Battle of Dennewitz 6-7 September 1813

Started by nevermore, October 15, 2013, 05:04:05 AM

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Battle of Dennewitz 6-7 September 1813

Tons more photos on the website as always enjoy

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Great game to battle, plenty of miniatures on the table,yes the French losted but the reserves pouring on the table was a joy to control.

The Prussian infantry that joined the Allies against France in 1813 was of mixed quality. The regular infantry wase well trained, well clothed and well armed. They were brave soldiers. The reserve infantry was formed from various troops, and might have each battalion in different uniform, and several types of muskets. Most of them however performed in combat quite well. There were also volunteer units, they armed and uniformed themselves. The volunteers were enthusiastic but lacked training and physical toughness. The Landwehr infantry was a national levy of all men betweem 17 and 40 capable of bearing weapons. They lacked weapons and uniforms.

Bulow had several excellent troops in his disposal; the 1st Life Hussars (nicknamed the "Death's Head Hussars"), the Queen's Own Dragoons, the East Prussian Infantry, and the jagers. The artillery, I would say, was of average quality. There were many Landwehr (militia) regiments from Neumark, Kurmark and Silesia. The best of the few Russian troops were the heavy battery, and the Izoum Hussars. (The Izoum Hussars fighting with Frennch horse carabiniers are on Keith Rocco's picture of the battle of Borodino.)

Commander: GL Friedrich Wilhelm von Bulow

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Bulow's army consisted of Prussian, Russian and Swedish troops. The most numerous were the Prussians. Their rank and file were young men fired up by patriotism. The few Russian units were made of battle-hardened men, although exhausted from the 1812 campaign.

Prussian and Russian troops in the morning

IV ARMY CORPS: GL Tauentzien
- 3rd Reserve Infantry [3 battalions]
- 1st Silesian Landwehr Infantry [3 btns.]
- 1st Kurmark Landwehr Infantry [2 btns.]
- 2nd Kurmark Landwehr Infantry [3 btns.]
- 5th Kurmark Landwehr Infantry [3 btns.]
- 2nd Neumark Landwehr Cavalry [2 squadrons]
- 3rd East Prussian Landwehr Cavavalry [4 sq.]
- 3rd Pomeranian Landwehr Cavalry [4 sq.]
- Russian Illovaiski-III Cossacks

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- 6th Horse Battery [4 guns]
- 11th Horse Battery [4 guns]
- 30th Foot Battery [4 guns]
- 27th Foot Battery [8 guns]
- 17th Foot Battery [8 heavy 6pdrs guns]

Prussian and Russian troops arriving at noon

3rd Brigade: GM Hessen-Homburg
- II/East Prussian Grenadiers [1 btn.]
- 3rd Eat Prussian Infantry [3 btns.]
- 4th Reserve Infantry [3 btns.]
- 3rd Eat Prussian Landwehr Infantry [4 btns.]
- 1st Leib Hussars 'Death's Head' [4 squadrons]
- 5th Foot Battery [8 guns]
4th Brigade: GM Thümen
- Eat Prussian Jagers [1/2 btn.]
- 4th East Prussian Infantry [4 btns.]
- Elbe Infantry [2 btns.]
- 5th Reserve Infantry [4 btns.]
- Brandenbourg Dragoons [3 sq.]
- 6th Foot Battery [8 guns]
- 12th Foot Battery [8 12pdrs guns]
- Russian 7th Foot Battery [12 heavy guns]

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6th Brigade: Oberst von Krafft
- Colberg Infantry [3 btns.]
- 9th Reserve Infantry [3 btns.]
- 1st Neumark Landwehr Infantry [3 btns.]
- West Prussian Dragoons [2 sq.]
- 1st Pomeranian Landwehr Cavalry [4 sq.]
- 16th Foot Battery [8 guns]
- Russian 21st Foot Battery [6 12pdrs guns]
Reserve Cavalry: GM von Oppen
- Queen's Dragoons [4 sq.]
- 2nd West Prussian Dragoons [4 sq.]
- 2nd Kurmark Landwehr Cavalry [3 sq.]
- 4th Kurmark Landwehr Cavalry [3 sq.]
- Pomeranian Landwehr Cavalry [3 sq.]
- 5th Horse Battery [8 guns]
- 6th Horse Battery [4 guns]

Prussian and Swedish Troops arriving at 4 PM

5th Brigade: GM von Borstell
- 1st Pommeranian Infantry [4 btns.]
- 2nd Reserve Infantry [3 btns.]
- Pommeranian Hussars [4 sq.]
- 2nd Kurmark Landwehr Cavalry [4 sq.]
- 10th Foot Battery [8 guns]
- Swedish Morner Hussars [6 sq.]
- Swedish Horse Battery [6 guns]

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Russian troops arriving at 6 PM

- Russian 44th Jagers [2 btns.]
- Russian Izoum Hussars [3 sq.]
- Russian Converged Hussars [3 sq.]

