Newark Partizan show photos

Started by nevermore, June 10, 2014, 05:48:16 AM

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Newark Partizan show photos

Thought the show was great this year and a brilliant idea of a tent show went down well for me, plenty of light and happy to see disable people being able to move around more freely being pushed around, seems to be a problem in the building being more narrow and that wicked step i always seem to fall down going from one room to the other, pretty sure i not alone on that step thing.

Anyway some display great games on the show this year as always and i tend to think the work that some people put into those tabletops are of a very high level and my hat goes off to you all, so i thought take the photos and put them on the website for all to see, so big thanks guys for making for the effort,the next two weeks of photos are of Newark Partizan.

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Vituð ér enn - eða hvat?  -Voluspa

Nothing really rocks and nothing really rolls and nothing's ever worth the cost...

"Don't you look at me that way..." -the Abyss
'When searching for a meaningful embrace, sometimes my self respect took second place' -Iggy Pop, Cry for Love

... this will go down on your permanent record... -the Violent Femmes, 'Kiss Off'-

"I'm not just anyone, I'm not just anyone-
I got my time machine, got my 'electronic dream!"
-Sonic Reducer, -Dead Boys


Yea i spoke to the guys at this game, they put alot of effort into the game and were very friendly.


one of these days I'm going to have to find an excuse to go to one of these
The key to surviving this site is to not say something which ends up as someone's tag line - Steelgrave

"their citizens (all of them counted as such) glorified their mythology of 'rights'...and lost track of their duties. No nation, so constituted, can endure." Robert Heinlein, Starship Troopers


Great pictures!  I like the tent idea :)
"No wants, no needs, we weren't meant for that, none of us.  Man stagnates if he has no ambition, no desire to be more than he is."