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Star Citizen

Started by Jarhead0331, June 04, 2014, 10:07:29 PM

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Live on the PTU?
EDIT: Loaded my client... it's the live client. Off I go! :)
"They only asked the Light Brigade to do it once"


Well, this is embarrassing: I just installed 3.8 after being away from SC for almost a year. I'm in the spaceport at Lorville getting ready to take-off in my Sabre when I accidentally hit the eject button and killed myself in the process! I know you can call-up repairs from the cockpit but since there is now no pilot seat or canopy from my self-inflicted damage the game won't allow me to enter the cockpit. Is there a repair shop in Lorville where I can access a monitor screen and call-up repairs for my Sabre?


As far as I know all you can really do is claim your spacecraft from a console again and wait.
"They only asked the Light Brigade to do it once"


Yeah, I've done that once and the ship is still damaged with no canopy and no cockpit access allowed. I'll give it another try.


You might have to exit the instance. Load another region to ensure you are in another instance. Then go back and load US instance again to wipe the damage.
"They only asked the Light Brigade to do it once"


I know this won't fit with "the general feel", but I've actually uninstalled this sometime ago.

I was piss bored with launching on every new iteration only to see a slide show of a game or realise the development progress was not actually worth the 20-30-40 GB of data download! And then I'd only see a lack of content. More content - but still really not alot more. I'm well aware there's more content each time it arrives - but in terms of financial investment this game is constantly punching under it's weight.

Everyone will tell you there's alot to be excited about when a new iteration is coming up. But there's really not. You will be waiting years for this game to become a game...and there's been people waiting years already.

I know it has it's supporters and it's made progress - but for the money invested and the product that's there, the progress is piss poor. If I was to program like this in my company I'd be redundant.

Sorry - I've been wanting to post this for ages and I haven't because I didn't want to be called a "debbie downer" again. But I have watched this thread. I have bought this game. I have updated it again, and again and again and I can't find "a game" in this game. The game state with the money involved is piss poor.

I won't bother checking back in this forum because I can imagine the rhetoric that's heading my way. I just want to give you another perspective...Your gaming money is important to careful where you spend it.

I fully expect some aggravation for this because people are invested in it - but I also think people should be aware about what is actually there for the money, what is likely to be there and for their expectations to be managed.

For the entry price, for a game that has millions of dollars invested, you will get alpha access to a basic system.

Really that's it. And if it happens to run on your system without slide-showing all over the place, then you are one lucky bunny.

I'm not talking from the perspective of someone who has been reading the media about this game. I'm talking about from the perspective of someone who bought into the game on a basic level and has seen so very little progress over the years. There really is not a game here. When I bought into it, I new it was in Alpha. I didn't think it would be in Alpha years later.

I'll get accused of not understanding the game or the mechanics or even the development...whatever. I'm a Software Engineer - not specifically of the game genre admittedly - but I know what's involved with development of a product (I'm not a Software Developer - I'm a Software Engineer) and this is being hugely mishandled and misrepresented.
Alba gu' brath


Judge, I won't "judge" you. You have an opinion and you are entitled to it as far as I am concerned. Everybody has a different perspective. I would however recommend a re-download in the coming months as 3.8 matures.
"They only asked the Light Brigade to do it once"


Quote from: Destraex on December 25, 2019, 07:29:18 PM
Judge, I won't "judge" you. You have an opinion and you are entitled to it as far as I am concerned. Everybody has a different perspective. I would however recommend a re-download in the coming months as 3.8 matures.

Seriously...Judge, we've all been posting in the same forum at one website or another for well over a decade. The only thing that offends me about your post is that you think you'll get attacked for your opinion. You have one and you're entitled to it. Reasonable minds might disagree, but it's still just an opinion.

