GrogHeads Forum

Tabletop Gaming, Models, and Minis => Role-Playing & Adventure Gaming => Topic started by: Toonces on April 24, 2012, 01:39:42 AM

Title: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Toonces on April 24, 2012, 01:39:42 AM

I respectfully request all non-playing forum members (and players) post comments and out-of-character discussion in this thread.  Additionally, I will post "gamemaster" information in this thread to keep the main story thread "in story".

My potential players are:
Arctic Blast

If anyone else would like to join in, please use this thread to post your interest.  There will be opportunities to join the campaign later, or join as a squire if you prefer to play a lesser role or more part-time.

I will need to see copies of everyone's character sheets.  Post a screenshot in this thread.  If you have not created a character yet, and you would like a pre-generated character (that you can modify by adjusting numbers), please let me know.

You do not need to create a family, yet. 

Ground rules:
My main intent of this is to HAVE FUN.  I've completely read through the rules twice, but there is a lot there.  In many ways we will learn the rules together.  I ask for your patience with me if I goon up the rules.  Likewise, I intend to run the campaign without too much danger to the player characters at first until we all wrap our heads around the game system.  Once we're comfortable, we'll ramp up the lethality appropriately. 

My primary reference for the campaign will be The Great Pendragon Campaign companion to the Pendragon rules.  I intend to run a campaign with minimal magic.  I reserve the right, though, to break off from the campaign script from time to time and borrow from other RPGs. 

I will post more information in this thread later as I start figuring out stuff we need to hammer out administratively.

Good luck!
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Staggerwing on April 24, 2012, 06:41:16 AM
I'm probably better off with a pre-made character. When I tried to make one for MetalDog's RPG I drove myself crazy trying to figure it out because I'm such a N00b. I'll
accept whatever I'm given and do my best with it.  ;)
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Toonces on April 24, 2012, 12:16:14 PM
Ok, I'll get you one this afternoon or this evening.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Barthheart on April 24, 2012, 09:07:17 PM
Ok, here's page 1 of Godric's sheets....

Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Barthheart on April 24, 2012, 09:07:56 PM
and page 2....

Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Arctic Blast on April 24, 2012, 09:57:35 PM
Okay, back to the character generation!  ;D This is probably going to take me a couple of days, so if you want to start up and maybe have me somehow join in shortly, that might be a good idea.

Oh, and my 'character sheet' is going to end up being a big list of stuff...stupid Barthheart and his scanner making the rest of us look bad... ;D
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Toonces on April 24, 2012, 10:28:23 PM
Arctic (and Stagger), there are pre-generated characters in the Pendragon rulebook, pages 35 and 36.  What I strongly recommend is that you guys pick one of those as a template and feel free to adjust numbers up or down on a one-for-one basis, adjust your religion if you'd like, passions, etc. 

For right now, we only need one character apiece.  As we get going (and provided we all find this interesting enough to invest our time in), we'll develop families and such. 

Let's get some characters whipped up and try to get started this week.  The first adventure is introductory so we can figure out how to play the game on the forum.  Your first adventure after being knighted will be much, much more robust!

I expect, at a post apiece per day (or around 5 per week), it will take us about a month to get to our first big adventure.  That's plenty of time to develop your character's family and background.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Arctic Blast on April 24, 2012, 10:29:52 PM
Nice. Okay, I think what I'll do is take a pre-gen but maybe roll my own set of characteristics. Should be able to get that done when I get home from work tomorrow.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Staggerwing on April 25, 2012, 05:09:25 AM
I'll go through it tonight and get started.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Arctic Blast on April 25, 2012, 07:15:44 PM
Yep, I finally got a chance to print off a character sheet and the relevant section of the rulebook. I'll get that done tonight and be ready to roll when I log in tomorrow.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Arctic Blast on April 26, 2012, 08:01:08 PM
Okay, I threw my character together as a .doc file. Got that attached here, and I'll copy/paste it below. I went ahead and rolled everything up rather than using a pre-made one.  ;D

There were a couple of things I noticed Bathheart didn't do : Starting Glory score, Starting Hate (Saxons) for Passions and an additional belonging. Did you want us to do those, Toonces? I did, but I didn't pit it in that doc. Lemme know if you want those and I'll post them in here, too.

