Scotch & Bourbon Documentaries

Started by airboy, September 25, 2020, 09:13:15 AM

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My wife and I watched two documentaries this week:

Neat: The Story of Bourbon
Scotch: A Golden Dream

Both films are relatively short and follow the history and production of both liquors from the raw ingredients to the final product.  They interview people who are experts in the field to those who enjoy consuming the product.

We have visited multiple bourbon distilleries (close to where we live) and breweries.  We have gone to tastings at production facilities for both liquor and beer.  We had good background knowledge before viewing the documentaries - which may have altered our view of the documentaries.

My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed both films, but we are interested in how things are made, agriculture, and alcohol. 

The two industries are tied together by Oak Trees grown in the Southeastern USA that are used in casks.

We watched both movies on a streaming service for free.  Which ones - I don't remember.  We subscribe to Hulu, Prime, Netflix and have Roku.