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Friday on my mind

Started by MetalDog, April 26, 2013, 05:59:16 AM

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Quote from: Toonces on April 26, 2013, 07:46:28 PM
Just downloaded Flaming Cliffs 3 finally.  So, I'm going to install that and get on with it.  Maybe I'll see some of you guys online?  Seems like there's enough of us cruising the DCS World now...

Quote from: Tuna on April 26, 2013, 08:56:55 PM
If anyone wants to fly A-10's together I'm game! lol.. not that I'll know what I'm doing!

Didn't get my TrackIR in today.  :-[

I'll still have to go back through the training missions & practice runs before I ever jump into multiplayer with the DCS stuff.   We do seem to have a good number of DCS simmers lately.  Must've been the sale last month.  :D


Quote from: Nefaro on April 26, 2013, 09:06:04 PM
Quote from: Toonces on April 26, 2013, 07:46:28 PM
Just downloaded Flaming Cliffs 3 finally.  So, I'm going to install that and get on with it.  Maybe I'll see some of you guys online?  Seems like there's enough of us cruising the DCS World now...

Quote from: Tuna on April 26, 2013, 08:56:55 PM
If anyone wants to fly A-10's together I'm game! lol.. not that I'll know what I'm doing!

Didn't get my TrackIR in today.  :-[

I'll still have to go back through the training missions & practice runs before I ever jump into multiplayer with the DCS stuff.   We do seem to have a good number of DCS simmers lately.  Must've been the sale last month.  :D

I had it for awhile, and didn't get into it.. then I finally made myself get into it.. rewarding when you start to be able to kill stuff!.. lol... I haven't even attempted Blackshark yet..

Most important thing for Warthog for me was get a good profile for TRack IR and then map keys on my stick for TMS forward and China HAT forward.. once you have easy access to those two, you can mark targets and focus sensors on them..


Quote from: Tuna on April 26, 2013, 10:12:04 PM
Quote from: Nefaro on April 26, 2013, 09:06:04 PM

Didn't get my TrackIR in today.  :-[

I'll still have to go back through the training missions & practice runs before I ever jump into multiplayer with the DCS stuff.   We do seem to have a good number of DCS simmers lately.  Must've been the sale last month.  :D

I had it for awhile, and didn't get into it.. then I finally made myself get into it.. rewarding when you start to be able to kill stuff!.. lol... I haven't even attempted Blackshark yet..

Most important thing for Warthog for me was get a good profile for TRack IR and then map keys on my stick for TMS forward and China HAT forward.. once you have easy access to those two, you can mark targets and focus sensors on them..

I can get into it okay.  Actually, the A-10C seems easier to learn than the others (for myself), although it'll still take time to get comfortable enough to be second nature.  Notably getting enough practice in to remember what all the hat switch motions do.  I've already done some of the training missions, and had begun memorizing all my HOTAS switches, but wanted to wait until all my hardware is here.  My biggest hurdle is always the route planning & radio controls that take awhile to get used to.  Weapons employment is easy to learn!

I already have my HOTAS set up with all the hat switch commands.  I'm just waiting to get the TrackIR so I can take off those damned View & Padlock commands for good and replace them with something else.  I don't want to get used to where everything is before changing or moving some of it again.   ;)


Knowing me, I won't get even remotely close to playing them all, but here's what's on my menu: 

Shogun 2 Total War
Klingon Academy

The demo for Carrier Command: Gaea Mission (which I may then purchase if I like it)
Crusader Kings 2

"Like we need an excuse to drink to anything..." - Banzai_Cat
"I like to think of it not as an excuse but more like Pavlovian Response." - Sir Slash

"At our ages, they all look like jailbait." - mirth

"If we had lines here that would have crossed all of them. For the 1,077,986th time." - Gusington

"Government is so expensive that it should at least be entertaining." - airboy

"As long as there's bacon, everything will be all right." - Toonces


I'm struggling with FC3 right now.  I downloaded a profile for my CH HOTAS, and it's a fine profile, but it's completely different from my Falcon 4 profile that I've been using for like 5 years now.  Therefore, I'm totally struggling with the controls and not having a clickable cockpit exacerbates the problem.

I think what I'm going to have to do, as much as I don't want to, is to  bite the bullet and spend a couple of hours tweaking a profile in FC3 that closely matches my Falcon 4 profile.  It's going to be a nightmare swapping back and forth between the two if they're as different as they are now.

