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Computer Gaming / Re: Front Mission Series?
Last post by Pete Dero - Today at 08:12:53 AM
Have you tried the demo (available on Steam) ?

Demo features:
- Tutorial
- Two missions from OCU campaign
- Arena
- 3 difficulty levels
- Modern and Classic gameplay modes
- Wanzers and Pilots customization
Computer Gaming / Front Mission Series?
Last post by Jarhead0331 - Today at 07:58:08 AM
Anybody have any experience with this series? I'm a sucker for anything with giant mechs and it looks pretty cool, but its hard to get a feel for how the game play works and whether there is any real tactical depth.

The first title in the series is on sale 50% and the remake of the second title in the series was just released today. There is also a bundle sale with a 44% discount.
Computer Gaming / Re: For FRIDAY
Last post by Destraex - Today at 12:03:13 AM
Migration in medieval times certainly happened. So don't give it another thought.
I think migration happened more or less often depending on the period, area and whether their was a population boom where there would have been too many serfs. Also there were also free people not tied to the land they worked and who had to stay because they came with the land even when a lord sold it.
Computer Gaming / Re: Shadow Empire
Last post by Sparhawk - Yesterday at 11:20:43 PM
I typically favor Mind, Enforcement, and Democracy so see the request to change voting based on class every playthrough. I've found they continue to request this if you refuse so just accept. With my priority focuses I don't seem to take any negative hits by accepting.
Computer Gaming / Re: Shadow Empire
Last post by solops - Yesterday at 09:47:51 PM
Have never had a revolution, but some cities have had really BIG productivity hits that took a looong time to recover from.

I do not tolerate opposition to my iron-fisted but compassionate and loving rule. I often find it necessary to forcibly retire Inconvenient minions. Sad. Very sad.Their families often get a fruit basket.
Computer Gaming / Re: Shadow Empire
Last post by solops - Yesterday at 09:30:22 PM
Quote from: bobarossa on Yesterday at 05:05:29 PMOk, saw a game mechanic that I've never encountered before.  I had started the game as democratic but circumstances (lack of boosters for dem) caused my Mind value to get over 40 points higher than Dem.  Now I have a faction (that favors Mind) requesting that the vote be removed from the various classes of voters (workers, population, soldiers).  Mind prefers that only leaders have voting rights.  If I agree to remove voting rights, that class takes a major hit to its happiness (40 points!).  If I veto the suggestion the offended faction (and its leaders) takes a huge hit in relations (up to 45 points!).

I turned down one attempt and they made another attempt on a different class of voter.  I can't take multiple hits to leaders relationship of that size.  I also hate to think about the major hits to productivity, morale, etc.  I'm afraid a revolution may be in the making and my country will be the loser.

Have any of you players (I'm looking at you solops) encountered this before?

Yes! I see this often. I go with what seems to do the least damage to my leaders' loyalty and then deal with populace unrest using troops in the streets as the cost of doing business. Even my democracies are pretty iron fisted. It is not always optimal, but I muddle through.
Current Events / Three US Marshals killed in Ch...
Last post by al_infierno - Yesterday at 07:57:56 PM
This is absolutely insane.  Must be one of the worst law enforcement related shootings since Miami Dade.
Computer Gaming / Re: Shadow Empire
Last post by joram - Yesterday at 07:38:12 PM
I'm working through that right now myself though in my case, accepting the offer doesn't seem to have detractors.  I just have been choosing to decline and managing happiness through cabinet retreats and war games. I don't actually know if I accept it if I will be in a better or worse situation.
Computer Gaming / Re: Shadow Empire
Last post by bobarossa - Yesterday at 05:05:29 PM
Ok, saw a game mechanic that I've never encountered before.  I had started the game as democratic but circumstances (lack of boosters for dem) caused my Mind value to get over 40 points higher than Dem.  Now I have a faction (that favors Mind) requesting that the vote be removed from the various classes of voters (workers, population, soldiers).  Mind prefers that only leaders have voting rights.  If I agree to remove voting rights, that class takes a major hit to its happiness (40 points!).  If I veto the suggestion the offended faction (and its leaders) takes a huge hit in relations (up to 45 points!).

I turned down one attempt and they made another attempt on a different class of voter.  I can't take multiple hits to leaders relationship of that size.  I also hate to think about the major hits to productivity, morale, etc.  I'm afraid a revolution may be in the making and my country will be the loser.

Have any of you players (I'm looking at you solops) encountered this before?
Computer Gaming / Re: For FRIDAY
Last post by Skoop - Yesterday at 01:52:07 PM
There's so much going on the thought of where the people are coming from hadn't crossed my mind.