Also, with hit points, damage dice and the like, all of mine ended up as fractions. I rounded them up. If that's wrong, let me know and I'll tweak them and set them up rounded down.

            Cliff's Ghetto Character Sheet

Personal Data

Name : Dalan
Age : 21      Son # 1
Homeland : Salisbury
Culture : Cymric       Religion : Pagan
Lord : Sir Roderick, Earl of Salisbury
Current Class : Squire
Current Home : Stapleford Manor

Personality Traits

Chaste/Lustful : 7/13
Energetic/Lazy : 16/4 (Famous trait)
Forgiving/Vengeful : 10/10
Generous/Selfish : 13/7
Honest/Deceitful : 13/7
Just/Arbitrary : 10/10
Merciful/Cruel : 10/10
Modest/Proud : 7/13
Pious/Worldly : 10/10
Prudent/Reckless : 10/10
Temperate/Indulgent : 10/10
Trusting/Suspicious : 10/10
Valorous/Cowardly : 15/5


Loyalty (Lord) : 15
Love (Family) : 15
Hospitality : 15
Honor : 15

Equipment Carried

Armor : Chainmail (10 points) & Shield (6 points)
Clothing : Fine clothing (1 Libra)
War Gear : 2 spears, 1 sword, 1 dagger
Decorated Saddle (Worth 1) - won as a tournament trophy


Size : 13
Dex : 11
Str : 14
Con : 13 (including racial +3)
App : 14
Damage (Str+Siz/6) : 5d6
Healing Rate (Str+Con/10) : 3
Movement Rate (Str+Dex/10) : 3
Total Hit Points (Siz+Con) : 26
Unconscious (HP/4) : 7

Distinctive Features

Long Hair
Nice Smile


Awareness : 5
Boating : 1
Compose : 1
Courtesy : 3
Dancing : 5
Faerie Lore : 1
Falconry : 3
First Aid : 10
Flirting : 8
Folklore : 2
Gaming : 5
Heraldry : 13
Hunting : 10
Intrigue : 5
Orate : 3
Play (Harp) : 3
Read (Latin) : 0
Recognize : 3
Religion (Pagan) : 2
Romance : 10
Singing : 2
Stewardship : 2
Swimming : 2
Tourney : 10

Glory : 168

Combat Skills

Battle : 10
Horsemanship : 15
Sword : 15
Lance : 13
Spear : 6
Dagger : 5


Charger, Rouncy, Rouncy, Sumpter

Holdings : Stapleford Manor


Old Knights : 0
Middle-Aged Knights : 1
Young Knights : 5
Total : 6
Vassal Knights : 0
Other Lineage Men : 16
Levy : 64

Family History & Events

Year Born : 465    Squired : 480
Father's Name : Hervis        Class : Vassal Knight
Family Characteristic : Love for Arms (+10 Heraldry)
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Staggerwing on April 26, 2012, 08:21:57 PM
Dang. You and I both ended up with Stapleford Manor. Pagan as well :)
I'll change my Manor to something else so there is no issue. Maybe Wylye?
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Arctic Blast on April 26, 2012, 08:38:43 PM
Quote from: Staggerwing on April 26, 2012, 08:21:57 PM
Dang. You and I both ended up with Stapleford Manor. Pagan as well :)
I'll change my Manor to something else so there is no issue. Maybe Wylye?

LOL. Man, that's funny.

If you don't mind, it probably would make sense to switch.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Barthheart on April 26, 2012, 08:44:51 PM
Yeah I forgot to put my starting glory on the sheet, it's 162.

Starting passions was rolled as none, even though they klilled both my father and grandfather.

My only additional belonging was 1 libre! (Damn rolls!)
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Arctic Blast on April 26, 2012, 08:54:27 PM
Quote from: Barthheart on April 26, 2012, 08:44:51 PM
Yeah I forgot to put my starting glory on the sheet, it's 162.

Starting passions was rolled as none, even though they klilled both my father and grandfather.

My only additional belonging was 1 libre! (Damn rolls!)

;D I did SLIGHTLY better than that. Not a ton of dinero, but it actually fits the character I was putting together.

