GrogHeads Forum

Digital Gaming => Computer Gaming => Topic started by: Jeff Graw on October 02, 2019, 05:31:33 PM

Title: Dominus Galaxia, KickStarter live, beta build inside!
Post by: Jeff Graw on October 02, 2019, 05:31:33 PM
Hi guys!

I was asked to come in here and post a bit about my game, Dominus Galaxia. It's a 4X space strategy game similar to Master of Orion 1.

A few factoids I think you guys might appreciate:

   -Goal is to have a liberated AI that plays by the same rules and constraints as humans.
   -Hotseat mode is supported.
   -Support for >2 sides in tactical combat events.
   -There are "deathmatch" and "tdm" modes that disable diplomacy so that you're left with a pure wargame.

Kickstarter is now live!

And you can download current build at:

If you guys have any questions feel free to ask  :)
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia (KS Oct 6th with full beta build)
Post by: Jarhead0331 on October 02, 2019, 06:13:42 PM
Hey man...welcome to the forum.

Haven't had much chance to play around with the beta yet, but I love the racial art for the various races. Good job so far.

Question about the KS campaign...the beta seems pretty feature complete based on what I've read, so I'm curious as to why you are releasing the beta build for free and doing a KS...doesn't seem to make much sense. How much of the game is really left to develop at this point?
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia (KS Oct 6th with full beta build)
Post by: Jeff Graw on October 02, 2019, 06:31:44 PM
Quote from: Jarhead0331 on October 02, 2019, 06:13:42 PM
So I'm curious as to why you are releasing the beta build for free and doing a KS...doesn't seem to make much sense. How much of the game is really left to develop at this point?

To clarify, the beta build will be fully featured, but isn't going to be updated outside the crowdfunding period (well, maybe for a bit afterwards), so to continue receiving updates you'll need to opt in to a tier with beta testing (or be a beta tester prior to the KS).

Regarding feature-completedness, well, the final output here is going to be a lot more than the sum of its parts. I'm hoping to upgrade the presentation as well, and maybe even add a bunch of cool optional features like a real-time mode, more realistic star systems, and so on.

Basically, I could see this game going really far if everything lines up well. I could see myself working on this 10 years after release just continuing to add content, systems and polish. But that's going to depend on sales, which depends on putting something out that is really awesome on day 1. Being the perfectionist that I am, I'd prefer to keep DG in beta until I either have to release, or hopefully when I'm really satisfied with the quality of the product.
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia (KS Oct 6th with full beta build)
Post by: Geezer on October 02, 2019, 06:34:06 PM
Welcome and best of luck with the game!
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia (KS Oct 6th with full beta build)
Post by: Jeff Graw on October 02, 2019, 06:37:51 PM
Thanks, Geezer!

I get the feeling that my previous response maybe wasn't the greatest, but I dunno. If you guys want me to try to elaborate more on the development plans, then that's fine and I'll give it another shot.
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia (KS Oct 6th with full beta build)
Post by: SirAndrewD on October 02, 2019, 07:56:22 PM
Well, this most certainly has my attention.
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia (KS Oct 6th with full beta build)
Post by: FlickJax on October 03, 2019, 03:01:50 AM
I am not a space 4* specialist but there are lots here, your commitment atleast is great and welcome.
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia (KS Oct 6th with full beta build)
Post by: Martok on October 03, 2019, 03:09:41 AM
Hey, Jeff!  Glad to see you over here. 

In answer to your question, Jarhead, the game is indeed pretty much feature-complete, yes, but is still rather bare-bones at the moment.  He's looking to make it more fully fleshed-out before releasing DG to the general public.  (Jeff, feel free to clarify/correct me if I'm speaking out of turn here.) 

