Magic 2014 DotP - Deck building!

Started by Bison, June 11, 2013, 05:20:17 AM

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Well this is a pleasant surprise.  The 2014 edition will include a deck building mode where you can open virtual card packs and put together decks.  Now what is not a surprise is Wizard's milking the DLC gravy train on this one. 

The game:

Some more information on the deck building:


OK the more I read on this the more annoying it becomes in some regard. 


well of course this will be milked. Other alternative is giving you free decks and destroying their cardgame business.

edit: oh, they are only charging for extra deck places and this will be a sealed deck kinda thing


Yeah so you pay $2 everytime you want to start a new random deck.   Which isn't horrible as far a mtg is concerned, but we will see how randomized the packs are.   


I don't mind paying for sealed decks, since after all duh that's how the non-computer game has always been played. What staggers me is that they took so long to do this. I've been avoiding this game like the plague until and unless we can have a proper deck-building component.
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You guys will report back on how it goes?  I may pick it up, if they've done a decent job of it.