Helldivers, Playstation only

Started by Jarhead0331, March 18, 2015, 08:45:13 PM

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Y's post was on August 31st last year.  O:-)
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Huw the Poo

Sorry to necro the thread again, but I just wanted to chime in and say that Helldivers is a very, very fun game.  Criminally overlooked by many.  It's incredibly good at making you feel like you really earned your victory, surviving against ridiculous odds.  It's also one of the few games to make excellent use of the Dualshock's speaker; it makes "low ammo" noises which makes it easy to tell when it's your gun that needs to be reloaded, and not the person sitting next to you.

I also agree with Jarhead that two players is the sweet spot.  I often play with four-man parties of randoms on the internet which is fine if they know what they're doing, but even with decent players you're going to be hit by a lot of friendly fire.