Game Research Bibliography

Started by bayonetbrant, August 19, 2014, 05:57:30 PM

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Anderson, D., Lucas, K. B., & Ginns, I. S. (2003). Theoretical perspectives on learning in an informal setting.  Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 40, 177-199.

Cardwell Jr., P. (YEAR). The attacks on role-playing games. Skeptical Inquirer, 18, 157-166.

Carroll, J. L., & Carolin, P. M. (1989). Relationship between game playing and personality. Psychological Reports, June, 705-706.

Colley, H., Hodkinson, P., & Malcolm, J. (2002) Non-formal learning: Mapping the conceptual terrain. A Consultation Report. Leeds: University of Leeds Lifelong Learning Institute. Also available in the informal education archives:, Retrieved 3 May 2005.

Colley, H., Hodkinson, P., Malcolm, J. (2003) The interrelationships between formal and informal learning. Journal of Workplace Learning.  15 (1/8), 313-318

Cook, J., Smith, M.,  (2004). Beyond formal learning: informal community elearning.  Computers and Education, 43 (2004), 35-47

Douse, N.A., McManus, I.C., The Personality of Fantasy Game Players. British Journal of Psychology, 84 (4) p505-10

The Escapist, accessed on 22 November, 2002

Gerber, B., Marek, E., Cavallo, A.,  (2001). Development of an informal learning opportunities assay.  International Journal of Science Education, 23 (6) 569-583

Hall, Alex (1988, April 27). "Investigation into the value of FRPGs as a strategy in developing children's creative writing." Unpublished honours paper at University of Nottingham.  Synopsis found online at, accessed 18 April 2005.

Lancaster, K., Do role-playing games promote crime, satanism and suicide. Journal of Popular Culture. 28 (2) p67-80

Martin, L. M. W. (2004). An Emerging Framework for Studying Informal Learning and Schools.  Science Education.  88(S1) S71-S82

McGivney, V. (1999).  Informal learning in the community: A trigger for change and development. Leicester: National Institute of Adult and Continuing Education.

Mitchell, A. and Savill-Smith, C. (2004) The use of computer and video games for learning.  London: Learning and Skills Development Agency

Nash, J. M. (1997) How a child's brain develops. Time, 3 February, 48- 56.

Rogers, A. (2004) Looking again at non-formal and informal education – towards a new paradigm.  The Encyclopedia of Informal Education, Last updated January 30, 2005.  Retrieved 3 May 2005.

Rosenthal, G.T., Soper, B., Folse, E.J., Whipple, G.J.  Role-play games and National Guardsmen compared.  Psychological Reports.  82 (1) p169-170

Shipp, E.R.,  (1999) The 'why' of Littleton. The Washington Post.  9 May, B08.

Simon, A. Emotional stability pertaining to the game Vampire: The Masquerade. Psychological Reports. 83 (2). p732-735.

Squire, K., & Steinkuhler, C. (2005).  Meet the Gamers.  Library Journal [online edition].  Retrieved 3 May 2005 from

Abt, C. (1968).  Games for learning.  In Simulation games in learning.  Boocock, S. and Schild, E. (eds).  Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.  64-65

Asgari, M.  (2005). A three-factor model of motivation and game design.  Accessed from, 21 April 2005

Becta.  (2001).  Computer Games in Education Project.  Accessed from, 9 December, 2005

Carroll, J. L., Carolin, P. M.  (1989). Relationship between game playing and personality. Psychological Reports, June, 705-706.

Chua, A.  (2005).  The design and implementation of a simulation game for teaching knowledge management.  Journal for the American Society of Information Science and Technology 56 (11) 1207-1216

Costikyan, G. (2002).  I have no words and I must design: toward a critical vocabulary for games.  Originally published in Interactive Fantasy (1994) #2.  Accessed from, 21 April 2005.

Csikszentmihalyi, M.  (1990).  Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience.  New York: Harper & Row

Gee, J. (2003).  What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy.  New York: Palgrave Macmillan

Jeniel, P. & Samet, D. (2005).  Learning to play games in extensive form by valuation.  Journal of Economic Theory.  124.  129-148

Kiili, K. (2005).  Digital game-based learning: towards and experiential gaming model.  The Internet and Higher Education.  8.  13-24

Klabbers, H.  (1999).  Three easy pieces: a taxonomy on gaming.  In The international Simulation and Gaming Research Yearbook. Saunders, D. and Severn, J. (eds).  London: Kogan Page. 16-33

Mayer, I., & De Jong, M. (2004).  Combining GDSS and gaming for decision support.  Group Decision and Negotiation.  13.  223-241

Mitchell, A. & Savill-Smith, C. (2004) The use of computer and video games for learning.  London: Learning and Skills Development Agency.

Prensky, M.  (2001).  Digital Game-based Learning.  New York: McGraw Hill

Squire, K., & Steinkuhler, C. (2005).  Meet the Gamers.  Library Journal [online edition].  Retrieved 3 May 2005

Schwabe, G. & Göth, C. (2005).  Mobile learning with a mobile game: design and motivational effects.  Journal of Computer Assisted Living.  21.  204-216

Thomas, D. (2005).  Messages and mediums: learning to teach with videogames.  On the Horizon.  13 (2).  89-94
The key to surviving this site is to not say something which ends up as someone's tag line - Steelgrave

"their citizens (all of them counted as such) glorified their mythology of 'rights'...and lost track of their duties. No nation, so constituted, can endure." Robert Heinlein, Starship Troopers


more later - just getting this started for now
The key to surviving this site is to not say something which ends up as someone's tag line - Steelgrave

"their citizens (all of them counted as such) glorified their mythology of 'rights'...and lost track of their duties. No nation, so constituted, can endure." Robert Heinlein, Starship Troopers

Michael Dorosh

Quote from: bayonetbrant on August 19, 2014, 05:57:45 PM
more later - just getting this started for now

Very useful, I hope you will include Dunnigan...


this was just cutting & pasting out of a few graduate papers.  I'm happy to have others contribute.  If possible, please formate in APA style just to keep them consistent.
The key to surviving this site is to not say something which ends up as someone's tag line - Steelgrave

"their citizens (all of them counted as such) glorified their mythology of 'rights'...and lost track of their duties. No nation, so constituted, can endure." Robert Heinlein, Starship Troopers

Rex Brynen

Very useful stuff! We also have a short bibliography (focussed on games and political science, not games in general) at PAXsims: