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Digital Gaming => Computer Gaming => Topic started by: Toonces on August 13, 2012, 09:08:56 PM

Title: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Toonces on August 13, 2012, 09:08:56 PM
First off, this is a great game.  I was (and still am) very indimidated by it, but I'm finding that by just pressing play and jumping into the deep end I'm starting to get the hang of it.  Sort of.

Ok, so I abandoned my Iceland game and started over as Prince of Moray in Scotland in the 1066 scenario.  I start with two holdings- Moray and Ross.

Somehow I get a du jure claim against an area to the east- Bethany or something like that.  I declare war and hire 1000 mercenaries to assist.  I successfully win the seige getting my warscore up to 100%.  I offer peace- accept demands which the Count does.  But, afterwards I don't seem to "own" the area.  I can't build stuff and it's not surrounded with a border.  Also, I can't revoke his title now because we're in a truce.

How do I actually capture the area?
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Toonces on August 13, 2012, 09:22:13 PM
Just to add, he's an Earl, not a Count.  When I change the map colors, the area is the same color as Moray and Ross. 

Also, I have a du jure claim on Caithness, to the north, but I can't declare war because it is independent. 
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: TheCommandTent on August 13, 2012, 09:23:09 PM
I am very much in the same boat as you in terms of being intimidated by the game but still trying to play.  So take what I say with a grain of salt and I am sure someone who knows what they are actually talking about will be along shortly.

If I remember correctly when you win the war and they accept peace they become your vassals and you don't get direct control of those claims.  You either have to revoke their claim (which I believes makes alot of people unhappy) or wait for them to rebel then revoke the claim and put them in jail  (which nobody cares about).

Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Nefaro on August 13, 2012, 10:37:48 PM
Quote from: Toonces on August 13, 2012, 09:22:13 PM
Just to add, he's an Earl, not a Count.  When I change the map colors, the area is the same color as Moray and Ross. 

I'm not really sure of the whole situation during your war - there was obviously a historical casus belli for the leader you chose.  If it's color shows as the same as yours in one filter, but not in another, then you likely made him swear fealty to you.  Which means your WarDec specified that if you won, that he would become your vassal.  To be sure, remember the ruler's name and then open your own character page and bring up the Vassals tab & see if he's in there.

Another thing.. and this may be more likely.. is that if you are a vassal of someone else (King of Scotland perchance?  I can't remember) then you can only WarDec other vassals of same IIRC.  So the War aims you chose when you wardec'd your fellow vassal of Scotland was probably only for gaining points and/or money from the guy, and not his lands.  There are different Casus Bellis and each one has a specific outcome for winning and losing (each).  If there are numerous war goal choices, make sure you choose the exact one you want when declaring and not just the default (top) one.

QuoteAlso, I have a du jure claim on Caithness, to the north, but I can't declare war because it is independent.

This points to the second instance I mentioned above.  You cannot declare war on any other noble if you are a vassal yourself.   While in-fighting is okay, it would require your liege's decision to WarDec a neighboring independent ruler; so your King (in this case) is the only one who can declare war on another.  Did I make sense, here?
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Toonces on August 13, 2012, 11:09:36 PM
Yep, concur completely with everything you guys said.  He's my Vassal now (and I'm his liege) so it is as you guys say and I guess I can't declare war on Caithness because I'm under the King of Scotland.


I missed the war aims stuff, though...I'll have to pay a lot closer attention the next time I have an opportunity to declare war.
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Toonces on August 14, 2012, 03:38:08 AM
Soooo.....guess who managed to become King of Scotland?


Tough fight, but I think I am figuring it all out.  The key was to wait for the original king to die and then declare war with the goal of securing the Kingdom of Scotland in the war screen (missed that the first playthrough with Iceland).


Not sure what I'm goint to do next, maybe try to pick up some of those countries to the north and west.  Hell, maybe I'll try to take Iceland!
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Toonces on August 14, 2012, 03:39:03 AM
What an amazing game...I knew this game would be worth it if I put in the effort to learn how to play it.  Awesome stuff, man.
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: undercovergeek on August 14, 2012, 04:02:01 AM
Well done on the kingship toonces..... Surely England beckons next!! At least a few of any independant titles first!

