatnot...everywhere you looked the map was wrong. But what made that so glaring was all the hype about the new map prior to release. Aside from that the game simply was broken in all areas. It rained more than Noah's days....continuing for hundreds of days. The game ran sluggish at best. The A.I....what little there was you could call such a thing, was bonkers, etc etc. The game was simply FUBAR from top to bottom---it was so bad in fact I recall a public apology on it's state when released and a period of refunds. it took years to bring to what ended up being a pretty decent game---but not near HOI2 with the expansions--which in my view remains King of the series.


I've got another question. Do any of you have any idea what the blue diamond, by some of the ships on the naval research screen, is indicative of?


Quote from: Millipede on June 08, 2016, 06:08:54 PM
I've got another question. Do any of you have any idea what the blue diamond, by some of the ships on the naval research screen, is indicative of?

Thought I read somewhere they represent capital ships...meaning ships that require escorts


Just bought the game.....information OVERLOAD  :uglystupid2:

Man, is the music in the game amazing or what? Game look so nice. I have a feeling me NOT being a vet of any HoI games I'm going to enjoy this game. Lots too learn, but I'm going to take it one mouse over and one mouse click at a time.

Fun times  O0


AH geeze acctingman... now I'm starting to waffle about getting the game sooner rather than later... only thing holding be back now is that it's summer and I have Stellaris to play.... 


Quote from: Grim.Reaper on June 08, 2016, 06:23:40 PM
Thought I read somewhere they represent capital ships...meaning ships that require escorts

Excellent! That makes perfect sense since all ships larger than light cruisers have the diamond. Thank you.


First two hours in and my head hurts!  :tickedoff:

But 4 Guinness beers later, it hurts less  :crazy2:

I've got lots to learn. Think I'm going to spend some time on some good tutorial videos. Conceptually, I get the game, but it's hard to manage it all.


This is reminding me of the Stellaris thread.  First couple of days a lot of head scratching and being a little peeved.  By day 3-4 more understanding.  After that, a lot of ohhh, this is kewl.
'Here at NASA we all pee the same color.'  Al Harrison from the movie Hidden Figures.


Just a quick heads up for anyone interested. I have 2 mods that I found it on the workshop which have made the game at least more appealing to the eyes.
The coloured buttons mod which adds different colours to the UI

The other one, http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=699686998&searchtext=terrain Better terrain view, really distinguishes the difference between mountains/forests etc all of the diff types of terrain.


Reminds me of Nobunaga's Ambition too. The newest version is super streamlined. Old fans may miss the "numbers overload" and micro management but for me it the best iteration.


I thought this was a good post from a paradox person over at their forums....to me summarizes how they tried to set expectations all along so there should have been very little surprises once released.

***from paradox person***

Anyway: There's criticism of the game as HoI4, and there's being mad we didn't make HoI3.5. We said from the start we didn't like what we thought was excessive complexity and busywork in HoI3 and were going to largely reinvent things for a more streamlined experience. Some people were mad about this because they really wanted HoI3.5, but it wasn't a game we wanted to make. Every time we showed off a new feature there was always some faction lamenting the non-3.5ness and every time we explained that wasn't what we were making. Now the game is out and despite everything some people are still mad it's not HoI3.5, and it never will be - complaining about it won't change this.

Ian C

Quote from: AchillesLastStand on June 09, 2016, 03:23:44 AM
Just a quick heads up for anyone interested. I have 2 mods that I found it on the workshop which have made the game at least more appealing to the eyes.
The coloured buttons mod which adds different colours to the UI

The other one, http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=699686998&searchtext=terrain Better terrain view, really distinguishes the difference between mountains/forests etc all of the diff types of terrain.


There's also these:

No Experience for Division Design
This seems neat at first but be warned it bypasses how battle experience works for modifying division structure. In the game, Land Battle Experience simulates doctrine change gained from experience and will gain you points that can be spent when modifying divisional structure and creating new designs.

Better Counters (Yes!)

More NATO Counters


More Division Icons

3D Mods

Tank Size
Larger Tank 3D Models

Micro Models
Small air units on map.


IanC....thanks for the heads up on the counter mod, I've been hoping one like this would come along.  I can't stand the sprites at all and turned them off in the options screen.  I like the look of the new counters much more.