Russia's War Against Ukraine

Started by ArizonaTank, November 26, 2021, 04:54:38 PM

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I've watched the first half hour. It is well done so far, very much so...and heart breaking. I broke it into pieces to keep from getting too depressed. Recommended viewing for us all here. We will all take away the same message that, most likely, we've all received in the last year and a half.

слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.



Quote from: Windigo on December 01, 2023, 03:09:30 PMJeebus. An hour and a half long???

That was exactly my initial reaction but I figured I'd watch a bit of it anyway. I stopped about half way through to brew another cup but other than that I watched the whole thing in one sitting. I know that we all know what is happening on an intellectual level but to have it displayed raw, like Gus said, really brings you down to earth in a stunning fashion.

Thanks for posting the link Gus.


What's the title of the video so I can look for it directly? The link provided says Video not available, whether trying from Mac, Win11, of from cell...
Campaign Series Legion | CS: Vietnam 1948-1967 | CS: Middle East 1948-1985

CS: Vietnam DAR: LZ Albany as NVA (South Vietnam 11/17/65)  
CS: Middle East AARs: High Water Mark (Syria 10/12/73) Me vs Berto | Riptide (Libya 8/6/85) Me vs Berto | The Crossroads (West Bank 6/5/67)  Me vs Berto

Boardgame AARs: AH D-Day | MMP PanzerBlitz2 Carentan | OSS Putin's Northern War | GMT Next War: Poland | LnL Against the Odds DIY


Jarhead - Yeah. You're probably right.

Gus - I use sweatpants with flannel shorts to soak up my crotch sweat.

Banzai Cat - There is no "partial credit" in grammar. Like anal sex. It's either in, or it's not.

Mirth - We learned long ago that they key isn't to outrun Star, it's to outrun Gus.

Martok - I don't know if it's possible to have an "anti-boner"...but I now have one.

Gus - Celery is vile and has no reason to exist. Like underwear on Star.


^Yes that. It is a Frontline production, if that helps.

слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.



Thanks, I have no idea why the link is a 404 for me.

Oh, that one. Making a lot of waves here as well. As it should.
Campaign Series Legion | CS: Vietnam 1948-1967 | CS: Middle East 1948-1985

CS: Vietnam DAR: LZ Albany as NVA (South Vietnam 11/17/65)  
CS: Middle East AARs: High Water Mark (Syria 10/12/73) Me vs Berto | Riptide (Libya 8/6/85) Me vs Berto | The Crossroads (West Bank 6/5/67)  Me vs Berto

Boardgame AARs: AH D-Day | MMP PanzerBlitz2 Carentan | OSS Putin's Northern War | GMT Next War: Poland | LnL Against the Odds DIY


Erm. Ground is never too frozen to dig. Or if it is, use explosives. This is bush league artillery stuff right there.


Edit ha, not a few unhappy fellow gooners in the comment section I see. Now, fix it!
Campaign Series Legion | CS: Vietnam 1948-1967 | CS: Middle East 1948-1985

CS: Vietnam DAR: LZ Albany as NVA (South Vietnam 11/17/65)  
CS: Middle East AARs: High Water Mark (Syria 10/12/73) Me vs Berto | Riptide (Libya 8/6/85) Me vs Berto | The Crossroads (West Bank 6/5/67)  Me vs Berto

Boardgame AARs: AH D-Day | MMP PanzerBlitz2 Carentan | OSS Putin's Northern War | GMT Next War: Poland | LnL Against the Odds DIY


Quote from: Gusington on December 01, 2023, 03:15:00 PMI've watched the first half hour. It is well done so far, very much so...and heart breaking. I broke it into pieces to keep from getting too depressed. Recommended viewing for us all here. We will all take away the same message that, most likely, we've all received in the last year and a half.

Thanks for pointing it out. I couldn't stop watching once I started. It was horrifying and heart breaking. Yes, a terrible reminder of how this war is tearing apart innocent lives.
Johannes "Honus" Wagner
"The Flying Dutchman"
Shortstop: Pittsburgh Pirates 1900-1917
Rated as the 2nd most valuable player of all time by Bill James.


Different personality types will react differently, of course. If I didn't pause it and take a break I would not have been able to finish it.

слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.



A longer piece on the 'longest sniper shot'; more than 2 miles.

For me, the most interesting thing about it is that the sniper is 58 and white-haired. Just a few years younger than me, and the same hair color... :Party:
Johannes "Honus" Wagner
"The Flying Dutchman"
Shortstop: Pittsburgh Pirates 1900-1917
Rated as the 2nd most valuable player of all time by Bill James.


Some how the wisdom and patience gained with age seems to bode well for the sniper class, now that you brought up that the dude was at the age most of us retire at.


I'd be royally pissed if I was about to retire and my home was invaded - channeling that anger into being a sniper seems to be the more productive thing to do in that situation. Red Dawn style.

слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.



Johannes "Honus" Wagner
"The Flying Dutchman"
Shortstop: Pittsburgh Pirates 1900-1917
Rated as the 2nd most valuable player of all time by Bill James.


Maybe the Russians will do us all a favor (again) and defeat themselves.

слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.



Quote from: Uberhaus on November 30, 2023, 06:19:39 PM

QuoteThe explosion is another successful special operation of the SBU, sources said, though the special service has not yet commented on the event.
"In fact, this is the only serious railroad route between Russia and China," sources said.
"And now this route, which Russia uses, among other things, for military supplies, is paralyzed."

Zeihan provides a quick summary of the problems this will cause and why.

Shorter version is: the line was never great to start with, and Russia doesn't have much education to fix it, and what little they have in training and materials are currently working round the clock a whole lot closer to Ukraine to keep Russia in the war.
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