Other Dom III communities

Started by undercovergeek, April 18, 2013, 04:22:43 AM

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A comprehensive list borrowed from Desura for those on a desperate search for a new game, or post here for a new game and if enough come forward it can be hosted here:-

The contents of this thread are not mine, though I have edited the original a little. Credit for this thread goes to Calahan. :)

For those interested, these are some of the places on the World Wide Web where other Dominions 3 communities can be found.

Please mention any others that you know about that are not currently on this list. (and if you are from any of these communities, please feel free to offer better descriptions of your community to do it justice, and replace the meager efforts that have been provided here)

Desura OFFICIAL FORUM - The new official forum for Dominions3 as of December 2012, and the place to go if you need tech support. Also a good place to go if you are looking for playing advice, or just generally looking for a game, especially if you are a new MP player. As there are usually plenty of games being played there, and newbie games are organised on a fairly regular basis.

Shrapnel Games - The first port of call for many new players, and former longtime holder of the title of official Dominions 3 forum. A lot of the players from Dom3mods can also be found there as well.

Dom3Mods - This community was formed after several prominent players were banned from the Shrapnel forum or left in the wake of other members who were banned. The membership includes well known and respected members of the community such as Sombre (who founded the forum), Calahan, Fantomen, Elmokki, Burnsaber and others.

The Gaming Den - They play almost exclusively vanilla games, and a few old Shrapnel faces have taken up residence here. Namely Frank Trollman, K, and Dr.Praetorious.

BrokenForum - Seems to be a relatively new community setup by Nate from the Qt3 community.

Quarter To Three - A fairly active community that usually have a few games on the go. Arguably the friendliest community there is.
Quarter to Three gaming forum  The Qt3 forum has several Dominions 3 related thread, but only the main http://www.quartertothree.com/game-talk/showthread.php?t=65210 thread is linked here.

Absolute Games (Russian) - This community is probably not active anymore (or at least not on this site). Some familiar Shrapnel faces used to play here, such as the long time veterans Ano, Dimaz, WingedDog, Kuritza, Karnoza (there are a LOT of Russian players who are seriously good at the game). The playing community seems to have migrated to the dedicated Dominions3 forum that is coming up next.

Un-named Russian Community (Russian) - It seems the players from Absolute Games have moved here. Don't know anything about this forum apart from recognising a few names (past and present) from Shrapnel. (and they play CBM judging by the game list)

Paradox Dominions Community - You will need to be a registered member to view the thread, and if I understand correctly, you also need to have a game registered as well (to view the thread). It appears they run at most 1-2 games at a time (Wetfeet/foot series of games on llamaserver), and Peter Ebbesen and Jarkko are the familiar Shrapnel faces that play there.

Bay12 - Very smilar to Paradox. They run 1-2 games at a time (series of games with the Bay12 prefix on llamaserver). I don't know much about the community though and I don't see any gnarly old vets there that I recognise.

Punta de Lanza (Spanish) - You need to be registered to view the thread. Another community I don't know much about, apart from recognising a few names from Shrapnel

Something Awful - This is regarded as just about the most active community out there, and they experiment with a wide variety of different game formats. Some of the best LP's (Lets Play) about the game are to be found on this forum, and they also have they own series of mods (Awesome mods, Forbidden Friendship). Their Mega thread (linked) sometimes becomes available to members only for a period of time though, so if you want uninterrupted access to the Mega thread (and their other Dom3 threads and archives) then you need to register at Something Awful (costs a one-time fee of $9.95).

Rock Paper Shotgun - There appears to be at least one game currently active here. Don't know anything about this community though, and don't recognise any names.

RPGnet - Seems to be a very active gaming forum, and this is a link to their second Dominions game.


And now you can add Grogheads to that list!  ;D

Huw the Poo

Quote from: undercovergeek on April 18, 2013, 04:22:43 AM
Quarter To Three...Arguably the friendliest community there is.



Thanks, I needed that! :D


Quote from: Huw the Poo on April 18, 2013, 03:45:59 PM
Quote from: undercovergeek on April 18, 2013, 04:22:43 AM
Quarter To Three...Arguably the friendliest community there is.



Thanks, I needed that! :D

you know i didnt type that dont you?

have you been upsetting the nice people at other forums Huw?

Huw the Poo

Quote from: undercovergeek on April 18, 2013, 03:53:17 PM
you know i didnt type that dont you?

Yeah I know, it was still funny though!

Quotehave you been upsetting the nice people at other forums Huw?

Ha!  Not recently.  I've never actually registered at QT3...mostly because it's a cesspit. :)


Could we get this thread stickied here, in this Dom3 LFG sub-forum?

Great job on the linkage footwork UCG!


coming soon - essential items for thug/sc building and other guides


Hey folks.

Can you please add the following to the OP, as it looks a bit odd not to have the Official Dominions 3 forum in there. Thanks.

Desura OFFICIAL FORUM - The new official forum for Dominions3 as of December 2012, and the place to go if you need tech support. Also a good place to go if you are looking for playing advice, or just generally looking for a game, especially if you are a new MP player. As there are usually plenty of games being played there, and newbie games are organised on a fairly regular basis.

Huw the Poo

I'm sure Geek would be happy to do that for you, Calahan.  How about you return the favour and add Grogheads to the Desura thread? :)


Quote from: Calahan on April 20, 2013, 11:15:41 AM
Hey folks.

Can you please add the following to the OP, as it looks a bit odd not to have the Official Dominions 3 forum in there. Thanks.

Desura OFFICIAL FORUM - The new official forum for Dominions3 as of December 2012, and the place to go if you need tech support. Also a good place to go if you are looking for playing advice, or just generally looking for a game, especially if you are a new MP player. As there are usually plenty of games being played there, and newbie games are organised on a fairly regular basis.

in at the top sir


Quote from: undercovergeek on April 20, 2013, 11:05:05 AM
coming soon - essential items for thug/sc building and other guides

I've not had a lot of experience with that yet.  Looking forward.


Just saw this request to sticky the thread.

I'm not reading every thread so if you guys need something it might be best to PM requests to me.

Have fun!
All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.


Quote from: LongBlade on April 21, 2013, 11:15:47 AM
Just saw this request to sticky the thread.

I'm not reading every thread so if you guys need something it might be best to PM requests to me.

Have fun!

Thanks LB! 

I should've thought to PM you in the first place.  Doah!


Great thread and much needed for a Dom3 newcomer like me.  I find myself looking at the 300+ games in my Steam library trying not to wince and count how much money I wasted looking for this exact strategy/intrigue/tactical experience ;)


I wanted to proffer a couple of related links, you might adding them to OP, not sure but the more exposure this game gets the better in my opinion.

This link will allow you to vote for a gog release of Dominions 3:


And this is the link will allow you to vote for a Steam release of the game:


If you have not already done so, I encourage everyone to vote.