For a de jure claim all your doing is usurping the title but leaving the initial vassal in place... A problem I have in Spain as I end up keeping the Muslim vassal and he always hates me! You could then remove his title but everyone will be unhappy or wait for him to rebel as he will still be loyal to his original liege and this usually happens..... All the consequences benefits and losses of each claim and the different kinds of claims are listed on the declare war page as you go for the location

Good luck and glad you're enjoying it
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Father Ted on August 14, 2012, 04:55:06 PM
I'd been thinking about getting CK2 for a while, and then there was a Steam sale and I also started reading Game of Thrones so it became a must buy.  I've now had a couple of sessions and just haven't got it yet.

I'm confused about what I'm supposed to be doing in general terms.  Is it like Total War, in that you have to grow your economy and expand your realm, capturing areas by force?  Or is it more about the diplomacy?  I'm playing my game as a duke - does how you play vary depending on your initial "rank"?

I'd appreciate any pointers you guys can give me - just how you actually play the game, really!
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: undercovergeek on August 14, 2012, 05:18:52 PM
There is no right and wrong with the game you want to play.... Beyond the historical England takes Scotland, France takes England, unify Italy or Germany it comes down to your own preset goals... Its refreshing and occasionally mind boggling to play a game that says 'what do you want to do' instead of build 10 archers, then take this and build that... Do exactly what you want and the story will build itself anyway... At some point in an early game you'll get a trigger like 'Dave the count of wherever doesn't like you'.... You're off... The world is now your oyster... Kill Dave? Kill daves liege and become daves boss? Usurp daves lands and leave him destitute? Kill Dave and marry his wife have loads of kids and call them all Dave? Ignore Dave and become more powerful another way?
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: TheCommandTent on August 14, 2012, 05:19:51 PM
Here is a helpful YouTube series that I watched when I first started.  It helped understand alot about the game.
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: TheCommandTent on August 14, 2012, 05:21:12 PM
Quote from: undercovergeek on August 14, 2012, 05:18:52 PM
Kill Dave and marry his wife have loads of kids and call them all Dave?

Now that is funny!   ;D
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Nefaro on August 14, 2012, 05:38:19 PM
Quote from: Toonces on August 14, 2012, 03:38:08 AM
Soooo.....guess who managed to become King of Scotland?


Tough fight, but I think I am figuring it all out.  The key was to wait for the original king to die and then declare war with the goal of securing the Kingdom of Scotland in the war screen (missed that the first playthrough with Iceland).

Not sure what I'm goint to do next, maybe try to pick up some of those countries to the north and west.  Hell, maybe I'll try to take Iceland!

Nicely done!

The Sly Backstabbery is strong with this one.

Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Toonces on August 14, 2012, 06:19:44 PM
Quote from: TheCommandTent on August 14, 2012, 05:19:51 PM
Here is a helpful YouTube series that I watched when I first started.  It helped understand alot about the game.

Yes, this was the series I watched last weekend when I finally decided to get serious about learning the game.

Like UG said, you sort of have to set your own goals for the game.  Otherwise you can just sit back and let the game run and not do anything.  For this game I wanted to try to capture most of Scotland, which I did, but the key was picking the right guy (the Duke of Moray) and then having a starting claim on the Kingdom of Scotland when the first king died. 

It's not like Total War where the game is primarily about building armies and taking things but more about diplomacy and figuring out who to marry to whom to build your dynasty and give you claims to lands that you can exploit later.  It's hard to explain actually, and I'm not sure I completely understand it. 