Okay, I added that stuff to my list above.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Staggerwing on April 26, 2012, 09:08:29 PM
Here's mine. Maybe you guys could tell me what I missed since I'm a total n00b at this:

Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Arctic Blast on April 26, 2012, 09:11:48 PM

Looks good to me. Just fill in the stuff under your stats, damage and hit points and all that, and it seems like you nailed it.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Staggerwing on April 26, 2012, 09:19:13 PM
Thanks. I'll look for that stuff tomorrow. *yawn*
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Staggerwing on April 28, 2012, 05:50:15 AM
Does one round up or down if the stats include a decimal? For example SIZ + STR = 27 in my case and thus damage =4.5 d6.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Toonces on April 28, 2012, 01:55:24 PM
Round up.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Toonces on April 28, 2012, 09:41:28 PM
Do any of you guys have Mount and Blade: Warband?

Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Barthheart on April 29, 2012, 06:02:34 AM
Not me.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Staggerwing on April 29, 2012, 06:19:06 AM
I think I might have bought it during a sale but not yet D/Led it. I'll have to check. I'm not really very good at fighting games so I probably just filed it away for future play when I have actually time to learn it. Probably when I'm in the old folks home... :(
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Arctic Blast on April 29, 2012, 05:48:43 PM
Quote from: Toonces on April 28, 2012, 09:41:28 PM
Do any of you guys have Mount and Blade: Warband?

Indeed I do. Haven't played it in far too long, now that I think about it.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Toonces on May 02, 2012, 01:58:28 AM
You may notice that I'm filling in some of the blanks for you guys here for the sake of expediency.  For deeper adventures we will spend a lot more time with back and forth in the conversations and I will allow far more flexibility in your actions.  For now, I want to get this moving along as the adventure is very straight forward and I want to get into the mechanics of it.  The next adventure after the hunt will be far more involved and require more input on your part.

Things are going to start happening quickly here depending on your next posts, so to expedite the beginning part of the die-rolling, please post up 4 d20 rolls apiece here and I will use those rolls in order for the first 4 checks we need to do.  We'll see how that works and adjust as required.  You can post the rolls here or at the bottom of your post in the campaign thread like this.

"Off we ride on the hunt!"

15, 4, 7, 18

Something like that...

I'm going to be offline all day tomorrow, so my next reply won't be until Thursday evening, Hawaii time.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Staggerwing on May 02, 2012, 04:57:42 AM
Here are my 1d20 rolls: 4, 14, 13, 5.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Barthheart on May 02, 2012, 05:18:45 AM
I used this site as I don't own a d20.

My results:
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Arctic Blast on May 02, 2012, 09:47:54 PM
My results : 19, 14, 8, 15

Quote from: Barthheart on May 02, 2012, 05:18:45 AM
I used this site as I don't own a d20.

:o That's just wrong!
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Barthheart on May 03, 2012, 05:42:43 AM
Quote from: Arctic Blast on May 02, 2012, 09:47:54 PM
My results : 19, 14, 8, 15

Quote from: Barthheart on May 02, 2012, 05:18:45 AM
I used this site as I don't own a d20.

:o That's just wrong!

Yeah I know....  :-[  but this is the very first pen and paper RPG I've ever played....
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Staggerwing on May 03, 2012, 06:34:22 AM
Quote from: Barthheart on May 03, 2012, 05:42:43 AM
Quote from: Arctic Blast on May 02, 2012, 09:47:54 PM
My results : 19, 14, 8, 15

Quote from: Barthheart on May 02, 2012, 05:18:45 AM
I used this site as I don't own a d20.

:o That's just wrong!

Yeah I know....  :-[  but this is the very first pen and paper RPG I've ever played....

No shame. I don't have a d20 either so I use one of those same java script rollers as well. This is also the first none computer RPG I've ever played so you're in fine company. I am planning on getting a set of dice soon but, until now, I've not needed anything but d6s for the few board war games I own. :-\
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Arctic Blast on May 03, 2012, 11:25:50 PM
This is the first non computer RPG you guys have played? Seriously!?  :o

I am honestly blown away. From the really good narrative you guys have been putting up, I assumed you were vets. Well done!

One dice buying tip : Always buy a couple of sets. That way you aren't screwed when your main D20 goes cold.

If you're especially vindictive, consider sacrificing one of your dice if it isn't performing to send a message to the others that they had better shape up.