Speaking only for myself, I'm undeniably pretty jazzed about Dominus Galaxia.  I've been following Jeff's work for some time now, and it's hard not to get excited about it (although I do my best ;) ).  I really like the thought & effort he's put into the game's design (which is a *lot*), and his philosophy behind it.  While it remains to be seen how well his vision translates into reality, I very much look forward to seeing him try. 
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia (KS Oct 6th with full beta build)
Post by: HoodedHorseJoe on October 03, 2019, 04:27:05 AM
I will try this as 'space' and '4X' are two words that are relevant to my interests... but man, I do wish people would stop trying to re-do Master of Orion.

It's nice to see someone trying to re-do MOO 1 for a change - most games of this nature are trying to copy MOO2, but I'm personally not a fan of using this as a start point. We end up getting a lot of the same kind of games rolling out, and the 4X genre deserves better than that.

I do like what I've seen of the tactical layer though - this is one areas where I think space 4X games can really shine, so it's good you've created a dedicated battle section. Two-tier ship designer is also music to my ears, as is "infinite tech tree". So it sounds like you're being creative in the right ways. I look forward to seeing how this one pans out.

Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia (KS Oct 6th with full beta build)
Post by: Gusington on October 03, 2019, 07:56:54 AM
Welcome and good luck!
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia (KS Oct 6th with full beta build)
Post by: Jeff Graw on October 03, 2019, 11:37:39 AM
Quote from: Martok on October 03, 2019, 03:09:41 AM
In answer to your question, Jarhead, the game is indeed pretty much feature-complete, yes, but is still rather bare-bones at the moment.  He's looking to make it more fully fleshed-out before releasing DG to the general public.  (Jeff, feel free to clarify/correct me if I'm speaking out of turn here.)

No, that's actually something I should have mentioned: Close to feature complete, but rather content-bare.

Quote from: WargamerJoe on October 03, 2019, 04:27:05 AM
It's nice to see someone trying to re-do MOO 1 for a change - most games of this nature are trying to copy MOO2, but I'm personally not a fan of using this as a start point. We end up getting a lot of the same kind of games rolling out, and the 4X genre deserves better than that.

Heh, well, making DG has made me a fall a little bit out of love with MoO 1 from a design sense, and has also given me a lot of time to think about the genre. That said, MoO-1 type games certainly seem like a massively under-served niche, with only SoTS 1 coming to recent memory.

Now, if I had to start over again I'd do a real-time 4X based on the concept of communications delay and your physical presence in the world. For example, if you want to control a battle with any kind of accuracy you need to risk your person by putting yourself on a nearby (or engaged) ship. It's an organic solution to micro-management since if you try to manage faraway colonies you end up doing more harm than good, while you want to make sure that you trust frontier governors. And then you get into fun stuff like jamming the transmissions of units leaving the leader of that faction blind in an area, etc. Someday I still might try to make this game, if I think I have the energy to do another 4X from scratch...
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia (KS Oct 6th with full beta build)
Post by: Jarhead0331 on October 03, 2019, 11:47:02 AM
I'm not sure I quite understand the nuanced difference between "close to feature complete" while still being "rather content-bare"...but I'm working on it!

Have you thought about incorporating any features from MOO3? The modded and patched version of MOO3 is and will probably always be one of my all time favorite 4x titles. It is so overlooked and under-rated, but it got so much right and truly tried to bring the genre into several new directions.
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia (KS Oct 6th with full beta build)
Post by: Jeff Graw on October 03, 2019, 12:42:50 PM
Quote from: Jarhead0331 on October 03, 2019, 11:47:02 AM
I'm not sure I quite understand the nuanced difference between "close to feature complete" while still being "rather content-bare"...but I'm working on it!

Basically the difference between having a system in place for x and having a lot of x. Eg. Support for space monsters, random events, leaders, etc. versus the number of the same.

To be more specific about the kind of content I mean when I say DG is lacking, it's all the background stuff that makes the universe feel alive and breathing. I think that currently the universe feels a bit bare.

Quote from: Jarhead0331 on October 03, 2019, 11:47:02 AMHave you thought about incorporating any features from MOO3? The modded and patched version of MOO3 is and will probably always be one of my all time favorite 4x titles. It is so overlooked and under-rated, but it got so much right and truly tried to bring the genre into several new directions.