What really helped me was, after watching about 4 parts of that tutorial video series, was to just start playing.  Just play, try a few things and see what happens.  Really, just having the courage to press play, pick somebody, and then start clicking buttons was the key for me.  There's just no way to grasp all of the stuff going on until you let the game run for a hundred years or so.
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Gusington on August 14, 2012, 06:54:45 PM
Thanks for the above man. I am in a bit of a rut myself now and reading 'just press play' is sparking up the old love. CKII is on my short list and the described open ended nature of the game sounds great...
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Toonces on August 14, 2012, 08:17:18 PM
I can't do an AAR nearly as well as UG, but in my current game, I started out as the Duke of Moray and I had the King of Scotland as my liege.  I married a 17 year old somebody who died of syphillis in like the first year of the game.

So, I got betrothed to the 0-year old (yes, zero) princess of the Holy Roman Empire thinking that might give me an in to the HRE in the later game.  Meanwhile, my heir is my sister and I have a good 16 years or so to go before I can start working on my own heirs with my 2 month old wife-to-be (I know, sick).

Meanwhile, the King dies, leaving his 5-year old son as heir.  I had a strong claim on the kingdom so I pressed a du jure claim and recruited like 3 of the counties to my side.  Now my 24 year old Duke is at war with a 5 year old and betrothed to a 2 month old.

As the war progresses over several years my Duke gets bored and has an affair with a mistress (+20% fertility, looking at the long game here!), he has a bastard daughter that I legitimize.  Score! now I have an heir even if it is a chick.

My "wife" comes of age, my mistress dies of "mysterious circumstances", and I catch pneumonia...but fortunately live.  I decide this little brat king of Scotland needs to go and I plot to murder him.  My brother-in-law from my first wife(my Marshall) gets excommunicated by the pope due to a plot by a Norwegian duke (jerk) and then gets drunk and lets out my plot about killing the king!  Everyone's opinion of me goes down.

Finally, I have every territory of Scotland except one beat and don't you know my plot to kill the king actually works?  So, of course the next little brat takes over which destroys my du jure claim, all of my captured territories revert to the new king and I end up right where I started from 20 years earlier!  Fortunately I had a save game right before the murder plot worked so I re-loaded that game, withdrew the plot, and then finished up my war with the original king and got all of Scotland.  It was a little cheat, but I didn't realize that by killing the little bastard I'd lose 20 years of work...lesson learned!

Now I'm sitting as King of Scotland, a young son and two daughters (one bastard) as heirs, an 18 year old wife, and a minor claim on some Muslim territory way down south somewhere.  Life is good!

Does that sound interesting to you?  Well, that, my friend, is Crusader Kings 2. 
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Toonces on August 14, 2012, 09:26:37 PM
See, everything's going fine and then life throws you a curveball.  We'll need UG to sort this mess out...


Ok, first let's get oriented.  My little pop-up thingy said I had a weak claim on Kildare, in the center of the screen.  You can just see my army of 895 on the northern portion having just finished beating the Earl of Kildare and gaining ownership of it.

Shortly thereafter I get another pop-up warning that I have territories that will go to other kingdoms upon their current owner's death.  Hmmm.  So I drill down and the little brat in the top left corner is heir to Argyll, right smack in the middle of Scotland.

How did this happen?

Well the chick in the Liege picture is his mom.  She was married to a member of my court, my Marshall and the owner of Argyll...a good Scottish lad except he had married this Irish wench who is Countess of Kildare.  He died a natural death and his father, the kid's grandfather, was still alive and one of my guys.  So, I guess the law is that when the Marshall died Kildare passed from the wife to the grandfather which gave me (the King) a weak claim to Kildare.  All well and good and I seized that claim but now the little brat Walter, my Marshall's son and an Irish lad gets a claim to Argyll through his mom. 


So somehow I won Kildare but in the process have jeopardized Argyll...I guess...

I'm trying to marry his mom off to some fine Scottsman but for some reason that's not an option.  I guess I could try to knock the kid off...but then I need to figure out who Kildare (and Argyll) would go to on succession....  Boy, this is confusing.
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Toonces on August 14, 2012, 10:54:09 PM

So here's where we are right now (I resized the pic so hopefully it's not so annoyingly big).

I don't entirely understand what's going on here.  Ok, so the Kingdom of Scotland is where you'd expect, outlined with dashed yellow/red lines and colored purples and blues.  I have on "direct vassal" view and I've got all sorts of colors going on (I should really RTFM on this).