Not that anyone would ever do such a thing, of course...
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Toonces on May 04, 2012, 02:14:19 AM
Best post 6 1d20 rolls for the next portion.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Staggerwing on May 04, 2012, 05:33:49 AM
For me: 16,4,19,8,16,19

@AB: As long as you don't count eight years old running around with a plastic beach bucket on my head and a towel tied like a cape, then yep, this be muh fust Rodeo... :D
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Barthheart on May 04, 2012, 08:51:46 AM
I got:
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Arctic Blast on May 04, 2012, 08:11:52 PM
Quote from: Toonces on May 04, 2012, 02:14:19 AM
Best post 6 1d20 rolls for the next portion.

20 (Woot!), 3, 19, 5, 11, 13
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Toonces on May 05, 2012, 01:21:14 AM
Soon, we are going to need something that we can depict a miniatures-type battle on.  We can probably get by without it, but I think the game will go smoother with a grid and minis to depict the members in a fight.  If you've read the melee rules, they are quite tactical.

If you guys have any ideas, please let me know.  I haven't done any searching on vassal yet for something appropriate, but I'm sure something is out there; if not Vassal then some other program.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Arctic Blast on May 05, 2012, 01:36:26 AM
Might want to take a look at MapTool, Toonces.

If you go to the Tutorials tab on the site, it links to a full Wiki for how to use the program. I have no idea how involved a piece of software it is, though.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Staggerwing on May 05, 2012, 05:23:58 AM
Quote from: Toonces on May 05, 2012, 01:21:14 AM
Soon, we are going to need something that we can depict a miniatures-type battle on.  We can probably get by without it, but I think the game will go smoother with a grid and minis to depict the members in a fight.  If you've read the melee rules, they are quite tactical.

If you guys have any ideas, please let me know.  I haven't done any searching on vassal yet for something appropriate, but I'm sure something is out there; if not Vassal then some other program.

There's Cyberboard (http://sun%20tzu%20if%20we%20need%20a%20simpler%20tool%20than%20vassal.%20only%20problem%20is%20i%20can't%20find%20a%20link%20right%20now.%20I'll%20look%20again%20this%20pm%20as%20I'm%20goint%20to%20work%20now.%3Cbr%20/%3ECyberbox%20is%20another.). I don't have much experience with it but it's supposed to be a little simpler than VASSAL.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Toonces on May 07, 2012, 01:19:35 PM
Ok, we'll figure something out.  I suppose I could even use an excel spreadsheet if it comes down to it.

Meanwhile I'll try to get at least some of the next turn done today.  It takes a lot longer than I was expecting to do all of this solo- but I'm sure it will get easier as I get more used to the system.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Arctic Blast on May 07, 2012, 02:57:56 PM
Quote from: Toonces on May 07, 2012, 01:19:35 PM
Ok, we'll figure something out.  I suppose I could even use an excel spreadsheet if it comes down to it.

Meanwhile I'll try to get at least some of the next turn done today.  It takes a lot longer than I was expecting to do all of this solo- but I'm sure it will get easier as I get more used to the system.

No worries, Toonces. Take your time.

Though I would like to know if I'm about to have my face ripped off by a bear... ;D
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Staggerwing on May 07, 2012, 05:04:27 PM
Quote from: Arctic Blast on May 07, 2012, 02:57:56 PM
Though I would like to know if I'm about to have my face ripped off by a bear... ;D

Only the dice know...
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Toonces on May 08, 2012, 12:53:29 PM
Hey guys,
After you have a chance to digest the combat, please let me know if you have any questions regarding the mechanics, or if you spot any errors in how I ran the combat.  I'm still learning the rules and had to flip around a lot; re-wrote a portion of the AAR when I realized I had calculated a few things wrong.

Some things to consider that I picked up last night:
1.  When rolling in opposed resolution, first keep in mind that you want to roll your skill number OR LESS for a success; eg. if you're sword skill is 15 then you want a 15 or less (unmodified).  Modifiers are applied to the skill, not the die roll.  A roll that is exactly your skill number is a critical hit that does double damage and is considered a "20" for resolution purposes.  Second, in opposed resolution, if both opponents roll a success then the roll that is higher is the "winner" and the other is the "loser".