The MoO 3 galactic council was interesting, if perhaps a bit rough. MoO 3 also did a pretty good job with ground combat. Having some kind of galactic council (minus the council victory, because it requires AIs to vote against their best interests), and a bit more in-depth planetary invasions (although probably not tactical, since combined with tactical space combat I could see that disrupting game pacing) are both on my wish-list.
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia (KS Oct 6th with full beta build)
Post by: Jarhead0331 on October 03, 2019, 12:59:12 PM
^The ground combat was a big plus for me, as was the ability to form fleets, flotillas, squadrons for ships and armies, corps, divisions, battalions for ground troops, each requiring certain types and quantities of units. No other 4x game has had this kind of detail and I loved it. 
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia (KS Oct 6th with full beta build)
Post by: Anguille on October 03, 2019, 02:27:13 PM
First, welcome to the Grogheads forums! Also congrats on your KS.

I am fully with Jarhead about MOO3. One of the greatest game design for a 4x (actually 5x) game. Too bad Quicksilver didn't patch it further...guess if it was released today, it would have been easier. A lot of great ideas to pick from.

Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia (KS Oct 6th with full beta build)
Post by: Jeff Graw on October 04, 2019, 01:58:24 PM
Ok guys, there's a download page at to get the KS build:
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KS Oct 6th, beta build inside!
Post by: Martok on October 04, 2019, 11:00:58 PM
Excellent!  Downloading now.  8) 
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KS Oct 6th, beta build inside!
Post by: CJReich46 on October 05, 2019, 10:29:27 AM
Quote from: Martok on October 04, 2019, 11:00:58 PM
Excellent!  Downloading now.  8)

Downloaded last night. Impressive. I liked the combat, could use a tweak or two. Really liked the diplomacy screen, THAT was icing on the cake. Plus it does have that good MOO1 vibe. I commend you on this, for one I like MOO1- the reason why people like MOO2 is because it added more.  I like a Space 4x with depth (Distant Worlds Universe) but sometimes I want to keep it simple. MOO1 fills that, and I think this game is comparable. Adding the Pirates was a nice touch. Plus instead of combat with the AI races, you could hail them, again forward thinking, and I noticed there were queues for shipbuilding A, B, C. Nice.
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KS Oct 6th, beta build inside!
Post by: Jeff Graw on October 05, 2019, 04:58:58 PM
Quote from: CJReich46 on October 05, 2019, 10:29:27 AM
Downloaded last night. Impressive. I liked the combat, could use a tweak or two.

Combat actually just got a pretty big improvement a few months ago. I'm at least going to experiment with adding firing arcs relatively soon. Besides that, the other big weakness that I can see is critical hits and flanking. Mainly because I've been waffling on whether or not to keep them, so I haven't put enough focus in that area. So, I'm either going to streamline that part or elevate them to be more of a first class citizen.

Quote from: CJReich46 on October 05, 2019, 10:29:27 AMReally liked the diplomacy screen, THAT was icing on the cake. Plus it does have that good MOO1 vibe. I commend you on this, for one I like MOO1- the reason why people like MOO2 is because it added more.

Thanks a lot! I'd hazard that the biggest reason is because the game world feels so rich and alive. MoO 2 had an emotional resonance that is probably still unsurpassed. I'm also of the opinion that all of us are subconsciously biased based on emotional resonance. So for instance, everything being equal I'll perceive the game that better immerses me as also being better designed.

Quote from: CJReich46 on October 05, 2019, 10:29:27 AMI noticed there were queues for shipbuilding A, B, C. Nice.