I just recently won a war to acquire Galloway, maker of amazing golf clubs in about 950 years.  I was trying to get all of the Duchess's(?) territories including the one just north of Galloway and the islands to the west of Ross/Moray but for some reason, even though I conquered all of them I could only get Galloway.  There didn't seem to be an option to declare war for the whole kingdom.  Now, I can declare war on the islands but that would go against a Christian (see the cross-banner?  we're on the Crusades now) and would kill my standing with my Christian brothers and sisters.  I can afford the piety hit but I don't want to piss everyone off, you know?

So I am the King of Scotland and I think I own all of Scotland even though I'm different colors.  I think all those dudes/dudettes are my vassals.  The woman who is in charge of Buchan is plotting a fabrication claim on Moray.  I've got my spymaster over there building up my spy network in case I need to take her out and my steward is over their taxing her bum because she aggravates me.

Kildare got absorbed into some other Irish counties.  I don't have the bucks to go to war with Ireland right now.

Finally, I have a duchal claim on Caithness, north of Ross, but do take that I have to declare war on Norway...not a good idea right now.

Finally finally, I have weak claims on a province in the HRE as well as the WHOLE HRE due to my marriage to my wife (who only gave me one son...not cool.  Who needs 3 daughters?).

My character is 51 now, so I have to start looking/planning for what's going to happen when he dies.  I have a male heir (I think he's like 8 or 10) but I expect a revolution when I die and I need to work on some diplomacy I think.

Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Toonces on August 15, 2012, 01:54:01 AM
Last post for the night, especially since I'm talking to myself at this point (being on Hawaii time is kind of a bummer for forum interaction with you guys!).

So I revoked the Duchess of Buchan's title, went to war and spanked her and took her lands for myself.  I gave it to a nice reliable vassal who replaced my dead Marshall and then I married him to a 20 year old princess from Russia, so he's stoked.  I have to admit, she IS pretty hot.

Now then, I have several women in my court that I just don't know what to do with.  I have 3 daughters (one a legitimate bastard, I also slept with my sister in law, but that's another story...) that I have to marry off.  They're all in the 11-12 y/o range so I need to start planning ahead.

What makes this game so interesting is that I'm learning a lot about how all of these things worked back then.  Men inherit, women are like currency.  My daughters and single sister in law are like little timebombs waiting to go off.  I made the mistake in my last game of marrying my daughter to a Prince and then when I died the dude was about to inherit Iceland through succession laws.  Don't want to make that mistake.  On the other hand, marrying your females off to high-level dudes can build good alliances.  But you have to be smart about it.  Because, if the right people die you can end up with some other country having a claim to your kingdom that he can then press du jure and you're in a world of hurt.

I have 8 weak claims on the HRE and Russia right now because of marriages I have concocted so far!

I can't press them...I don't have the money or alliances to do that, but maybe the way to go about this is to find an enemy of the HRE, marry into that family to cement an alliance, and then press my claims....

Anyway, women are interesting in this game.  They're like aces, or even jokers, that you keep up your sleeve.  You can use them as either a one or an eleven, if you know what I mean.

Matrilineal marriages are always good- they keep the line with the woman- but not many people will go for them so far.  As King, I don't need to feed at the bottom within my own kingdom (although bottom feeding on Russia or HRE might be worthwhile...)

I was so scared as to what to do with all these women that I ended up googling it.  Here's a good post I found regarding women in CK2:

To me, daughters are more important. I can expand my kingdom more reliably by using daughters. Gaining a title via sons is more time consuming, and there's a chance the title will not be passed on.

For daughters:

1. Marry them off to princes or kings for a strategic alliance that will help you win major wars.

2. Find a courtier with a title claim (duchy claims are especially good) in a foreign country and have a matrilineal marriage. Press claims and when you win, the territory will be apart of your kingdom. Rinse and repeat. (I conquered almost all of Norway within a few years as Ireland by doing this).