2.  A roll of a natural 20 is a "fumble" unless the skill you are rolling against is 20 (in which case you can't fumble).  A fumble is usually something very bad in combat.  For a lance, usually the lance breaks.  If your opponent is attacking with a sword and you are not, the sword shatters your weapon.  It can also be humorous, like burping during a song of forgetting a lady's name that you are courting.  So don't get excited about 20's, they're usually bad!

3.  You need to have 6 yards between you and your opponent to make a charging lance attack, in which case you use your horses damage roll rather than your own.  Otherwise your lance is considered a spear.  Attacking mounted against unmounted infantry that doesn't have a spear/polearm gives a +5 modifier to the attack.

4.  Damage:  I was surprised to find that all weapons, unless they are very large or small, do the same damage; it is your str+siz/6 number of d6 which for all of you guys game to 5d6 rounded up.  The armor rating of the victim is subtracted from the die roll to find HP damage.

As we move forward, many of these same principles carry forward with respect to first aid, etc.  Keep in mind that you want to find the person that has the best skill to do things, and also review your weapon skills to ensure you are attacking with your best weapon.

In general, I'll try to move your character to make the smartest move if it makes sense and you haven't specifically stated not to, but in the future consider what weapon you will be using, what your contingency will be if a weapon breaks or if you are unhorsed, things like that.  Our next combats will be more tactical and will require more inputs between us during each round.

If you haven't reviewed chapter 5 of the rules, you might want to take a quick read through there!
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Arctic Blast on May 08, 2012, 08:55:10 PM
It's going to take me a bit to adjust to LOW rolls being good.  ;D

Looks good to me, Toonces. I'm going to re-read the Combat section before we get in to our next scrap.

PLEASE tell me that was some sort of special animal! If that was a standard bear... :o ...this is going to be a rough game.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Toonces on May 08, 2012, 10:58:16 PM
Standard bear.  Remember, you guys weren't wearing armor, so you were taking full damage rolls.  When combating in the future, hopefully you'll have good, knightly armor on that will reduce that damage.  Additionally, if fighting with a shield you can add that to your armor damage deduction on a successful weapon roll that loses against your opponent.

So, if you're fighting with a sword skill of 15, and with a shield, you are going to get a successful roll 75% of the time, and even if your opponent out-rolls you on those 75% you'll be subtracting both armor and shield from damage.

Also, remember that fighting mounted with lance against unmounted foes (men, not beasts) that you're getting a +10 modifier to your lance skill.  Then you're hitting for 5 or 6d6, which is a substantial amount of damage!

You all are going to promote to knights here shortly.  Knights are the bad asses of the medieval world, so you should be putting down some serious hurt on anything less than your equal.  However, yes, combat in this game is quite brutal, so it's a good idea (over the next month or so) to start considering your family line, and maybe what your "brother's" character sheet might look like...just in case.  Just might be that you will meet some eligible women, soon, also...
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Staggerwing on May 09, 2012, 06:39:26 AM
As to our current encounter with the bandits- are we carrying bows and arrows? Long spears will out-reach our swords and I seem to recall we left our shields behind. Does out training cover parrying spear thrusts to get in close? If my 'charmed lance' is heavy enough for throwing then that is another option but it hasn't been made clear if it is merely a thrusting lance or not. If I have say then I'm making the obvious choice.  ;)
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Arctic Blast on May 10, 2012, 12:55:42 AM
(you dodged a serious blow here, potential critical hit/double damage 8d6 wound!)


Remind me to never again leave home without plate armor...
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Toonces on May 10, 2012, 01:08:30 AM
Quote from: Staggerwing on May 09, 2012, 06:39:26 AM
As to our current encounter with the bandits- are we carrying bows and arrows? Long spears will out-reach our swords and I seem to recall we left our shields behind. Does out training cover parrying spear thrusts to get in close? If my 'charmed lance' is heavy enough for throwing then that is another option but it hasn't been made clear if it is merely a thrusting lance or not. If I have say then I'm making the obvious choice.  ;)

You are not carrying bows- you have the equipment on your character sheet only (although for this encounter you have only sword, spear (lance), dagger, clothes).  The parrying is covered during the opposed melee rolls.  Now, it is possible to fight defensively if you prefer (and state that during the determination segment of the melee round) and that will give you a bonus on your roll for a defensive action, at the expense of being able to strike offensively.

