Six Days in October - The Consolidated Dispatches of Marshal Lannes

Started by panzerde, May 14, 2018, 06:20:47 PM

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The Battle of Weissenfels -- 20th October, 1000-1200

Marshal Lannes,

The village of Weissenfels and the plains around it have become a sheet of smoke and flame.  Battle is hotly engaged in all sectors.  To the West and South, French forces have advanced and become locked in a combat in which neither side seems to have gained a decisive advantage.

Towards the noon hour, however, men of Arnim's division came fleeing pell-mell towards the bridge your men guard.

Upon seeing your men holding the bridge in strength, they threw down their arms and have surrendered to the pursuing men of Bernadotte's I Corps and the cavalry of the Imperial Guard.

"This damned Bonaparte is going to get us all killed" - Jean Lannes, 1809

Castellan -  La Fraternite des Boutons Carres


DISPATCH -- FROM CONTROL 1300, 20th October

Your infantry is up and in position.

They will be available for battle in the 1400-1600 battle "round" should you wish it.

"This damned Bonaparte is going to get us all killed" - Jean Lannes, 1809

Castellan -  La Fraternite des Boutons Carres


Dispatch: Lannes to V Corps

From: Lannes
To: V Corps, copies to Emperor Napoleon, Marshal Davout, Marshal Bernadotte
Sent: 1300 20th October
Location: The Saale Bridges north of Weissenfels


Now that the infantry is on line and holding the bridges, it is time to strike in aid of our brothers across the Saale.

General D'Hautpol, you are to advance your division of Heavy Cavalry across the Saale, reorganize while within supporting range of the infantry and corps artillery, and then attack into the rear of the Prussians facing Marshal Davout's III Corps. If possible attempt to coordinate your attack with Marshal Bernadotte's corps, which is likely to be attacking the Prussian flank.

1st and 2nd Divisions are to hold their positions securing the bridges. General Foucher's light cavalry is to maintain a screen at least 5km north of the bridges.

"This damned Bonaparte is going to get us all killed" - Jean Lannes, 1809

Castellan -  La Fraternite des Boutons Carres


The Battle of Weissenfels -- 1200-1400, 20th October

Marshal Lannes,

The laurels of victory are yours.

The men of D'Hautpol's division crashed into the rear of the troops  being pressed backwards by Marshal Bernadotte's I Corps.  Under a cry of "Wir sind verrattet!", the Prussians began to throw down their arms en masse.

The entirety of General Blucher's division has surrendered into your charge.

You cannot, at the moment, locate General Blucher.

"This damned Bonaparte is going to get us all killed" - Jean Lannes, 1809

Castellan -  La Fraternite des Boutons Carres


From Lannes

Are there any Prussians left under arms at this point in Weissenfels?
"This damned Bonaparte is going to get us all killed" - Jean Lannes, 1809

Castellan -  La Fraternite des Boutons Carres


From Control

Yes, Scharnhorst's division to the West.  It's what's facing Davout.
"This damned Bonaparte is going to get us all killed" - Jean Lannes, 1809

Castellan -  La Fraternite des Boutons Carres


Dispatch - Lannes to V Corps

To: V Corps, copies to Emperor Napoleon, Marshal Bernadotte, Marshal Davout
From: Lannes
Sent: 1400 20 October
Location: Saale Bridges, north of Weissenfels


Blucher's division is no more! But now is not the time to rest. One more push and the day is ours.

General D'Hautpol will reorganize his division, and then attack into the rear of Schnarhorst's division facing III Corps. Again, coordinate your attack with that of Marshal Bernadotte, who will no doubt be attacking them also.

1st Division is to cross the river and take charge of Blucher's men from General d'Hautpol. Search the town and bring Blucher, alive, to me.

2nd Division is to take position to hold the bridges.

General Foucher, be on the lookout for any escapees making their way north from Weissenfels. In particular, watch for Prussian officers and General Blucher. They may have swam the river to escape. Your light horsemen should make every effort to capture these men.

I will cross the river into the town and make my headquarters with 1st Division.

Vive l'Emperor!
"This damned Bonaparte is going to get us all killed" - Jean Lannes, 1809

Castellan -  La Fraternite des Boutons Carres


Little did we know we were about to trigger the victory condition!

Twice, in fact, since Murat (acting on a modification of the original Plan) was about to intercept the Prussian LoC and ride back down it.  O0

Truly as I said in opening one of those communiques, never had any Emperor of ancient or modern Rome had marshals of this calibre -- and in this game as well!  :notworthy:
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