3. Find a courtier with excellent traits and have a matrilineal marriage to preserve your dynasty.

For sons:

1. Find a courtier with a title claim that can be passed down to your son.

2. Find a courtier with exceptional stewardship skills to expand demense size.

3. Fina a courtier with good traits.
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: undercovergeek on August 15, 2012, 05:20:45 AM
Family women are perfect as you described especially if you can marry them to heirs and get matrilineal marriages

As for ladies in your court marry them out for prestige ASAP..... Un married men in your court get them married to ladies with high skills in all the fields as soon as you can... This brings them to court... Now you can't put the ladies on the council but you can their sons who usually inherit the motherly skills especially if you name that mother as a tutor as soon as they reach six..... Tuttor all the court kids boy and girl to improve their skills for better marriages and good councillors
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Nefaro on August 15, 2012, 06:43:42 AM
From what I've read as to why the Matrilineal Marriage option was even included in the game (as it probably shouldn't be) is that it's there so you can pull your rear out of the fire and come back from having no sons, thus becoming a female ruler and needing heirs of your own doesn't give you a Game Over.  There was a fair amount of debate on whether it should be included at all, and how it can easily be exploited to blob out.   I know how frustrating it is when the RNG basically gives you that game over situation so I'm glad they included it.. but..

That guy's suggestion of marrying your daughters to lesser non-landed nobility w/ claims, under a Matrilineal marriage agreement, is just too far-fetched for me to believe, so I don't use it.  Actually, I only use the Matrilineal in those rare cases that I'm stuck with the aforementioned dead end due to having six daughters or some such, and want to continue but I don't use it to easily get claims & expand.  That's just too gamey for my tastes, but some people tend to go all out for the win as opposed to restricting themselves like that so it's all about how anyone wants to play.  I don't think Pdox has been in a hurry to add a lump of coding to restrict it as much as it should be, is the impression I've gleaned in the past.  I also have another niggle in the ruleset they need to work on (regarding the crown authority stuff being decided by the most powerful ruler in a region, and other independent rulers having to run their own kingdoms the same way) but they also act as if it's too much of a headache to change (and there's DLC to make!).   :-*

Sorry for bringing the fun level down a bit.  I had to vent little frustration on some stuff I feel is unfinished, is all.  Even excellent games have a few oddities like this, and CK2 is definitely an excellent game.

Continue on with your experiences, Toonces, I always enjoy reading about them.  Everyone seems to have their own style in running their own demesne.  8)
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Gusington on August 15, 2012, 06:58:20 AM
Toonces you should consider putting all these posts together into one AAR for the main section here. Well done!
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: undercovergeek on August 15, 2012, 09:19:56 AM
Agreed.... Get it stuck up there, it works 3 fold... It immerses you more in your story, it certainly sparks other peoples interest and gives courage to press the play button and allows others to learn from your mistakes and victories... Just like killing the king thing
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Gusington on August 15, 2012, 07:25:12 PM
Toonces can you hear us? Please contact Brant and LB and get this done up proper!
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Nefaro on August 15, 2012, 08:27:43 PM
Quote from: Gusington on August 15, 2012, 07:25:12 PM
Toonces can you hear us? Please contact Brant and LB and get this done up proper!

He may well be in a CK2-a-thon. 

Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Nefaro on August 15, 2012, 08:29:54 PM
I'm waiting for him to relate when the day comes that he has some sons.

And they're all mentally retarded, or get ill and die young, and the only one standout is so light in the loafers that he's not likely to make any sons of his own.  Quandaries abound.

Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Gusington on August 15, 2012, 08:40:52 PM
This thing almost writes itself!
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: TheCommandTent on August 15, 2012, 08:46:37 PM
This game is great at telling a highly entertaining story!
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Gusington on August 15, 2012, 08:53:28 PM
Maybe I should start playing it myself.
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Silent Disapproval Robot on August 15, 2012, 10:39:23 PM
I've tinkered with it a bit but I'm still definitely in the "why did that happen?", "why can't I...?" stage.  Very frustrating.
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Nefaro on August 15, 2012, 11:05:33 PM
Quote from: Silent Disapproval Robot on August 15, 2012, 10:39:23 PM
I've tinkered with it a bit but I'm still definitely in the "why did that happen?", "why can't I...?" stage.  Very frustrating.

