Film Genre Popularity over the

Started by airboy, January 17, 2019, 10:24:13 PM

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The methodology is discussed at the link below.  They used the Internet Movie Data Base


Awesome to see Fantasy/Sci-Fi have consistent, if unspectacular, numbers through the years.    Interesting to see Westerns and Musicals just drop off the table.  Changing tastes and the end of the studio systems, maybe? 
And the One Song to Rule Them All is Gimme Shelter - Rolling Stones

"If its a Balrog, I don't think you get an option to not consent......." - bob


I think there is a systematic error in the data.  Disney animated movies are the modern "musical."  They have lots of songs tied to the story and are often centered around romantic themes.  But I'm doubting they are counted as musicals.

Also, the count does not seem to distinguish between wide releases and art house releases.  Look at the number of "documentaries."  The number of them that play outside of the largest cities which have art house film theaters is pretty nil.


True, there's no way that 25% of the releases in 2012 were documentaries, except in some sheerly technical sense that no one even noticed.
ICEBREAKER THESIS CHRONOLOGY! -- Victor Suvorov's Stalin Grand Strategy theory, in lots and lots of chronological order...
Dawn of Armageddon -- narrative AAR for Dawn of War: Soulstorm: Ultimate Apocalypse
Survive Harder! -- Two season narrative AAR, an Amazon Blood Bowl career.
PanzOrc Corpz Generals -- Fantasy Wars narrative AAR, half a combined campaign.
Khazâd du-bekâr! -- narrative dwarf AAR for LotR BfME2 RotWK campaign.
RobO Q Campaign Generator -- archived classic CMBB/CMAK tool!

Sir Slash

Agreed. I think movies are classified into whatever category the execs want to call them now days. I would like to see the movie types listed by their overall gross earnings and see what the numbers say then.
"Take a look at that". Sgt. Wilkerson-- CMBN. His last words after spotting a German tank on the other side of a hedgerow.


Horror and Sci-Fi definitions can get a little fuzzy (Alien) as can Action/Thriller and Fantasy/Sci-Fi.

Fun to talk about, though...
"Everything you read on the internet is true." - Benjamin Franklin

"Zero-G and I feel fine....." - John Glenn

"I reject your reality and substitute my own." - Adam Savage, inventor of the alternative fact.


Looks like 10% of movies now are Horror.  I think that label was misspelled and should be Horrible.

edit: and it's way to low a percentage.


Quite happy to see the quantity of Musicals emasculated.  <:-)


Quote from: Sir Slash on January 18, 2019, 11:47:30 AM
Agreed. I think movies are classified into whatever category the execs want to call them now days. I would like to see the movie types listed by their overall gross earnings and see what the numbers say then.

Then it would all be children's movies and Michael Bay/Transformers movie shit (after factoring in China's earnings).  :buck2:

Dunno about the rest of you, but I rarely see previews which make me think, "I'm gonna go see that in the theater" anymore.  Apparently the above types aren't nearly as jaded when it comes to modern Hollywood movies.