Just More Proof Metal and Obama don't Mix

Started by MIGMaster, April 18, 2012, 09:02:56 AM

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Any time is a good time for pie.


An ill-advised statement. He should know better.
All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.


Maybe he has Mad Cow disease from eating poorly prepared meat (that he killed and butchered himself).
Any time is a good time for pie.


Nothing more colourful than a self-righteous neo-con nut bar.

Pity because with the more moderated approach the NRA has taken over the years I actually support most of what they are messaging.  Certain, whack job brain cell depleted spokes people aside of course.
My doctor wrote me a prescription for daily sex.

My wife insists that it says dyslexia but what does she know.


Its really easy for some of you to just write Ted off as a right wing nut.  Apparently, you haven't really listened to much of what he has to say.  I suppose one person's right wing nut is another person's patriot who is not afraid to openly defend his constitutional rights.

Anyone who thinks Ted Nugent is an actual threat is a moron.  Trust me, the President and his administration pose a much greater threat.

Do I agree with how Ted tried to make his point? Not really, he could have been more eloquent and concise. That being said, I do not believe he was really threatening the life of the President.
Grogheads Uber Alles
Semper Grog
"No beast is more alpha than JH." Gusington, 10/23/18


Quote from: Jarhead0331 on April 19, 2012, 07:25:05 AM
Anyone who thinks Ted Nugent is an actual threat is a moron.  <snip>

Do I agree with how Ted tried to make his point? Not really, he could have been more eloquent and concise. That being said, I do not believe he was really threatening the life of the President.


Still, not the wisest of things to say.
All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.


I saw him open for Kiss in Columbia, SC about a decade ago, when the flap was still going on about removing the Confederate battle flag from the State House.  When the curtain went up, he was standing there at attention, saluting, wearing a Confederate flag jacket.  HUGE cheer from the crowd.

Later in the show, after the jacket was off, he made a comment about "America - love it or leave it."  I think he missed the irony of that comment vis-a-vis the Confederate secession.

I appreciate the man's passion and many of the rights he wants to stand up for.  However, sometimes his lack of internal consistency is just damn funny.
The key to surviving this site is to not say something which ends up as someone's tag line - Steelgrave

"their citizens (all of them counted as such) glorified their mythology of 'rights'...and lost track of their duties. No nation, so constituted, can endure." Robert Heinlein, Starship Troopers


Quote from: bayonetbrant on April 19, 2012, 07:51:46 AM
I saw him open for Kiss in Columbia, SC about a decade ago, when the flap was still going on about removing the Confederate battle flag from the State House.  When the curtain went up, he was standing there at attention, saluting, wearing a Confederate flag jacket.  HUGE cheer from the crowd.

Later in the show, after the jacket was off, he made a comment about "America - love it or leave it."  I think he missed the irony of that comment vis-a-vis the Confederate secession.

I appreciate the man's passion and many of the rights he wants to stand up for.  However, sometimes his lack of internal consistency is just damn funny.

Heh. Great story.
All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.


Do you think he was merely saying (and I hope he was)  that, after reelection, Obama would have him summarily thrown in jail for owning too many guns? If that were Nugent's point it would behoove him, and especially the NRA, to issue a 'clarification' indicating the real intent of the remarks. To do otherwise would only perpetuate the idea that this was a threat and that these are no longer taken seriously when the President is a member of a racial minority. It perpetuates the view that Conservatives are hypocrites in that there was loud condemnation of public disparagement of Republican Presidents for not respecting the Office but that when the President is not a conservative that any and all attacks, political, personal, or even obliquely physical, are done with the blessing of the 'Right Wing Establishment' since there is little attempt to publicly distance itself from the extremes. Hopefully some influential conservatives will call on Nugent to clarify his remarks for the public good and to maintain respect for the Office, not necessarily the actual man. If that clarification follows then we know it was a misspoken remark and will help to diffuse the issue. If Nugent refuses and the NRA itself has no moderating public response then it will be used to great effect to undermine any efforts by reasonable conservatives to influence the political debate as seen by the most important group of voters there is- the centrist independent and probably undecided.
As long as the National public debate is merely a screaming match between loudmouths trying to influence primarily their own base, especially those too unmotivated to vote, then the Swing Vote will once again trudge sadly to our local polling places, holding our noses the whole way.
Vituð ér enn - eða hvat?  -Voluspa

Nothing really rocks and nothing really rolls and nothing's ever worth the cost...

"Don't you look at me that way..." -the Abyss
'When searching for a meaningful embrace, sometimes my self respect took second place' -Iggy Pop, Cry for Love

... this will go down on your permanent record... -the Violent Femmes, 'Kiss Off'-

"I'm not just anyone, I'm not just anyone-
I got my time machine, got my 'electronic dream!"
-Sonic Reducer, -Dead Boys


staggerwing - you gotta learn to work w/ line breaks buddy...

unless my browser window is expanded to max width, your text wraps like the attachment.

I think you're hitting "return" at the end of every line when you don't need to.
The key to surviving this site is to not say something which ends up as someone's tag line - Steelgrave

"their citizens (all of them counted as such) glorified their mythology of 'rights'...and lost track of their duties. No nation, so constituted, can endure." Robert Heinlein, Starship Troopers


Sorry, Brant. It looks good on my screen:

I'll try modifying it.

What resolution do you run at? I'm at 1440x900.

Vituð ér enn - eða hvat?  -Voluspa

Nothing really rocks and nothing really rolls and nothing's ever worth the cost...

"Don't you look at me that way..." -the Abyss
'When searching for a meaningful embrace, sometimes my self respect took second place' -Iggy Pop, Cry for Love

... this will go down on your permanent record... -the Violent Femmes, 'Kiss Off'-

"I'm not just anyone, I'm not just anyone-
I got my time machine, got my 'electronic dream!"
-Sonic Reducer, -Dead Boys


if I widen the browser, it looks OK, but even on a 1440x900 screen, I'm frequently doing multiple things here (I *am* at work, after all! :) ) so my browser will sometimes be set up on only 1/2 the screen.

not an earth-shattering event...  just wanted to let you know :D
The key to surviving this site is to not say something which ends up as someone's tag line - Steelgrave

"their citizens (all of them counted as such) glorified their mythology of 'rights'...and lost track of their duties. No nation, so constituted, can endure." Robert Heinlein, Starship Troopers


As noted above, I think the biggest problem with Nuge is not his right wing views, but his expressive methodology. It totally destroys any credibility his perspective may have. He always struck me as a smart dude - he really needs to take a more articulate approach and get his shit together. Probably too late now to ever be taken in a serious fashion again. Sorta reminds me of Jesse Ventura and his ego-laden approach to any serious issues...