Doesn't the CK2 message boards have a stickied FAQ or something for the ruleset questions?

I dunno because I can't access them - only the beta forum *sigh*.  ???
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Toonces on August 16, 2012, 01:02:37 AM
Quote from: Gusington on August 15, 2012, 07:25:12 PM
Toonces can you hear us? Please contact Brant and LB and get this done up proper!

Hey, I appreciate the sentiment but I'm not interested in doing a formal AAR.  Undercover Geek did a much, much better AAR than I can do- you should put his on the front page.

Anyway, I didn't get to any CK2 tonight, I'm taking a break from the computer today.  More tomorrow.
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: undercovergeek on August 16, 2012, 02:49:45 AM
Awww shucks thanks toonces

Normal service will resume when I get back from holiday
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Gusington on August 16, 2012, 06:37:27 AM
Damn you. Geek you interested?
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: undercovergeek on August 16, 2012, 02:29:55 PM
I am

Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Gusington on August 16, 2012, 08:28:51 PM
^Awesome! Please contact LB and/or Brant and they will take it from there. Thanks 'Geek.

On a personal note I will be eagerly awaiting the AAR for a crash course in what sounds like a deeply cerebral game.
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Nefaro on August 16, 2012, 09:30:37 PM
Maybe someday a big huge multiplayer game of CK2 would be in order?  ;D
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: TheCommandTent on August 16, 2012, 09:43:50 PM
Quote from: Nefaro on August 16, 2012, 09:30:37 PM
Maybe someday a big huge multiplayer game of CK2 would be in order?  ;D

CK2 has multiplayer?
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Toonces on August 16, 2012, 10:00:52 PM
It does- a big Grogheads CK2 MP match would be pretty sweet.  We'd have to handicap undercovergeek somehow, though.
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: TheCommandTent on August 16, 2012, 10:03:14 PM
Quote from: Toonces on August 16, 2012, 10:00:52 PM
It does- a big Grogheads CK2 MP match would be pretty sweet.  We'd have to handicap undercovergeek somehow, though.

That could make for one interesting game.  I wonder how pausing and speeding the game up would work.
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Nefaro on August 17, 2012, 06:59:33 AM
Quote from: TheCommandTent on August 16, 2012, 10:03:14 PM
Quote from: Toonces on August 16, 2012, 10:00:52 PM
It does- a big Grogheads CK2 MP match would be pretty sweet.  We'd have to handicap undercovergeek somehow, though.

That could make for one interesting game.  I wonder how pausing and speeding the game up would work.

I'm pretty sure the game speed is set to the slowest setting of all the players.  But it also never pauses IIRC.  The MP was still kinda shaky at release but I think they've fixed many of those MP bugs since then.

And hell yes it has big-time multiplayer!

QuoteRelive the Middle Ages with up to 32 other players in a competitive multiplayer mode


Edit:  I still need to buy the retail release - been waiting for a compilation set on Gamersgate that includes the Islam expansion but haven't seen one yet.  I've only get the beta debug versions and I don't think it's compatible with retail MP.  :(
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Barthheart on August 17, 2012, 07:09:45 AM
MP would be cool! I'm up for trying it.
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Kushan on August 17, 2012, 01:45:53 PM
Quote from: Nefaro on August 16, 2012, 09:30:37 PM
Maybe someday a big huge multiplayer game of CK2 would be in order?  ;D

I'd be down for CK2 multiplayer.
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Toonces on August 18, 2012, 09:13:15 PM

Ok, so we're quite a few years later.  Last year I totally cleaned house and imprisoned all of the folks who had plots against my various vassals and courtiers. 

I betrothed my son to the Princess of Hungary with an eye towards building an alliance against a potential move against the HRE.  I have a couple of outstanding weak claims there, so I have du jure claims I can press later.

Also, I betrothed my two daughters; both to HRE to keep minor claims coming in.