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Commander: Marshal Ney
nicknamed "The Bravest of the Brave"

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Marshal Ney's army consisted of four large units: IV, VII and XII Army Corps, and III Cavalry Corps. They were led by seasoned generals: Bertrand, Reynier, Arrighi and Marshal Oudinot. The commander of Wurttemberger troops, General Franquemnont, had been highly critical of the French and in particular of having to serve under French corps commander. The morale of the troops was high, and the French, Italian, Polish and German soldiers encouraged each other with promises of reuniting in Berlin. The Saxons boasted that their attack on Berlin would leave no stone standing !

The best of Ney's troops were: the French artillery (both, horse and foot), the Polish, Saxon and Wurttemberg infantry divisions, and the Polish uhlans. The French infantrymen and cavalrymen were young soldiers, but their officers and NCOs were battle hardened veterans.


Ney's army consisted of four large units: IV, VII and XII Army Corps, and III Cavalry Corps. They were led by seasoned generals: Bertrand, Reynier, Arrighi and Marshal Oudinot. The rank and file were mostly very young men.

Commander: GdD Bertrand
Chief-of-staff: GdB Delort
- Cavalry Brigade - GdB Jett
- Wirtembergian 1st Chevaulegers
- Wirtembergian 3rd Chevaulegers
12th Infantry Division - GdD Morand
- French 8th Light Infnantry [2 btns.]
- French 13th Line Infantry [5 btns.]
- French 23rd Line Infantry [4 btns.]
- French I/2nd Foot Battery [8 guns]
- French III/2nd Foot Battery [8 guns]
15th Infantry Division - GdD Fontanelli
- Italian 1st Line Infantry [2 btns.]
- Italian 4th Line Infantry [3 btns.]
- Italian 1st Light Infantry [3 btns.]
- Italian 6th Line Infantry [2 btns.]
- Italian Milan Guard [1 btn.]
- Italian 7th Line Infantry [3 btns.]
- Italian I/1st Foot Battery [8 guns]
- Italian XIII/1st Foot Battery [8 guns]
27th Infantry Division - GdD Dabrowski
- Polish 2nd Infantry [2 btns.]
- Polish 4th Infantry [2 btns.]
- Polish 2nd Uhlans
- Polish 4th Chasseurs-a-Cheval

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38th Infantry Division - GdD Franquemont
- Wirtembergian 9th Light Infantry [1 btn.]
- Wirtembergian 10th Light Infantry [1 btn]
- Wirtembergian 7th Line Infantry [2 btns.]
- Wirtembergian 1st Line Infantry [2 btns.]
- Wirtembergian 2nd Line Infantry [1 btn.]
- Wirtembergian 4th Line Infantry [2 btns.]
- Wirtembergian 6th Line Infantry [2 btns.]
- Wirtembergian 1st Foot Battery [6 guns]
Reserve Artillery
- French VIII/4th Horse Artillery [6 guns]
- French XXIV/2nd Foot Artillery [8 guns]
- French XXVI/2nd Foot Artillery [8 guns]
- French XXV/4th Foot Artillery [8 guns]
Commander: GdD Reynier
Chief-of-staff: GdB Gressot
- Cavalry Brigade - GdB Lindenau
- Saxon Hussars [8 sq]
- Saxon Prinz Clemens Chevauxleger [5]
24th Infantry Division - GdD Lecoq
- Saxon Guard Grenadiers [1 btn.]
- Saxon 1st Light Infantry [2 btns.]
- Saxon Maximilian Line Infantry [1 btn.]
- Saxon Rechten Line Infantry [1 btn.]
- Saxon Converged Grenadiers [1 btn.]
- Saxon Friedrich August Line Inf [2 btns.]
- Saxon Rechten Line Infantry [2 btns.]
- Saxon 1st Foot Battery [6 guns]
- Saxon 2nd Foot Battery [6 guns]


