Dual monitor set up

Started by Hot lead and dirty talk!, December 22, 2015, 12:35:03 PM

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Hot lead and dirty talk!

I have a tech question. I recently got rid of an old PC and purchased a new one,(Cybertron 5150) along with a new monitor.

I don't know anything about running two monitors but I would like to try. My reasoning for two screens is for games like SPWAW, SPWW2, Decisive Campaigns, Squad Battles etc., I would like to have the actual playing screen on one and the zoom out map or jump screen on the other.

These are my questions:

-do I plug both monitors into the back of the CPU.
-do I need some sort of splitter and if so, how much does it cost
-is this option even available or am I wrong about using 2 screens
-how would I jump from one screen to the other

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I am absolutely not tech savvy.

Thank you in advance and Merry Christmas.

Jesus saves! But Gretzky scores on the rebound!


Your graphics card will need to support two monitors.

You will also need software that supports two monitors. The games you listed don't as they don't have "fly away" boxes.

Father Ted

Quote from: Barthheart on December 22, 2015, 12:39:05 PM
Your graphics card will need to support two monitors.

You will also need software that supports two monitors. The games you listed don't as they don't have "fly away" boxes.


However, it still might worthwhile as you can have other software displayed on the second monitor (eg a PDF manual).  Also this setup is almost essential (IMO) for Command Ops ifyou're interested in that.  The only downside I've found to having the second monitor as that you can't scroll a map by placing the mouse pointer on the edge of it nearest the second monitor.