Technically not a queue, but a pointer. This is a tool that is really handy for larger empires, but is a rightful pain in the ass to explain/onboard.  ;D

The way it works is you can set a whole bunch of colonies, let's say 20 of them, to produce preset A. Preset A might be pointing to a ship class named Annihilator. Then you design a new ship class named Victory, and set preset A to point to that instead. Now thanks to that one action all 20 colonies have changed to producing Victory-class starships.
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KS Oct 6th, beta build inside!
Post by: Jarhead0331 on October 05, 2019, 05:17:45 PM
Where is planetary bombardment and invasion at the present state and how do you plan on developing it?
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KS Oct 6th, beta build inside!
Post by: Jeff Graw on October 05, 2019, 05:50:48 PM
Quote from: Jarhead0331 on October 05, 2019, 05:17:45 PM
Where is planetary bombardment and invasion at the present state and how do you plan on developing it?

Both are pretty close to MoO 1 at the moment. Bombing is pretty similar, but there's a finer degree of control. Invasion is also pretty similar, but no cool animation, and like space combat it supports events with >2 sides.

They're both areas I've been thinking about expanding, but I don't have any concrete plans to share just yet.
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KS Oct 6th, beta build inside!
Post by: Jarhead0331 on October 05, 2019, 07:25:54 PM
I haven't played MOO1 in 25 years. I really do not remember any of its mechanics. lol
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KS Oct 6th, beta build inside!
Post by: matt3916 on October 05, 2019, 08:35:07 PM
Dont care for the font.
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KS Oct 6th, beta build inside!
Post by: Jeff Graw on October 05, 2019, 08:48:43 PM
Quote from: matt3916 on October 05, 2019, 08:35:07 PM
Dont care for the font.

I'm growing a bit tired of it too. Well, it's less that the font is bad then that I use it absolutely everywhere.
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KS Oct 6th, beta build inside!
Post by: Jeff Graw on October 05, 2019, 10:27:50 PM
Just thought of something I should mention here that I was talking about in another forum, because it totally plays into the spirit of war-gaming. It's something that I want to do within the next 9 or so months: Ship design intel.

Basically, the idea is that when you first encounter a new ship class it looks like a blank slate... after interacting with it more (eg. fighting it) you begin to uncover its stats. And the more you fight it the more effective you get at killing it. Espionage would play into this as well, so you could also sometimes get information without needing to go into combat. And allies would share information in general.

Besides just being, I think, really cool, and giving players something to "explore" later in the game, I think this would lend well to a lot of strategic situations. Making huge fleets of cheap ships to appear stronger than you are? Being careful when to use your new designs so as to keep them hidden (and therefore strongest when finally revealed)? Even when to build new ship designs seems like it would become a much more involved question.
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KS Oct 6th, beta build inside!
Post by: Martok on October 05, 2019, 11:53:51 PM
Quote from: Jeff Graw on October 05, 2019, 08:48:43 PM
Quote from: matt3916 on October 05, 2019, 08:35:07 PM
Dont care for the font.

I'm growing a bit tired of it too. Well, it's less that the font is bad then that I use it absolutely everywhere.
Huh.  I actually like the font myself; I find that in its own small way, it contributes to the aesthetic and "feel" of the game.  I can see where some might feel it's over-used, though. 

Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KS Oct 6th, beta build inside!
Post by: FarAway Sooner on October 06, 2019, 01:18:45 AM
I like the ship design intel idea.  It is a new convention, but a clever one.  Starting out with awareness of ship size and little else (perhaps some vague measure of shield strength or max speed observed) would be cool.

I'd only suggest that intel not be arrived at solely by fighting something.  Time alone should build some familiarity with ships, either because you simply observe them flying by, or because the lead design engineer decides to retire in your star empire.

