Started by Tripoli, October 03, 2024, 03:04:02 PM

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Fight Club International is running a Tactical Decision Game (TDC) using Combat Mission Pro, titled BALTIC SHIELD-Operation PARRY, beginning tomorrow at 1100 GMT.  The game casts you as the Commanding Officer of Task Force Aegis, and it is simple to play. The aim of the game is to produce a set of short written orders for each unit under your command and then enter them in the web form here:

  When producing these orders, you need only to consider the scenario summary info found on this webpage and the supporting orders and intelligence materials on the webpage above.
Together, your orders should form an overall course of action that will achieve the objectives stated in the Briefing section below (and elaborated in the downloadable OPORD document).

Fight Club will be collating submissions over the next month, after which a panel of serving & former military personnel will review each player's submission and select those considered to be the most promising.  These will then be executed within Combat Mission: Professional Edition, with the highest-scoring submission being declared the winner.

"Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?" -Abraham Lincoln