Unconditional Surrender PBF cont

Started by drep, September 06, 2016, 01:00:04 AM

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A 5,2 roll eliminated the Soviet unit. USSR national will stands at 10. With 4 MP left, the armor unit moved up for a mobile attack on Voronezh. Attacker drms: +2 german, +2 armor, +2 iso, -1 city = +5. You've got the option for a tank marker and a sortie from Moscow.


Let's go with a sortie and the tank to see if we can slow down the steamroller...


Die rolls stay ugly for USSR, but the air and tanks prevented a total disaster. 4,1 roll reduced the army. The Romanian army activated for a mobile attack. 3 MP used at this point. Attacker drms: +2 iso, -1 city = +1. Defender Drm: -2 reduced. Moscow has one sortie left and there is still one tank marker left.


The Romanian army flipped the army in Voronezh. The next activation sent a German garrison east past Stalingrad. Now to the north. Mobile attack on 6th army by the 4th german army. 6MP used at this point. Burning a sortie. Attacker drms: +2 german, +2 iso, +2 sortie, -1 forest = +5. Your option for tanks.


6,5 roll was a DD. After that, the garrison moved to 1748 to block. An air unit moved up to the area. Now the 17th army is attacking the 51st. I'm using the last sortie at Velikiye Luki. Attacker drms: +2 german, +2 sortie, -1 river, -1 swamp = +2. Your option for the last tank marker.



All finished. The attempted encirclement petered out and a couple of Axis units ended up out of supply. The file is in the dropbox now. For my remaining 6 points, I'll remove sorties from Velikiye Luki and Bourdeaux.


I finished up my half of the turn. There was one successful attack, but I think there was only one option from where to retreat.

When the turn track marker advanced, the US entered the war. It's also the Russian winter until March[?].

File should be on dropbox.


I went looking for the vassal file, but I didn't see it in the folder.  Maybe it ended up in another folder?


Sorry about that. It should be there now. I *think* I saved it locally in the folder I had been using before we switched to dropbox. Unfortunately, it was named next in the sequence there (something like 128 instead of 138). The date is right though, and I opened the file and it looks right. I renamed it in dropbox, so it will be the next one in the sequence there (hopefully).


Back again.  Running out of life events to get in the way, I swear (and I hope). I can't get married again in the near future (legally....and financially) so there's one less thing.

Russian winter in the cold and poor weather in the others.

Strat warfare: The Soviets have a partisans chit they can use to halve the german roll. Or the chit can be used in operational combat like a paradrop. Your option to use it in strat warfare. The Axis and the Allies have no chits to use in strat warfare.


No worries. Personally, I would've prioritized USE over marriage, but perhaps that's why I'm not married.  :arr:

I'll use the partisans for the Strat warfare roll.


Strat warfare was a diamond vs the USSR and the West lost another factory.

Axis strat move was to move an armor unit from Grozny to two hexes east of Jerusalem.

Your option for strat moves.