Oldest Medal of Honor recipient passes away

Started by Bison, October 04, 2013, 10:54:47 PM

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Oresko, 96, was a U.S. Army master sergeant during World War II when, although badly wounded, he wiped out two enemy bunkers near Tettingen, Germany, during the Battle of the Bulge.

See more at: http://www.northjersey.com/cresskill/Nicholas_Oresko_of_Creskill_World_War_II_hero_dies_at_96.html?page=all#sthash.T5uEhmWC.dpuf

Rest in Peace  MSG Oresko. 


Awesome story, Bison.  Thanks for sharing. 

It was very touching to read how people (including current military personnel) showed up at the hospital so that he wouldn't die alone.  (Not to mention his taking out those machine-gun positions was bad-ass!)  RIP Mr. Oresko. 

"Like we need an excuse to drink to anything..." - Banzai_Cat
"I like to think of it not as an excuse but more like Pavlovian Response." - Sir Slash

"At our ages, they all look like jailbait." - mirth

"If we had lines here that would have crossed all of them. For the 1,077,986th time." - Gusington

"Government is so expensive that it should at least be entertaining." - airboy

"As long as there's bacon, everything will be all right." - Toonces


All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.


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We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.