I'd think that programming the AI to deal with this would be insane.
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KS Oct 6th, beta build inside!
Post by: Jarhead0331 on October 06, 2019, 02:51:44 AM
What about scanner technology? Research should include a module to be installed on ships that can ID specifications and capability.
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia (KS Oct 6th with full beta build)
Post by: Anguille on October 06, 2019, 07:22:25 AM
Quote from: Jeff Graw on October 03, 2019, 12:42:50 PM
The MoO 3 galactic council was interesting, if perhaps a bit rough. MoO 3 also did a pretty good job with ground combat. Having some kind of galactic council (minus the council victory, because it requires AIs to vote against their best interests).
I don't see it this way. To me, voting in MOO1 had a strong role-playing element. You get to vote for the player who has the same values or is going to the best ruler for all. In some way, it's similar to an alliance Victory.
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KS Oct 6th, beta build inside!
Post by: Jeff Graw on October 06, 2019, 10:04:21 AM
Quote from: Jarhead0331 on October 06, 2019, 02:51:44 AM
What about scanner technology? Research should include a module to be installed on ships that can ID specifications and capability.

Yup. I'm thinking that this can actually be rolled into the battle computers. And in that way you can also have some tension between battle computers that excel at grabbing specs, versus ones that are better at straight up combat. Perhaps with the addition that the former is stronger when the intel on a design is really low.

Quote from: Anguille on October 06, 2019, 07:22:25 AM
I don't see it this way. To me, voting in MOO1 had a strong role-playing element. You get to vote for the player who has the same values or is going to the best ruler for all. In some way, it's similar to an alliance Victory.

I agree 100% about the strong role playing element. But I still don't like it from a design perspective. If all the players were humans would anyone ever get elected? No. So I'd like to put something else in there to capture the role playing part, just without the unfortunate AI-compulsion thing.
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KS Oct 6th, beta build inside!
Post by: bobarossa on October 06, 2019, 10:50:11 AM
Quote from: FarAway Sooner on October 06, 2019, 01:18:45 AM
I like the ship design intel idea.  It is a new convention, but a clever one.  Starting out with awareness of ship size and little else (perhaps some vague measure of shield strength or max speed observed) would be cool.

I'd only suggest that intel not be arrived at solely by fighting something.  Time alone should build some familiarity with ships, either because you simply observe them flying by, or because the lead design engineer decides to retire in your star empire.

I'd think that programming the AI to deal with this would be insane.
Actually an intel screen has been in Aurora for a long time.  Page is updated continuously as you encounter alien/enemy vessels.  Hopefully a screenie is attached.

Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KS Oct 6th, beta build inside!
Post by: Jarhead0331 on October 06, 2019, 11:21:18 AM
^Aurora is in a league of its own. Can't wait for c#...
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KS Oct 6th, beta build inside!
Post by: Jeff Graw on October 06, 2019, 03:02:23 PM
KickStarter is live!!!
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KS Oct 6th, beta build inside!
Post by: Anguille on October 06, 2019, 04:05:09 PM
Good luck! :bd:
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KS Oct 6th, beta build inside!
Post by: Martok on October 06, 2019, 08:54:50 PM
Quote from: Jeff Graw on October 06, 2019, 03:02:23 PM
KickStarter is live!!!
Sweet!!  Good luck, Jeff! 

Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KS Oct 6th, beta build inside!
Post by: Jeff Graw on October 08, 2019, 05:11:01 PM
OK, 20% threshold passed. Going to work on OSX/Linux versions of the beta today!
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KS Oct 6th, beta build inside!
Post by: Grim.Reaper on October 08, 2019, 06:25:13 PM
Quote from: Jeff Graw on October 08, 2019, 05:11:01 PM
OK, 20% threshold passed. Going to work on OSX/Linux versions of the beta today!

Dumb question.  What happens if you don't make your goal?  Is the project totally scrapped or will try something different to get the game completed?  I did pledge for it so would love to see it done.

Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KS Oct 6th, beta build inside!
Post by: Jeff Graw on October 08, 2019, 06:44:32 PM
Quote from: Grim.Reaper on October 08, 2019, 06:25:13 PM
Dumb question.  What happens if you don't make your goal?