BUT...the Hungarian princess I betrothed my son to is currently 9 y/o (I think) whereas my son is now 16 and of age.  I (King of Scotland) finally died on 11 September, 1105 leaving my son as my heir, but no other heirs to the throne.  How did that happen again?!  So, if the game ends now I lose and Scotland fragments.

Tough decision here.  Do I break my betrothal to Hungary in order to get a child-bearing chick in the sack with my son immediately, or do I "hope for the best" and wait it out another 7-8 years or so, assuming Hungary has a son?  Crap, I should have seen this coming, I was like 57 or something.

Maybe I missed something with respect to succession laws, but I think I (again) screwed up.  I need sons!
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Toonces on August 18, 2012, 09:50:50 PM
Close one!

I forgot that my wife was pregnant.  Fortunately, she had a son so now I have two male heirs, one 18 (now) and one 2 y/o.  My 18 y/o's betrothed is 12 so I'm going to let it ride.  Also, my daughter married the King of the HRE, so I'm sitting good there as well.

I joined a war with Hungary against some scrub country but the Hungary dropped the ball and we're getting shwacked over there.  I raised my personal levies to participate, building that whole alliance thingy, not realizing until we got into fighting that I (King of Scotland!) was leading the damn army!  Woops!  Luckily we won, and then I beat feet out of there. 

It's now late 1108.  Keeping fingers crossed for more male heirs in a few years, and that nobody knocks off the King or little Prince.
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Nefaro on August 19, 2012, 12:08:33 AM
Here's a dedication to the CK2 crowd.  ;D

Horrible Histories: Medieval Warfare


Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: undercovergeek on August 19, 2012, 06:10:51 AM
i forget where it is now Toonces but there is a button that comes with a certain law that allows you not to take the king to battle - ill dig around
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: MetalDog on August 19, 2012, 09:01:20 AM
I never let you people talk me into new games.  You're profligate money wasters and wool gatherers who have too many games and too little time to play them, but, this Crusader Kings sounds BOFFO!  Where can one pur-chase it digitally?
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: LongBlade on August 19, 2012, 09:21:51 AM
Quote from: MetalDog on August 19, 2012, 09:01:20 AM
I never let you people talk me into new games.  You're profligate money wasters and wool gatherers who have too many games and too little time to play them, but, this Crusader Kings sounds BOFFO!  Where can one pur-chase it digitally?

Amazon has it:

Great thread, guys. Makes me want to get it, but I know I already have too much on my plate.
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Martok on August 19, 2012, 01:56:54 PM
Quote from: Toonces on August 18, 2012, 09:50:50 PM
Close one!

I forgot that my wife was pregnant.  Fortunately, she had a son so now I have two male heirs, one 18 (now) and one 2 y/o.  My 18 y/o's betrothed is 12 so I'm going to let it ride.  Also, my daughter married the King of the HRE, so I'm sitting good there as well.
Yeah, that was lucky!  If your wife hadn't had a son, I'd have broken off that betrothal to the Hungarian princess in a heartbeat.  From all the AAR's I've seen of the game so far, it seems like your ruler and/or heirs can drop dread with absolutely no warning whatsoever, so getting more heirs ASAP is generally a high priority! 

Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Nefaro on August 19, 2012, 03:54:17 PM
Quote from: MetalDog on August 19, 2012, 09:01:20 AM
I never let you people talk me into new games.  You're profligate money wasters and wool gatherers who have too many games and too little time to play them, but, this Crusader Kings sounds BOFFO!  Where can one pur-chase it digitally?

He said 'digital' LB!

It's on sale for $15 from Gamersgate (for another 6 hours!!)

Will probably go back to it's normal sale price of $18-20 soon.

Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Toonces on August 19, 2012, 06:31:39 PM
It might be worth holding out for a Labor Day sale on Steam.  I got the whole smack with all the DLC for pennies during the summer sale and I'll bet they have another one soon. 

I don't know how much it costs on Steam right now.