25th Infantry Division - GdD von Sahr
- Saxon Converged Grenadiers [1 btn.]
- Saxon 2nd Light Infantry [2 btns.]
- Saxon King's Line Infantry [1 btn.]
- Saxon Niesem. Line Infantry [1 btn.]
- Saxon Low Line Infantry [2 btns.]
- Saxon Anton Line Infantry [2 btns.]
- Saxon 3rd Foot Battery [6 guns]
- Saxon 4th Foot Battery [6 guns]
32nd Infantry Division - GdD Durutte
- French 35th Light Infantry [2 btns.]
- French 132nd Line Infantry [3 btns.]
- French 36th Light Infantry [3 btns.]
- French 131st Line Infantry [3 btns.]
- French 133rd Line Infantry [2 btns.]
- Wurzburg Line Infantry [2 btns.]
- French XII/1st Foot Battery [8 guns]
- French XIII/8th Foot Battery [8 guns]

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Reserve Artillery
Saxon 1st Horse Battery [6 guns]
- Saxon 2nd Horse Battery [6 guns]
- Saxon 1st (12pdrs) Foot Battery [6 guns]

Commander: MdE Oudinot
Chief-of-staff: GdD Lejeune
- Cavalry Division/Brigade ? - GdD Beaumont
- Westphalian Chev.-Lanciers [4 sq.]
- Hessian Chevauxlegeres [4 sq.]
- Bavarian Chevaulegeres [3 sq.]
13th Infantry Division - GdD Pacthod
- French 1st Light Infantry [1 btn.]
- French 7th Line Infantry [2 btns.]
- French 42nd Line Infantry [1 btn.]
- French 67th Line Infantry [2 btns.]
- French 101st Line Infantry [2 btns.]
- French IV/4th Foot Artillery [8 guns]
- French XX/4th Foot Artillery [8 guns]
14th Infantry Division - GdD Guilleminot
- French 18th Light Infantry [1 btn.]
- French 7th Line Infantry [2 btns.]
- French 156th Line Infantry [3 btns.]
- French 52nd Line Infantry [2 btns.]


- French 137th Line Infantry [3 btns.]
- Illirian Infantry [1 btn.]
- French II/4th Foot Artillery [8 guns]
- French I/8th Foot Artillery [8 guns]
29th Infantry Division - GdD Raglovich
- Bavarian 1st Jager [1 btn.]
- Bavarian 3rd Infantry [1 btn.]
- Bavarian 4th Infantry [1 btn.]
- Bavarian 8th Infantry [1 btn.]
- Bavarian 13th Infantry [1 btn.]
- Bavarian 2nd Jager [1 btn.]
- Bavarian 5th Infantry [1 btn.]
- Bavarian 7th Infantry [1 btn.]
- Bavarian 9th Infantry [1 btn.]
- Bavarian 10th Infantry [1 btn.]
- Bavarian 1st Foot Battery [8 guns]
- Bavarian 2nd Foot Battery [8 guns]
Reserve Artillery
- French III/5th Horse Artillery [6 guns]
- French I/4th Foot Artillery [8 guns]
- French XVIII/4th Foot Artillery [8 guns]

Commander: GdD Arrighi
Chief-of-staff: GdB Salel
5th Light Cavalry Division - GdD Lorge
- French 5th Chasseurs-a-Cheval [2]
- French 10th Chasseurs-a-Cheval [2]
- French 13th Chasseurs-a-Cheval [2]
- French 22nd Chasseurs-a-Cheval [2]
- French 15th Chasseurs-a-Cheval [1]
- French 21st Chasseurs-a-Cheval [1]
6th Light Cavalry Division - GdD Fournier
- French 29th Chasseurs-a-Cheval [1]
- French 31st Chasseurs-a-Cheval [1]
- French 2nd Hussars [2]
- French 1st Hussars [1]
- French 4th Hussars [1]
- French 12th Hussars [1]
4th Heavy Cavalry Division - GdD Defrance
- French 27th Dragoons [2]
- French 4th Dragoons [1]
- French 5th Dragoons [1]
- French 12th Dragoons [1]
- French 14th Dragoons [1]
- French 24th Dragoons [1]
Reserve Artillery:
- French I/5th Horse Artillery
- French V/5th Horse Artillery
- French II/1st Horse Artillery