It's a really pretty game, though.  As much as I love Falcon, it's starting to get stale.  It's nice to see new scenery, new voices in the headset, new sounds, etc.
"If you had a chance, right now, to go back in time and stop Hitler, wouldn't you do it?  I mean, I personally wouldn't stop him because I think he's awesome." - Eric Cartman

"Does a watch list mean you are being watched or is it a come on to Toonces?" - Biggs


Neverwinter (the new MMO by Cryptic)
Star Trek
Mars War Logs

Just these three. Mostly Neverwinter.

Arctic Blast

So far this weekend, nothing. I picked up OOTP 14, so I might start messing around with that. Poker Night 2 released yesterday, so I'll probably spend some time playing it, too.


Sounds like it might be time to dig into DCS A-10. Have owned it long time but still lack a hotas profile.

I'm pretty good in the Blackshark but can't see there being much interaction with fixed wing flyers in mutilplayer.

Arctic Blast

Ended up playing the board game Kemet with a few friends. It's by the same guys who did Cyclades, this time set in ancient Egypt. The board is set up in such a way that it's an absolute knife fight from the start (and I mean that as a good thing). Simple battle system that works, lots of Divine Intervention cards that add a lot of different possibilities, Temples with Temporary VP's all over the board, and this time the mythological creatures are part of your army (nothing quite as badass as having a gigantic scorpion lead your troops in to battle).

BUT...this game really does suffer early on because of the 'language independent' type of setup. Yes, I understand that it makes it easier for companies to sell a game in multiple regions when the components aren't laden with text. the problem is, the result is components laden with symbols...and those take awhile to learn. 48 available power tiles, 35 DI cards, 6 battle cards, 1 orders board all loaded with symbols. There will be A LOT of checking and re-checking those sheets (which I downloaded from BGG and printed 5 sets of. Otherwise you have 5 guys handing one little booklet around the table).


I got my controllers fairly tweaked for DCS, both the Su-25T and the MiG-29S.  Single player in this game just sucks IMO.  Quick missions are fun for a little quick kill arcade action, but I'm just not seeing the long-term draw.

There's nothing like the SP experience in Falcon...or even IL-2 for that matter. 

And, for that matter I haven't found MP to be all that awe inspiring either.
"If you had a chance, right now, to go back in time and stop Hitler, wouldn't you do it?  I mean, I personally wouldn't stop him because I think he's awesome." - Eric Cartman

"Does a watch list mean you are being watched or is it a come on to Toonces?" - Biggs


Well, in the end I got some (very limited) Race Room Racing Experience in and some OOTP13.

I mostly played Band of Heroes and continued my AAR for it. I'll be glad when the AAR is over. I enjoy doing them but they're very time consuming and detract from the game somewhat...not to mention drag turns out to an incredible length of time.

I was also tempted to fire up WitE...but didn't get round to it - and I've got the kids school uniforms to iron now.
Alba gu' brath


Friday night no gaming.. my 14 year old went to a Battle of the Bands.. 17 year old had Junior Prom, so the wife and I went out to eat...

Saturday.. A lil bit of Shogun. .Iron Front. World of Tanks.. PoN Tutorial (thinking of giving it a try soon)

Today... Also looking at WITE again, was looking at the Bootcamp manual... A lot of WoT time as well..


Quote from: MengJiao on April 26, 2013, 09:12:20 AM
Quote from: Gusington on April 26, 2013, 07:31:16 AM
Skyrim, Diablo 3 and some CK II tutorials. And maybe some AJE...feeling Roman lately.

Some CKII and a lot of CLOD, I think.  But we will see.

Not so much CLOD.  I'm starting to set up more complex missions and these take a while to get working in an interesting way.

I did bail out over Dunkirk after a friendly Hurricane knocked off my rudder.  I guess that was the high point.

Surprisingly, I played a fair amount of ARMAIII.  It looks pretty fantastic on a half-way decent machine.  I spent some time just driving around the island.


So far, I've played a bit of StarDrive and a bit of Carrier Command: Gaea Mission...but mostly I've been playing Shogun 2 Total War.  Not sure yet how much I like it compared to the original, but I'm definitely having a fun time so far. 

"Like we need an excuse to drink to anything..." - Banzai_Cat
"I like to think of it not as an excuse but more like Pavlovian Response." - Sir Slash

"At our ages, they all look like jailbait." - mirth

"If we had lines here that would have crossed all of them. For the 1,077,986th time." - Gusington

"Government is so expensive that it should at least be entertaining." - airboy

"As long as there's bacon, everything will be all right." - Toonces