"Six Days in October" -- Game Time Is...

Started by Cyrano, October 15, 2016, 11:18:41 PM

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September 10, 1806

Waiting for a few pieces to advance the turn and call for new orders for those that need them.

Sergeant at Arms of La Fraternite des Boutons Carres

One mustachioed, cigar-chomping, bespectacled deity, entirely at your service.

You didn't know? My Corps has already sailed to Berlin. We got there 3 days ago and we've been in the Tiergarten on the piss ever since. -- Marshal Soult, October 1806


September 11, 1806


I have already received a number of 0600, September 11 dispatches and orders.  This is excellent.

Being ambitious, may I ask that all others submit their orders by the end of the day on WEDNESDAY?

On a note, placing a Sender, Recipient, and Date/Time Sent into an e-mails subject line has proven very helpful.  Much to learn when not doing this face-to-face.


Sergeant at Arms of La Fraternite des Boutons Carres

One mustachioed, cigar-chomping, bespectacled deity, entirely at your service.

You didn't know? My Corps has already sailed to Berlin. We got there 3 days ago and we've been in the Tiergarten on the piss ever since. -- Marshal Soult, October 1806


Almost all orders are in and then I'll run the clock.  I'd like to this evening.

Administrative Note:  I should have asked about this 100 years ago (given even the title of our little endeavor), but I just noticed in the errata to VdA III (yes it took that long) that the scenario actually begins on OCTOBER 10, not September.


I will correct in all future communications.

Sergeant at Arms of La Fraternite des Boutons Carres

One mustachioed, cigar-chomping, bespectacled deity, entirely at your service.

You didn't know? My Corps has already sailed to Berlin. We got there 3 days ago and we've been in the Tiergarten on the piss ever since. -- Marshal Soult, October 1806


ACK! I want my month's worth of maneuvering back!?!  :knuppel2:


Sergeant at Arms of La Fraternite des Boutons Carres

One mustachioed, cigar-chomping, bespectacled deity, entirely at your service.

You didn't know? My Corps has already sailed to Berlin. We got there 3 days ago and we've been in the Tiergarten on the piss ever since. -- Marshal Soult, October 1806



...yes, I was trying to figure out why the clock was September instead of (appropriately) October, but honestly I was just glad to settle on a plan and start moving.

Quote from: Barthheart on October 20, 2016, 10:51:55 AM
Wheee.... wait a minute...  :o

Invading Moscow in October is a fool's errand and something I would never, ever, ever do. Ever.  >:D
ICEBREAKER THESIS CHRONOLOGY! -- Victor Suvorov's Stalin Grand Strategy theory, in lots and lots of chronological order...
Dawn of Armageddon -- narrative AAR for Dawn of War: Soulstorm: Ultimate Apocalypse
Survive Harder! -- Two season narrative AAR, an Amazon Blood Bowl career.
PanzOrc Corpz Generals -- Fantasy Wars narrative AAR, half a combined campaign.
Khazâd du-bekâr! -- narrative dwarf AAR for LotR BfME2 RotWK campaign.
RobO Q Campaign Generator -- archived classic CMBB/CMAK tool!


0800 on October 11, 1806

THAT didn't take long  >:D

Sergeant at Arms of La Fraternite des Boutons Carres

One mustachioed, cigar-chomping, bespectacled deity, entirely at your service.

You didn't know? My Corps has already sailed to Berlin. We got there 3 days ago and we've been in the Tiergarten on the piss ever since. -- Marshal Soult, October 1806



It's more that I've had to go to hourly turns on day 2. 8)
Sergeant at Arms of La Fraternite des Boutons Carres

One mustachioed, cigar-chomping, bespectacled deity, entirely at your service.

You didn't know? My Corps has already sailed to Berlin. We got there 3 days ago and we've been in the Tiergarten on the piss ever since. -- Marshal Soult, October 1806


Yep. You  will be busier earlier than expected.
Apparently, you have gathered an agressive lot of generals.

Thanks for your work.


Ummmm....should we have received updates and/or be sending new orders in?

Never mind... I understand now...  :P


Just to keep everyone up to date, I'm waiting on a dispatch from a commander struggling with a bit of that dirty real life difficulty.

I hope for more very soon.

Sergeant at Arms of La Fraternite des Boutons Carres

One mustachioed, cigar-chomping, bespectacled deity, entirely at your service.

You didn't know? My Corps has already sailed to Berlin. We got there 3 days ago and we've been in the Tiergarten on the piss ever since. -- Marshal Soult, October 1806


Yeah, sorry about that, one of my kids had to go to hospital with a chest infection. All good now though.  O0 Orders have been sent to Jim.
Gen. Montgomery: "Your men don't salute much."
Gen. Freyberg: "Well, if you wave at them they'll usually wave back."


Well, that is no fun. Hope the youngster is better.