I don't actually know if you can throw a lance; I'll have to read more about the equipment.  I think the lances are more like spears than what we think of as true lances at this stage of the game.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Toonces on May 10, 2012, 01:09:01 AM
Godric- you have earned a lance skill check during the winter phase.  Don't let me forget!
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Barthheart on May 10, 2012, 12:28:53 PM
Quote from: Toonces on May 10, 2012, 01:09:01 AM
Godric- you have earned a lance skill check during the winter phase.  Don't let me forget!

Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Arctic Blast on May 10, 2012, 10:06:20 PM
Since my lance seems to have broken during the battle with the bear, is that something I'll need to buy to replace or do we have a 'store' of such things?
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Toonces on May 10, 2012, 11:56:27 PM
It will need to be replaced.  An opportunity will present itself, I'm sure.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Toonces on May 12, 2012, 02:43:52 PM
Hey guys.  I hope Old Garr didn't put you guys off!

Just a quick update.  I'm heading to the North Shore for the weekend with the family for Mother's Day, so I'll be out until either Sunday night or (more likely) Monday morning my time. 

Here's what we have next, without spoiling it:  once you decide on the dispensation of the bandits we're going to move into our first court scene where you will have a chance to meet some of the major NPC's in the campaign.  This will be challenging for me because it will stress my creativity, but it should be fun for all of us to figure our way through it.  I suspect this portion of the game will take us a week or two (probably two) and then we will actually start the true campaign using the Pendragon Campaign book that you haven't seen.  It starts off very aggressively and I think you guys will enjoy it.

Are you guys having fun?  Is this worthwhile to continue?  I'm enjoying it.  I am amazed at the things you guys have done already that were beyond what I anticipated.  How is the pace?  I'm trying to keep the story flowing, but I also strive to pause at decision points that make a difference in how the story will play out.  For some of our melee rounds in the future I don't think the "roll 6 d20's" convention will work as well and we may need to post round by round.  I didn't think that was really necessary for the confrontations we've had thus far, though.

Alright, see you guys in a couple of days.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Arctic Blast on May 12, 2012, 03:00:47 PM
So far it's been very enjoyable, Toonces. You've done a good job running this under some very different circumstances for a table top RPG. And the pacing has seemed to fit, too. No complaints.

As for how to do the dice rolling and such, honestly I'm good with whatever works the best for you. You're the guy who has to actually 'plug in' those numbers to the system and flesh out the results, so go with whatever option is going to make that easier. And if we start doing one thing only for you to realize that you were wrong and another way might work better, change to that.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Barthheart on May 13, 2012, 06:08:22 AM
Hey Toonces,

Thsi is great fun. having never done anyting like ot before I was not sure what to expect. I'm enjoying coming up with the dialog to try and stay in character.
I definately want to continue. I hope others on the forum are reading our story too.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Staggerwing on May 13, 2012, 06:19:46 AM
I'm having a good time because this is all very novel to me as well. Trying to put myself in Maelgwyn's head and having him respond to the various challenges the way I've imagined him is a nice change of pace from the usual gaming fare. Keep up the good work!
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Haegan2005 on May 25, 2012, 06:24:51 PM
I've read several pages of the RPG and I must say I love the role playing being done by both the players and the GM!

I have always felt that a good GM is doing more then merely telling die results. They bring the world to life around the players and make the encounters memorable through good story telling.

Dang good GMing.

Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Toonces on May 26, 2012, 12:44:47 AM
Thank you for the compliment!
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Barthheart on May 27, 2012, 01:34:08 PM
Yes, great job Toonces!

Sorry for my delays. Had the week off but my Honey Do list never seemed to get any shorter until today. It'll be nice to go back to work tomorrow and get some rest!

Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Toonces on January 03, 2013, 10:27:21 PM
You guys ready to pick this back up?
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Staggerwing on January 04, 2013, 06:39:23 AM
As long as we're still good with 1 post a day I should be good. Got to get back in the mood though. Any recommended 4th century fiction?
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Barthheart on January 04, 2013, 07:01:27 AM
Yeah I'm in. 8)
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Arctic Blast on January 04, 2013, 03:41:49 PM
Sounds good! Now to find my character sheets...
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Double Deuce on January 31, 2013, 12:47:13 PM
Any chance of this game picking back up and if so is there room for another player?
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Toonces on February 01, 2013, 02:38:01 PM
Yes and yes.  I was just waiting for some real life (tm) stuff to settle down.  I'll see if I can get this going again this weekend.

Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Double Deuce on February 01, 2013, 06:53:12 PM
No rush, was just curious. Would it be better if I grab an NPC or pre-gen if you have one?  I understand its based on BRP but which I am only slightly familiar with? Will I need to pick up the rules to play and if so are the version 5.1 rules the version being used?
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Toonces on February 06, 2013, 01:32:44 AM
Guys, I apologize for the delay getting this started again.

I have to block out a few hours to do this.  It's not that it's that hard but we're at the start of the campaign and I just need time to get all the preliminary paperwork done on MY end so you guys aren't shuffling around waiting for new posts.  Not hard, just time-consuming and I have to get back into the books.

We will start again soon, but just be patient.  I need an uninterrupted period of time to get this ramped up again.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Barthheart on February 06, 2013, 08:27:59 PM
No problem Toonces..... time can be hard to find sometimes..... 8)
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Arctic Blast on February 06, 2013, 08:48:01 PM
No worries, Toonces. You don't owe anyone any apologies. You're the one doing all the work here!
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Staggerwing on February 06, 2013, 10:09:01 PM
My character needed some down time to recover from his wounds so its all good!
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: DV8 on February 11, 2013, 11:35:13 AM
If you guys are doing a reboot or starting this back up again I would like to join in.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Toonces on February 12, 2013, 02:11:17 AM
Ok, I read through our old campaign posts and I'm caught up on where we left off. 

I'll get a couple of generic pre-generated knights for you guys tomorrow off my pdf rules and I'll have you guys meet Dalan, Maelgwyn and Godric with Pendragon's army at the coast when they get there.  You guys (DV8 and Duece) will be recently knighted young knights as well. 

We're using Pendragon 5.0 rules.  If you PM me a email address I'll hook you up with what you need to play.

I'll try to get all this done the next day or so and we can pick up the campaign again maybe on Friday.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Double Deuce on February 12, 2013, 09:13:55 AM
PM sent.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Arctic Blast on February 12, 2013, 02:05:03 PM
I guess re-reading the campaign a bit might be a good idea... ;D
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Toonces on February 13, 2013, 02:04:35 AM
I contacted DV8 and DD.  I'm going to incorporate them into the campaign at the start of the next adventure.

If you haven't done so, review our previous campaign thread.  I recommend reading the whole thing (can you guys believe it's been almost a year since we left off?) so you can re-capture the flavor and everything we did.  I think by the guidelines we would normally move to a winter phase but I'd prefer to press on and get to the next adventure first.  I'll figure out how to get you guys supplied and so on so that it flows normally.

Dust off your character sheets, brush up on the battle rules especially, and be ready...the first adventure gets intense fast!
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Toonces on February 15, 2013, 01:02:00 AM
Pendragon campaign is sure to check page 5 (I edited the last post to continue).

For DV8 and DD, I need at least your knight's names for the story.  Email or post your character sheets when you have a chance.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Staggerwing on February 15, 2013, 07:26:37 AM
I'll try to get on track by tomorrow eve, if possible.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: DV8 on February 15, 2013, 07:51:06 AM
I will post my sheet today.  His name is Perin, Son of Hervis of Berwick St. James.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Double Deuce on February 15, 2013, 08:36:22 AM
Quote from: Toonces on February 15, 2013, 01:02:00 AM
Pendragon campaign is sure to check page 5 (I edited the last post to continue).

For DV8 and DD, I need at least your knight's names for the story.  Email or post your character sheets when you have a chance.
Will do. I don't suppose there is a fillable character sheet anyone to be found on the internet is there?
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: DV8 on February 15, 2013, 10:33:39 AM
There is a 4th edition one but I think we are doing 5th edition.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Double Deuce on February 15, 2013, 02:41:48 PM
Working on the character sheet but my knight's name is Celwine, Son of Ebel of Laverstock.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: DV8 on February 15, 2013, 03:09:46 PM
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Double Deuce on February 15, 2013, 05:29:58 PM
I think I got this right.


Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Arctic Blast on February 15, 2013, 05:44:04 PM
I figure I'll let the noob knights kind of jump in to the narrative a bit...also gives me a chance to catch up.  ;D
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Double Deuce on February 16, 2013, 06:50:09 AM
Quote from: Arctic Blast on February 15, 2013, 05:44:04 PM
I figure I'll let the noob knights kind of jump in to the narrative a bit...also gives me a chance to catch up.  ;D

I'm guessing we'll be slid into the campaign just before heading off to face the Saxon army, although would be nice to have had breakfast first.  8)
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: DV8 on February 19, 2013, 12:47:51 PM
Is something suppose to happen in the dialog post?

Can some please answer the man ;-)
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Arctic Blast on February 19, 2013, 03:56:08 PM
Okay, I'm in.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Barthheart on February 26, 2013, 08:38:51 AM
OK, having read the last bit of the story... I'm not sure what we as players need to do next? 
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Arctic Blast on February 26, 2013, 05:00:34 PM
Do we get to create our squires, or should we randomly generate them somehow? Does he get one of our current 'spare' horses? Also, what kind of gear is available where we are right now...actually, I seem to recall I have no money at the moment, so never mind.  ;D
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Toonces on February 26, 2013, 10:51:09 PM
Ok, I see how this is confusing.  I thought maybe you guys didn't feel like playing anymore.

Squires have a pretty small role in the game, although you never know when it might be useful to have them "around".  For this part, I'd like you guys to sort of run with it and do some roleplaying on your own.  Pick a squire...or have one assigned to you.  Give him a name, a general description.  How old is he?  Squires can be anywhere from 15 to 60 in this game.  Some men are career squires.  You guys can tell the story of how you acquire your particular squire, as long as it doesn't involve one of the NPCs I am controlling (Lycus, etc.). 

Is the squire a son of one of Roderick's vassals?  I can help you with that through the Steward if you want to go that route. <edit: I put a few options in there for you guys in case you want to go that route; you'll need to flesh out some of the details.  I have the mothers as NPC characters (pg 56 of the core rulebook) just in case we need them...>

I'd like to let you guys roleplay just a bit, choose how you're kitted out.  For this part of the adventure I will let you draw your gear from the armory up to an ordinary knight's worth of gear.  If you want something more (an axe, extra wine, bow, etc.) let me know and we can go to the market. 

Your squires will be outfitted with leather armor, sword, dagger, and travel gear.  They will ride your second rouncy. 

All great questions.  I'd like to give you guys a chance to interact, with one another, with NPCs, etc., otherwise this is just going to be a dice-rolling exercise.  I'll move the story along when it needs to move if it bogs down in the details.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Toonces on February 27, 2013, 12:29:30 AM
Ideally I'd like us to be at the next "big event" by Friday evening so I can work on it over the weekend.
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Arctic Blast on February 27, 2013, 01:59:51 AM
Did we suffer any gear damage during that battle with the bear, or was it just a loss of blood?  ;D I know that my lance was broken apart, but is our armor okay? If so, I'm fine with what I've got.

So, I figure I'll make Jon about 35 or so. A few battle scars/stories to share, which should help make a bit of a bond as Dalan is the type that will drink that kind of thing up.

I just read through the section in the rules about Squires (starts on page 36, guys)...I guess we give them one skill with a rating of 5 in addition to the three mentioned on the sheet. Since Jon's a vet, giving him a basic Awareness of 5 makes sense. And that should pretty much have him taken care of to start with.

Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: Barthheart on March 06, 2013, 10:44:34 AM
Quote from: Toonces on May 10, 2012, 01:09:01 AM
Godric- you have earned a lance skill check during the winter phase.  Don't let me forget!

Sorry for the delay guys... had a bit of writers block. Just need to get back in character.

Toonces you wanted be to poke you about this.
I already have mail, sword, shield and spears. Could use a helm of some kind though...
When do we ride!  8)
Title: Re: Pendragon Admin
Post by: bayonetbrant on December 15, 2014, 07:24:57 PM
Bundle of Holding Pendragon stash