Arkham Horror.......

Started by PanzersEast, December 08, 2015, 11:45:19 AM

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Believe it or not, I finally got this one to the table after a trade having played Eldritch Horror and Elder Sign before this.... so far I really enjoy it and was wondering which Expansions should I go for and maybe which order?



Our game group tried Arkham Horror a couple of times and have come to the conclusion that we are just not cooperative players.  :knuppel2:

We spent most of the time devising way to trap each other beyond the gates to win singly.  :D

We mostly play war games so that might explain things.... 

Arctic Blast

I have never played any of the small box expansions. For the Big Boxes, Dunwich Horror is excellent and adds a little bit of everything, plus some neat board dynamics. Innsmouth Horror adds a small pile of new investigators and great old ones, and generally seemed to jack up the difficulty. It also has some potentially game losing board mechanics. Kingsport Horror sounded incredibly boring, so I never did buy it. Miskatonic Horror was an expansion for psychopaths playing with every expansion at once.

DO NOT add more than one large expansion board per game. You can keep all of the new cards and stuff shuffled in to the decks (except Mythos/Gate cards...shuffle in the set for your expansion of choice for that specific game). Otherwise, the whole thing just becomes too scattered, and the new mechanics for the new boards are almost a lock to not actually do anything.


Damn.. I haven't played Arkham since purchasing Eldritch Horror after it's release.   Been awhile.

While I have plenty of table space to play Arkham now, and it does require a LOT, I think the streamlining of the rules is what has kept me from breaking out the older one.  One notable problem I had was with adjusting the investigator stats every turn, before each did anything.  Provoked too much AP and time-wasting when I was trying to figure out the most optimum setting for them.  Some people liked that but I felt it was needlessly dragging turns out, yet I couldn't ignore it due to gaming OCD or something.   

I think there were a few bits of the rules that were like that for me.  It was certainly a good Solo game, given the time & space to run it.  Didn't seem like the most group-friendly cooperative game, IMO, due to the aforementioned pacing issues and resultant playtime. 

On the other hand, I've been constantly brutalized playing EH solo with 2- and 3-characters.  Seems to have been best balanced for 4.  Perhaps Arkham did varied player #s better.  I'll eventually play it again to get a good comparison.