The "Uber" Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Thread

Started by Grim.Reaper, December 19, 2012, 03:07:57 PM

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Someone brought up a valid point about price - though still speculative - the current Harpoon edition from Matrix is $60...this will likely be higher.

Unfortunately if that's the case, I'll likely pass...I have my eye on some global terrain software.

Never say never though...
Alba gu' brath


Well - it does look intriguing - no doubt about that. I'll wait for the announcement and decide then.

I have ALWAYS thought, though, that it's a crap move by Matrix/Slitherine to keep the price until the game is actually ready for purchase. I understand that there are firefights springing up all the time in relation to cost...but that is surely exacerbated by  leaving it until launch day.

I can understand that all the fights about cost can ruin a release - but perhaps releasing the price a month earlier would be beneficial two fold...
1) Get the fights out the way so launch day is not marred by the surprise at the price
2) People can budget

I don't know how true number 2 is for people...for me, I'll buy games when they come out if they are games I would like...I'm not likely to forego buying a game I would like because another one is due out in a month...however, number 2 is often given as a reason by people to get Matrix/Slitherine to inform people of the cost of their up coming release.
Alba gu' brath


Oh - and Dimitris - congratulations to you and your team on your impending release today and I hope it goes well and you make enough money to continue your work with it through enhancements and DLC.
Alba gu' brath


Thanks Judge  :) We gave our best shot and we're confident people will appreciate that. And we'll be around for the long run, we're not off to some unrelated next game.

BTW, the "pincer" Falklands scen I mentioned before has been completed and is available for download :D . You can get it here.
Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations


Alba gu' brath


Quote from: JudgeDredd on September 24, 2013, 04:46:25 AM
Damn you and The Falklands Dimitris!  ;D

I predict you will make the purchase by the weekend if not sooner:)


lol - you know me so well. I'm already watching the Matrix page!
Alba gu' brath


so which one of y'all is writing the review for us?!
The key to surviving this site is to not say something which ends up as someone's tag line - Steelgrave

"their citizens (all of them counted as such) glorified their mythology of 'rights'...and lost track of their duties. No nation, so constituted, can endure." Robert Heinlein, Starship Troopers


I never get into games deep enough or get to know then well enough to do a review...all sorts of mis-representations would be going on.

As much as I would like to, I don't read manuals anymore because I can't seem to retain I look up as and when I need...or ask.

If (and it's a BIG if) I do buy it, I'll do an AAR - but I'm sure there will be plenty kicking about!
Alba gu' brath


Over at Matrix, it seems the beta testers are getting a $20 discount coupon fer helping out..... I think this points to a pretty high price point......  ???


This sounds like something I would try, since I never got into Harpoon, but I promised myself no more WitP/WitE-style $80 purchases.  All I ever do with them in install, stare at the screen in confusion, and move on to something else.


 It's official - $79.99.  Actually I'm glad they are selling it at this price.  If it were $30 or $40, I'd probably get it, look at it, but never play it.  Now I can spend that money on something that will hold my interest.