astronomy image analyser & Ghost Hunting Util

Started by crowdrake, May 04, 2022, 12:19:22 PM

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Astronomy Astro Analyser. & ghost detector
you could use the program to detect ghosts in two images.  any differences in two images will be detected. its so sensitive you can see sound waves on plant leaves,  What Makes it unusual is you can even use two low-grade low-res images that are supposed to be identical and find differences.

You need to get your own images, but what you do is get two identical images, like a space time lapse image that are very close to being identical, you may wish to see how the curvature of the earth effect on two images, or speed of an asteroid, or clouds and moisture, you can see damage in papyrus etc... it has many uses. but its super acurate and is meant for professional analysing , if you want to compare two images the differences must be minute. this is looking for dust as well as rock

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