Edit: $50 with all the DLC.  Truthfully, it's worth $50, but if you're not dying to get it I'd hold out for Labor Day at least (or buy through another vendor like
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: MetalDog on August 19, 2012, 07:08:25 PM
Thank you both.  I will try to hold off until Labor Day and see if it goes on sale on Steam.  I'm basing some of this purchase on the fact that their seems to be some MP interest. 
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Nefaro on August 19, 2012, 10:01:34 PM
Quote from: Toonces on August 19, 2012, 06:31:39 PM
It might be worth holding out for a Labor Day sale on Steam.  I got the whole smack with all the DLC for pennies during the summer sale and I'll bet they have another one soon. 

I don't know how much it costs on Steam right now.

Edit: $50 with all the DLC.  Truthfully, it's worth $50, but if you're not dying to get it I'd hold out for Labor Day at least (or buy through another vendor like

Steam will probably have the whole deal, with DLC on sale cheaper than Gamersgate ever will.   Also, thus far, I've not had to actually have Steam running in order to run CK2 (beta anyway) so there was obviously no Steam integration into the game's EXE last I checked .. which means you can back up the whole game install folder somewhere and then just C&P it over when you need to reinstall on anything.  However!!  AFAIK, Pdox has planned on more integration with Steam in the future so that may change and you may actually have to run Steam in order to play it. *shrug*

That's the main reason there's a Gamersgate version, which people cried for,.. to be sure they could burn it to disc or back up the game without needing 3rd party software to play (and internet connection to install).  I'll probably get this one, even if a bit higher in price, just in case I'm still playing it long into the future.
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Gusington on August 20, 2012, 07:08:42 AM
IIRC I got CKII, the DLC, and the Islam expansion from Steam for 20.00.
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: MetalDog on August 20, 2012, 08:48:10 PM
You're singing my song, Gus!  :-)
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Gusington on August 20, 2012, 09:45:52 PM
Right now it's 50.00 as posted above...20.00 is quite the bargain :)
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: MetalDog on August 20, 2012, 11:06:22 PM
THAT's an off note :-(
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Barthheart on August 21, 2012, 11:47:51 AM
CK II on sale at Gamefly for $9.99 until Aug. 23!

Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Gusington on August 21, 2012, 04:14:14 PM
^O snap...'PHRO!!! Get in there!
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Nefaro on August 21, 2012, 04:37:17 PM
Quote from: Gusington on August 21, 2012, 04:14:14 PM
^O snap...'PHRO!!! Get in there!

But what if the whole set is on sale for $20 soon?

Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Gusington on August 21, 2012, 07:48:53 PM
Dare to dream. I did.
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: MetalDog on August 21, 2012, 07:57:23 PM
It may bite me in the end, but, I am going to wait for Steam's Labor Day sale and see if I can get the whole enchilada for a good price.
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Gusington on August 21, 2012, 09:09:35 PM
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Nefaro on August 21, 2012, 11:04:11 PM
He probably has more willpower than we do, when it comes to game purchasing.  ;D
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: MetalDog on August 21, 2012, 11:33:45 PM
I do ;-) but, it's a money thing, too.
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Gusington on August 22, 2012, 07:29:42 AM
Well I have no willpower and as a result no money.
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: TheCommandTent on August 22, 2012, 07:30:29 AM
Quote from: Gusington on August 22, 2012, 07:29:42 AM
Well I have no willpower and as a result no money.

I think thats a common affliction amongst the group on this site.
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Nefaro on August 22, 2012, 12:37:42 PM
Quote from: TheCommandTent on August 22, 2012, 07:30:29 AM
Quote from: Gusington on August 22, 2012, 07:29:42 AM
Well I have no willpower and as a result no money.

I think thats a common affliction amongst the group on this site.

Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: besilarius on August 22, 2012, 05:51:37 PM
I thought that came from being married.
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: TheCommandTent on August 22, 2012, 06:34:09 PM
Quote from: besilarius on August 22, 2012, 05:51:37 PM
I thought that came from being married.

That too.
Title: Re: Crusader Kings 2
Post by: Gusington on August 22, 2012, 07:43:42 PM
That's what I meant originally.