Little girl selling "lemonade for peace"...across from Westboro Baptist Church

Started by Martok, June 17, 2013, 08:52:15 PM

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A little girl decided to fight the hatred being spread by the Westboro Baptist Church by setting up a lemonade stand across the street and raising money to promote peace instead.

Jayden Sink, five, is the daughter of Jon Sink, who set up charity arts group FRESHCASSETTE. She raised around $1,000 despite the efforts of the Westboro Baptist church to shut her down by calling the police and yelling abuse.

Jayden decided to sell pink lemonade on Friday outside The Equality House which sits across the street from Westboro Baptist Church headquarters in Topeka, Kansas.

Along with the help of her dad and volunteers, Jayden sold lemonade by the bucket load all day as the local community came out in droves to support her message of peace.

One group of soldiers from nearby Fort Riley military base stopped by on their motorbikes to show their support.

The five-year-old made a plan to sell lemonade after her parents explained to her why the Equality House is so important.

The property was bought last year by Planting Peace charity founder Aaron Jackson, 31, and in March it was painted with the colors of the pride flag.

The little bungalow acts as the perfect counter protest to the Westboro Baptist Church who are known for their 'God Hates Fags' placards and anti-gay preaching.

The two-bedroom house, which cost $81,000, now sits proudly directly opposite the founding base of the non-affiliated group which describes itself as a 'church'.

As the five-year-old sold her cups of lemonade for peace on Friday, Westboro sent members to try to stop the event. When local police ignored their request to make it stop, church-goers yelled abuse and even called the visiting soldiers 'b*******', according to Huffington Post.

Davis Hammet, Director of Operations at the charity, told the site: 'Jayden represents the natural humanity we are born with. We come into this world compassionate, caring beings and only become hateful if we are taught to be.'

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"Government is so expensive that it should at least be entertaining." - airboy

"As long as there's bacon, everything will be all right." - Toonces

Arctic Blast


She is learning at an early age that there is a lot of crazy in the world.


I hope she learns that capatilism rocks from all the lemonaide she is selling.


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