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Current Events / Re: Russia's War Against Ukrai...
Last post by Crossroads - May 30, 2024, 04:47:00 AM
Here's the full CNN article, with full context the clicky-baity title can be put to, well, context.

Quote"We have no aviation and artillery. We have only tank. And it's the problem."

That said, I am sure tons of valuable experience is being gained there regarding the battlefields of today.
Current Events / Re: Russia's War Against Ukrai...
Last post by JudgeDredd - May 30, 2024, 04:44:08 AM
Quote from: Jarhead0331 on May 29, 2024, 11:41:46 AM^Valid points, but is that a problem with the M1 itself, or just the nature of the combat environment in which it is being employed? Wouldn't those issues also impact the survivability of German and British tanks, as well? Why is the M1 being singled out?
Maybe because CNN is a US organisation - so probably focussing on US kit on the field?

Aren't these early versions of the M1. So maybe the M1 has lack of armour?

Though there are older Leopards out there too.

But yeah - drones are proving deadly to most kit
Computer Gaming / Re: Campaign Series Middle Eas...
Last post by Jason Petho - May 29, 2024, 11:44:23 PM
Lots to show during the show and tell today. I wish I had more time in a day, but hey, progress is still progress! After that we moved to the Middle East, Sinai and played as the Israeli's during the campaign in the desert. We started the scenario with a mechanized force, advancing through the desert until we stumbled upon a well fortified position. This is a larger scenario where we are fighting against an entrenched Egyptian mechanized force. I think anyway, as I've run into some tanks and a lot of trucks.

Computer Gaming / Re: Total war pharaoh - coming...
Last post by WallysWorld - May 29, 2024, 09:42:20 PM
Expanded map and four more civilizations coming.

Total War: PHARAOH - Dev Update

"With the introduction of these landmasses and their associated cultures, we're introducing four major civilisations from the Bronze Age Collapse, meaning history is yours to rewrite. You could strive to become the King of the Universe (a title of immeasurable modesty) over the Royal Tradition in Mesopotamia and unite Babylon and Assyria along with any squabbling petty kingdoms and warlike Elamites. Or you can sit on the throne of Mycenae and raid the seas around your capital with the city of Troy a particular and coveted prize. You can even reenact a version of the world where the Trojan war goes either way or even an unlikely alliance is forged to counter a looming threat. The opportunities are endless.
We know you love to hear about the micro-details, so let's talk scale. The expanded map size has increased to 2048 x 1648 hexes, a significant leap from the previous dimensions of 1134 x 1648 hexes. This expansion renders the world approximately 1.8 times larger than the current map, offering players a vast expanse to conquer and explore.
Additionally, we've added 168 settlements, significantly boosting the total count from 181 to 349."
Computer Gaming / Re: Strategy is not hip
Last post by Tanaka - May 29, 2024, 08:57:36 PM
Quote from: Grim.Reaper on May 22, 2024, 05:00:48 PMTotally non surprising to me, believe strategy players always have been in the minority compared to the other genres.....

Exactly. It's always been this way. Yet we have more strategy games to choose from than ever before...
Welcome Aboard! / Re: Just wanted to say hello
Last post by W8taminute - May 29, 2024, 06:31:53 PM
Hello ciouschemise!
Current Events / Re: Israel
Last post by steve58 - May 29, 2024, 03:50:54 PM
Biden's US taxpayer's $320 Million dollar pier is gone, at least most of it is.

Before stormy weather pic:

After stormy weather pic:

Aid reaching Gazans so far: 0

Current Events / Re: Russia's War Against Ukrai...
Last post by JasonPratt - May 29, 2024, 02:58:12 PM
I wonder if M111 Vulcan APCs, or equivalents thereof, will make a return vs drones. Wouldn't need to be cannons, of course, just the 7.62 minigun varieties. Heh, R2D2 APC drones using old point defense weapons from cold war ships!

I am reliably told they work well against dragons, too.  :Nerd:
Current Events / Re: Tragic Loss of Pilot and W...
Last post by FarAway Sooner - May 29, 2024, 01:34:03 PM
Yeah.  I really appreciate being able to tour the "original" WW2 boats and planes, whether it's one of the 3 WW-2 aircraft carriers I've visited, the USS Pampanito docked in San Francisco, the U-boat stored in the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, the restored B-29 housed outside Pueblo, CO or a handful of B-17s around the country.

My brother and I originally had flying together in a B-17 on our Bucket List.  After I visited Normandy, my opinion of that is changing.  The vehicles are fascinating to behold, but it was the deeds done in those vehicles that really warrant my admiration and attention.
Current Events / Re: Russia's War Against Ukrai...
Last post by FarAway Sooner - May 29, 2024, 01:27:16 PM
The M1 is being singled out because the media made it out to be an Allmighty Savior of the Battlefield 2 years ago, before the Ukrainians had any.  Now that it's not living up to the hype, they're pretending that it was the military experts (and not the overzealous mediots looking to sell a story) who predicted this would be a game changer.

Much of the media coverage of the Ukrainian war has been a Military Tech Pornfest.  Some of that is just the nature of what sorts of stories draw clicks.  Some of it is because certain vested interests (political and economic) do all that they can to pump up those stories. 

Some of that is because a few early weapons made a real difference.  NATO supplied profligate amounts of 1- and 2-man ATGMs and SAMs (mostly Javelins, NLAWs, and Stingers) in the early months of the war, where the Ukrainian durability against the Russian invasion seemed almost miraculous.

The introduction of the HIMARS had a lasting impact for two reasons:  1) The logistical tail for HIMARS was relatively modest, compared to an Abrams or an F-16;  2) By extending the range of Ukrainian artillery, they put a major crimp in Russian logistics at a time when the Ukrainians were enjoying the most battlefield success of the war.  PATRIOTs and other air defense systems also performed well in protecting Ukrainian cities.

All of these systems were typical of the sorts of high-value/high-cost weapons systems that NATO focused on.  As inventories of those ran low, their effectiveness lessened.  NATO's tardiness in supplying adequate low-value assistance (artillery shells, etc.) compounded the problem.

As did poor execution of the doctrine in question.  The advent of thousands of cheap, disposable recce drones has really changed the definition of "air superiority" on the battlefield.  I'm curious to know what lessons NATO has learned there and whether/how it will affect their own drone procurement strategies.