DC3: Barbarossa Barthheart vs JasonPratt - No Jason

Started by Barthheart, November 28, 2015, 11:11:18 AM

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Logistics reports are showing that there is starting to be a problem with remnant Russians behind the lines slowing our troops. The security battalions should be doing a better job of this...

And the overall Logistic reports shows how we received so many PPs this turn.


First decision of the day is this nonsense. I tell them to go get stuffed.


Then there is the matter of railway infrastructure. I think we should fix it all up in case this becomes the main focus at some point. Also better to help supply the 2 Panzer Groups in this area.


More railroad stuff this time for the south. Keitel is pretty clear on where he sits on this matter, so I'll go with his recommendation this time.


Now someone is stealing the tires right off our trucks! Shoot the bastard. Send the spares to AGN as they are the focus right now.


AGN's FSB becomes available to move but like I said we'll wait a turn or 2 before moving it.


Ok on to the fighting. Here we see that the Finns are making great headway. This is tying up the Russians well and maybe even going to defeat them. Let's hope the Finnish Government sees this as a chance to go beyond the borders.


AGN recloses the pocket, for good this time, and makes a dash for the Dvina River. Capturing the bridges before they are blown is a big deal. A blown bridge can really screw up your logistics.


AGC pushes very hard and almost surrounded Minsk. Should take it next turn. They also managed to clear Brest so no the roads/rails are open all the way up.

This, however, is a little worrying. IT's almost the entire Western Front Army hiding in the woods! If they get to activate next turn I could be cut off in a bad way....


In the south, 1 Panzer Group shifts north away from Lvov and leaves it for the infantry to clear. They do however push a breakthrough to make it look like we're going to pocket Lvov.

That's just bait however, because 1 PG is going to change stance next turn and will be immobile while that happens. Hopefully Stalin just pulls out of Lvov and doesn't attack those 2 dangling units.

I've also ordered our siege artillery to Lvov in case Stalin makes a stand.


Further south the Romanians are doing well at approaching Odessa. 11th Army is pushing hard to breakthrough the Russian line. I still think this is where Stalin's main effort is focused.



Ugh! Really sorry for delaying this game. From now On I'll be playing faster to give Jason a proper game and pace but My reports here will be minimal if at all... I just can't find the time to continue the write ups as they have been.

July 4th saw mud in the south and hoped Jason didn't notice the 1st PG wasn't attacking because they were disorganized from switching stances. It seems to have worked.. or he couldn't actually move down there...

So now it's July 8th and the muds gone and 1st PG is ready to go... and go they did! Here's a start of turn and end of turn shot of the entire map.

In other news the other 2 AG's are moving slowly. 9th Army and 16th Army were ordered to change stance since they were behind the front line anyway. So this turn they are slowly moving forward while they re-organize.

4th PG is making slow headway and one element got itself cutoff. Managed to rescue it though.
2nd and 3rd PGs have been ordered to change to Sustained Offensive and so have not really moved this turn to stay protected next round.

Also all FSBs have been ordered to move forward so the next few rounds will be short on fuel... lets see how this works.
If I survive it might be time to rest and refit the PGs breakdowns are becoming a problem..... need to get all the infantry to the front before I can do that though....


July 12th sees mud in AGN and AGC so once again the weather covers up my inability to fight with 2nd and 3rd PG as the reorg to Sustained Offensive.  O0
No mud in the south so we drive hard and manage 2 encirclements and a break out.

Quick animation of the first few weeks of the war.


July 16th and the Southern front has broken wide open. Panzer units are running amok and are in danger of out running their supplies.

14th Panzer Division has entered and captured Kiev!

Lots of PP spent this round on rest and refit and changing stances. AGN and AGS FSBs are in place and working. AGC FSB will be in place next round just in time for 3rd Panzer Group to come out of refit for new offensive operations.

4th PG should go into rest and refit next round as they are suffering heavy breakdowns and stress.

The open steppes of the southern front: