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Panzer Strategy -?

Started by sandman2575, January 20, 2018, 02:11:58 PM

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Quote from: Zulu1966 on March 06, 2018, 04:25:33 PM
Well judge if it actually does what that says then it sounds pretty unique to me. Actual different types of supply being transported by actual supply units from depots ... I can't actually think of one that does that ...

Don't disagree on the panzer general type games but this seems to have some interesting ideas for a game of this type

Reminds me of the OCS board game I used to play which has the best supply mechanics ever
It's not different trucks
The supply is literally a vehicle with ammo and fuel that is passing from a supply depot to the unit
Also - I'm wracking my brains trying to remember the game that had that depots and trucks going along that route but for the life of me I can't remember it. I also remember several times the statement
If a road is cut by the enemy certain depots' reserves will end and units will not be able to replenish ammo and fuel
Short of the games names I'm referring to here I see why this can be regarded as hearsay...but I do recall those mechanics (trucks and roads and supply depots) and the statement about cutting supply lines being referred to in several games in the past.

Strategy gamers wet their pants when it comes to supply being efficiently portrayed (and not abstractly) and I'm not sure I remember a game that ever really nailed it - with TOAW III perhaps being the closest

I am old though - so forgive the memory leak!  >:D
Alba gu' brath


Quote from: Zulu1966 on March 06, 2018, 04:25:33 PM
Well judge if it actually does what that says then it sounds pretty unique to me. Actual different types of supply being transported by actual supply units from depots ... I can't actually think of one that does that ...

Not wanting to derail this thread, but I know of a game, admittedly on Android that does this.

Rommel and Afrika Korps (from Joni Nuutinen's Conflict Series)

QuoteSupply Rules: To keep your armored and motorized divisions on the move you must use Fuel Trucks to transport fuel from Fuel Depots to front line units. Fuel Depots can be refueled only from El Agheila (unlimited amount) or Tobruk (limited amount). Meanwhile only El Agheila and Benghazi provide food supply, so units must have a route to either of these cities after the British forces have moved.

Protecting and managing your Opel supply trucks is a biggie in this game.

May be a micromanagement nightmare in a bigger scale game, but this designed for mobile offering makes it work and becomes a very important factor in any rolling offense you're trying to pull off.


The Men of War series, (not sure about the very first one but definitely the later ones) have a very detailed supply system. Each unit had individual ammo counts for weapons etc... you could spawn in a supply truck and have it go around and resupply units in the field.

It was very clunky until a later patch for Assault Squad 2 gave it some minor automation which made things 100% better.

The only thing it doesn't have is a 'depot', unless the level itself had some kind of depot built into the map.

I rarely had units survive long enough to need resupply though  ;D

And then you have the Wargame games, of course, and R.U.S.E. had a basic version of that system.
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Don't forget the Sudden Strike series. It models fuel and various different types of ammo.
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Quote from: JudgeDredd on March 07, 2018, 04:01:37 AM
Quote from: Zulu1966 on March 06, 2018, 04:25:33 PM
Well judge if it actually does what that says then it sounds pretty unique to me. Actual different types of supply being transported by actual supply units from depots ... I can't actually think of one that does that ...

Don't disagree on the panzer general type games but this seems to have some interesting ideas for a game of this type

Reminds me of the OCS board game I used to play which has the best supply mechanics ever
It's not different trucks
The supply is literally a vehicle with ammo and fuel that is passing from a supply depot to the unit
Also - I'm wracking my brains trying to remember the game that had that depots and trucks going along that route but for the life of me I can't remember it. I also remember several times the statement
If a road is cut by the enemy certain depots' reserves will end and units will not be able to replenish ammo and fuel
Short of the games names I'm referring to here I see why this can be regarded as hearsay...but I do recall those mechanics (trucks and roads and supply depots) and the statement about cutting supply lines being referred to in several games in the past.

Strategy gamers wet their pants when it comes to supply being efficiently portrayed (and not abstractly) and I'm not sure I remember a game that ever really nailed it - with TOAW III perhaps being the closest

I am old though - so forgive the memory leak!  >:D

Understand the failing memory bit. I was reffering to turn based games as I find even if it is modelled to some extent in RTS  games it is usually way too hectic for me for it to make a sensible difference. But that may be an age thing also.

And in relation to turn based games I was reffering to actual supply units not virtual trucks which is what TOAW does and others do.

Come to think of it with full supply model turned on and if the scenario supports it the tiller panzer campaign games do this. Sort of. The closest to it I know of in any event.

I am a supply nerd and from operational rather than tactical point of view always think it is under modelled. In the OCS board games you had trucks driving around and dropping of and picking up supply from depots. So you could attack and destroy them.

Always thought this is something much easier to do in a computer game than a board game so never really understood why it wasn't.

My impression is that this is something different although obviously not a hard-core war game.

My new shiny thing compulsion will no doubt lead me to buy this when I get back in front of my computer so will report back and comment on it.
"you are the rule maker, the dictator, the mini- Stalin, Mao, Hitler, the emperor, generalissimo, the MAN. You may talk the talk and appear to be quite easy going to foster popularity, but to the MAN I say F*CK YOU." And Steve G is F******g rude ? Just another day on the BF forum ... one demented idiots reaction to BF disagreeing about the thickness of the armour on a Tiger II turret mantlet.


I think CM now supports supply vehicles and depots (in defense only).  It also supports ammo sharing .  The ammo sharing and restocking from APCs adds a very cool element in some scenarios.  And its turn-based.


Back to the original topic: Steam reviews indicate the game is verrrrrry Early Access.

Also, some of the positive reviews sound like they're using a coach sheet to work in notes about what to emphasize: I have never seen a single game (or any game at all?) with so many reviews praising the "step-by-step strategy" as a description.  :o

This isn't deductively decisive evidence of paid fluff reviews, but those Steam account have suspiciously random gibbery names, too; and don't mention any of the numerous downsides and problems that even some of the other positive reviews acknowledge. It is of course possible that they were just part of a closed alpha (although this EA is definitely still alpha) and at the end the designer said something like, "Hey, if you're thinking of leaving us a positive review when we Steam launch, here are some topics we'd like you to mention, kthx." And so, being perfectly honest about wanting to praise the game, they all just dutifully copied down that unusual phrasing for turn-based games. ;)

(I suppose I should add that even paid or compensated reviews aren't necessarily fluff.)
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Hey if Steam User "AssshOOteR" give this game a thumbs up, it has to be good!  O0