Torment: Tides of Numenera releases tommorrow

Started by ghostryder, February 27, 2017, 05:04:28 PM

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Most steam reviews seem centered around all the reading....many saying it's more fluff than substance while others say the writing is excellent. I guess it's subjective. I've read some being upset about cut content as was promised in Kickstarter--I never kept up on that but apparently a whole city was cut as was a mirror character for Morte. And that for the price the game is far too short.

More complaints that may have weight with those familiar with the boardgame world it's based on saying this isn't a decent translation to computer may be more legit. Being not familiar with that again I don't think it'll have an impact on myself but may have on those players hoping for that world.

Other complaints are centered on the turned based combat---they think this was for porting to consoles and that the original pause realtime would have been a better pick. And that there is so little combat whatever leveling mechanics there are are wasted.

Again though all that is just a list I've read from reviews--but overall most reviews seem posative. But i just can't bite just yet. still enjoying my Longwar campaign...I haven't even finished Tyranny- let alone 25 other games I have on a backlog.


I wouldn't read the Steam reviews for any sort of coherant rationality ;)

This is a story game, wrapped around unique RPG elements. Alec Meer's write up on RPS was pretty good, and matches my experience so far. I'm not familiar with the tabletop RPG source material, and although I played some of the original game, it's so long ago, I can't remember hardly any of it, and I didn't complete it.

I like the unusual setting/premise. The weird RPG mechanics with cyphers/esoteries and what not.

The writing is of very good quality, for an RPG.

I'm surprised it has kept me hooked for about 5 hours so far, and most of the action takes place in the dialogue box mid-screen. The graphical stuff is more supplementary (much like tabletop stuff) than pivotal in it's appreciation.

Looking forward to getting deeper into the storyline, so I can make better judgements on the characters and factions I'm following. but Horizon New Dawn has just got well and truly "in the way"!!! :)