There is definitely a game there in its present state. It might not be the kind of game you expect or enjoy, but there is a lot of content and 3.8 is another huge leap forward. I agree, it's not where it should be, but I do enjoy it and each quarterly update has me marveling. FWIW, it runs very well on my system.
Grogheads Uber Alles
Semper Grog
"No beast is more alpha than JH." Gusington, 10/23/18


So, I got my Sabre back fully repaired. Before the fix I applied, every time I retrieved the ship the damage was still there. I decided to go to the hangar, activated the cockpit ladder and while standing right in front of it I did a self-destruct. Went back to the ship terminal screen and finally the "claim" option WAS available. Went back to my ship and everything was fixed. I guess ship repairs are not implemented yet?

NEED HELP WITH THIS: Ever since probably 3.0 or soon after I've noticed my Joystick has excessive roll and I'm trying to adjust the dead zones and sensitivity curves to remedy the problem. I'm using a Logitech 3D Extreme Pro. It's been a long time since I've had to do this procedure as I've never had to do this with all my other flight-sims as they seem to work well right out of the box. Lots of choices in the SC controls. Anyone here have any tips on what specific curves they've tried and which ones like X, Y or Z axis settings? I've already started some adjustments but I feel like I'm not doing an efficient job of it and maybe I'm missing something. What setting should I specifically work on?


Quote from: trek on December 26, 2019, 08:39:47 AM
So, I got my Sabre back fully repaired. Before the fix I applied, every time I retrieved the ship the damage was still there. I decided to go to the hangar, activated the cockpit ladder and while standing right in front of it I did a self-destruct. Went back to the ship terminal screen and finally the "claim" option WAS available. Went back to my ship and everything was fixed. I guess ship repairs are not implemented yet?

Ship repairs, rearming and refueling is implemented, but it is a little buggy in 3.8. In order to repair or refuel, you need to hover above your landing pad with your gears stowed. You then contact landing services and the repair, rearm, refuel menu will be active. If your gears or down, or you actually land, the menu options will be inaccessible.

Quote from: trek on December 26, 2019, 08:39:47 AM
NEED HELP WITH THIS: Ever since probably 3.0 or soon after I've noticed my Joystick has excessive roll and I'm trying to adjust the dead zones and sensitivity curves to remedy the problem. I'm using a Logitech 3D Extreme Pro. It's been a long time since I've had to do this procedure as I've never had to do this with all my other flight-sims as they seem to work well right out of the box. Lots of choices in the SC controls. Anyone here have any tips on what specific curves they've tried and which ones like X, Y or Z axis settings? I've already started some adjustments but I feel like I'm not doing an efficient job of it and maybe I'm missing something. What setting should I specifically work on?

Sorry can't really help you on this one as I do not have the problem on my warthog. I will say that the advanced customizable control options, although very robust are not really that intuitive. It took me a long time to figure out how to invert the thrust on my throttle, for instance. Much longer than it reasonably should have. There are invert options for pitch, roll and yaw...why not thrust???  :idiot2:
Grogheads Uber Alles
Semper Grog
"No beast is more alpha than JH." Gusington, 10/23/18


Yeah, I had the same thing with the invert throttle problem. Took me awhile to figure out that you have to set under Flight Movement: Flight Strafe (Forward/Backward) to YES to invert the throttle in addition to Hotas Invert Thrust Toggle Under game settings.

So far in the deadzone sliders I'm having no luck in reducing the roll problem. I may have to try using the Logitech Software and see if that helps. I also have a TM16000 Stick and Throttle I might try but I've found that at least in Elite I'm better with just the Logi Stick alone. I'm getting so old that my left hand has trouble keeping up with what the right hand is doing! Maybe I'll just try the TM Stick alone and see if that has less of a roll problem.


Follow-UP: BTW where in the SC Program are the Joystick Configurations saved?


I presume you are not having the issue with the stick in any other games? Just to rule out a hardware problem...
Grogheads Uber Alles
Semper Grog
"No beast is more alpha than JH." Gusington, 10/23/18


No, the Logi Stick works great in DCS, etc, with no problems. If you saw my follow-up above I was just asking where in the SC program the Joystick Configs are located?


I just remembered: SC>LIVE>USER>Profiles