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Computer Gaming / Re: Campaign Series Middle Eas...
Last post by Jason Petho - Yesterday at 11:22:14 PM
This is a special session, after I showed the latest North Korean progress, I fired up the Cold War ALPHA to show what it will look like, at this point. A few overviews of the new dialogs and terrain. It's a work in progress, but progress nevertheless! Then we dove back into the fighting around Rafah against the Egyptians and their supporters. It's a bloody affair, but we're making excellent progress. There were some excellent questions throughout so had the opportunity to explain tactics. Thank you to those tuning in!

Computer Gaming / Re: Aces and Armour
Last post by Destraex - Yesterday at 09:19:10 PM
Quote from: W8taminute on Yesterday at 06:32:42 PMHmmm...I wonder is there is any copyright infringement.  There is a board game on Kickstarter by the same name.

Armour is properly spelt in the computer game version ;)
Current Events / Re: Israel
Last post by Uberhaus - Yesterday at 09:07:05 PM
Quote from: Con on Yesterday at 01:08:34 PMWhen they get to exploding carrier pigeons then we will have reached a level of awesomeness that requires a new catch phrase for intelligence ops
The string for the tin cans has been replaced with detcord.
Computer Gaming / Re: Aces and Armour
Last post by W8taminute - Yesterday at 06:32:42 PM
Hmmm...I wonder is there is any copyright infringement.  There is a board game on Kickstarter by the same name.

Beer & Pretzels / Re: Oreos taste different
Last post by W8taminute - Yesterday at 06:26:46 PM
^Grasshopper is also a good mixed drink you can get at most bars.  :grin:
Computer Gaming / Re: Aces and Armour
Last post by Destraex - Yesterday at 05:43:55 PM
Yeah, I don't know about this one. It seems like a more complex version of enlisted with the option to go arcade.

I'd prefer a pure simulator that was both multi, coop and single player like il2 tanks but was dedicated to tanks and had good combined arms A.I.
Otherwise I guarantee you that infantry will be too effective and the missions unrealistic.
Why? Because otherwise it will have no player base.
500 players a side seems wild and I can imagine never being able to play in a tank slot. Which is how it often is in other games like hell let loose and post scriptum.
Current Events / Re: Israel
Last post by Tripoli - Yesterday at 02:24:20 PM
Now home solar systems are reportedly exploding in Beirut.  The fires in the video look fairly large, but I have trouble believing that such fires will cause significant numbers of casualties.  It may be that Israel is intending to  burn down the homes of Hezbollah fighters? Based on this very fragmentary report, this part of the operation "feels" like it is intended for a psychological impact. Very much in line with what Jarhead mentioned earlier.
Current Events / Re: Israel
Last post by ArizonaTank - Yesterday at 02:09:01 PM
Quote from: Tripoli on Yesterday at 12:16:47 PM... As an aside, I thought the "exploding pager" operation was one of the top covert operations of all time.  But to immediately follow it up with exploding radios?  Sublime brilliance....

I agree, huge intel win for Israel. However, I also think it is a huge intel failure for Hezbollah. Newer technologies often cause this type of blind spot. In 1914, the Imperial Russian Army used their new wireless sets to transmit uncoded orders at Tannenberg; the Russians did not realize until too late that the Germans were listening. Or, early in Prohibition, gangsters not comprehending that Government agents were listening in on their phone conversations.   

Supply chain risks in the electronic equipment and software space are not a new concept, but Western governments have only been serious about addressing them in the last 10 years or so. Even with this vigilance, there are occasional high profile issues uncovered, like the use of Huawei telecom equipment, or Kaspersky software (companies with Chinese and Russian government links respectively). Both of those are now banned for use in many Western governments, including the US.
Current Events / Re: Israel
Last post by Tripoli - Yesterday at 01:58:20 PM
Ward Carroll has a video out describing the possible supply chain for the pagers.  Go to 2:32 of the video below:
Current Events / Re: Israel
Last post by Tripoli - Yesterday at 01:32:51 PM
Quote from: Jarhead0331 on Yesterday at 12:59:53 PM^The psychological impact of this operation will cause far more damage than the kinetic element.  Therein lies its brilliance.
Absolutely.  +2000 operatives have been killed or wounded, and the C3I network severely damaged.  With this level of compromise, Hezbollah must be worried about whether other communications networks/methods are compromised.  At this point, anything that doesnt' explode will be viewed with suspicion that it has been tapped. And they will be individually petrified of the possibility that Israel has more in store for them.  Their OODA loop just got very long.