The later. But it's going to be a pretty rough time.
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KickStarter live, beta build inside!
Post by: Jeff Graw on October 10, 2019, 08:04:38 PM
I really need OSX and Linux users to help me test builds for those platforms. Anyone here able to lend a hand?
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KickStarter live, beta build inside!
Post by: Huw the Poo on October 11, 2019, 12:40:20 AM
Hmm, I could possibly help with Linux, although I'm not really set up for gaming on it and I use a LTS release.  You'll probably get loads of volunteers if you post in r/linux_gaming on Reddit though.
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KickStarter live, beta build inside!
Post by: Jeff Graw on October 11, 2019, 02:40:06 PM
It's been much, much easier to get Linux volunteers than OSX ones thus far.
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KickStarter live, beta build inside!
Post by: Huw the Poo on October 11, 2019, 05:13:42 PM
Yes, and what you should find is the Linux players are much more technically savvy than average, and bugs rooted out will benefit the game as a whole.

I didn't see a post on Reddit, so I'm curious where you recruited volunteers?
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KickStarter live, beta build inside!
Post by: Moreb on October 11, 2019, 08:45:12 PM
About a third of the way through. I backed you even if it isn't my genre. I'll have 2 copies to give away for those that may be better at testing than I would.

Good luck
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KickStarter live, beta build inside!
Post by: Jeff Graw on October 12, 2019, 10:53:55 PM
Quote from: Huw the Poo on October 11, 2019, 05:13:42 PM

I didn't see a post on Reddit, so I'm curious where you recruited volunteers?

GamingOnLinux's Discord. Super helpful people! Getting Mac gamers to help test on the other hand is analogous to skinning cats.

I'm planning on making a post on r/linux_gaming just as soon as the Steam release clears the rubber stamping process though.

Quote from: Moreb on October 11, 2019, 08:45:12 PM
About a third of the way through. I backed you even if it isn't my genre. I'll have 2 copies to give away for those that may be better at testing than I would.

Awesome, thanks. A part of the reason for offering extra keys is to help get grow the fanbase. I don't even really mind if people pirate the game after its release. I'd rather they pirate it than not play it. Maybe I'll put it up on TPB myself (although if I find a publisher, probably not ;))
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KickStarter live, beta build inside!
Post by: Jeff Graw on October 25, 2019, 02:37:36 AM
Final 48 hours and 78% funded!
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KickStarter live, beta build inside!
Post by: Anguille on October 25, 2019, 06:35:11 AM
Quote from: Jeff Graw on October 25, 2019, 02:37:36 AM
Final 48 hours and 78% funded!

Great....keep it up and make a lot of noise. Also well done to have asked GetDaved to make a stream about it.
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KickStarter live, beta build inside!
Post by: Jeff Graw on October 25, 2019, 01:30:41 PM
Yup, that stream was probably the best one yet!

First 12 of the final 48 hours is looking too slow though...

Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KickStarter live, beta build inside!
Post by: Grim.Reaper on October 26, 2019, 10:06:25 AM
Under $300 to go with 15 hours to go....looks like its going to make it.
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KickStarter live, beta build inside!
Post by: Jeff Graw on October 26, 2019, 11:45:26 AM
We just reached our funding goal! :bd:
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KickStarter live, beta build inside!
Post by: Jarhead0331 on October 26, 2019, 12:00:53 PM
Congrats! Very happy to hear it. Good luck.
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KickStarter live, beta build inside!
Post by: Anguille on October 26, 2019, 12:55:02 PM
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KickStarter live, beta build inside!
Post by: Martok on October 30, 2019, 01:13:53 AM
Huzzah!  :bd: 
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KickStarter live, beta build inside!
Post by: solops on February 25, 2023, 01:17:52 AM
Dominus Galaxia is not dead yet! It has all of a sudden gotten 3 or 4 updates in the last month or so. Go figure! I have something else I have to go play soon.
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KickStarter live, beta build inside!
Post by: bobarossa on February 25, 2023, 10:20:53 AM
Deleted my link to the game just a couple months ago after years of nothing from developer! 
edit: Wow, wasn't even aware there was a Steam page!
Title: Re: Dominus Galaxia, KickStarter live, beta build inside!
Post by: JasonPratt on February 25, 2023, 12:30:59 PM
Not only that, it's an apparently full free beta!