The Great Pendragon Campaign

Started by Toonces, April 24, 2012, 02:00:37 AM

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The large bear lies before you, headless, bleeding and dead.  From the woods to your right, Old Garr and several peasants emerge.

Old Garr:  "Oy what a fight!  What a beast!  Oh!"

Garr approaches and sees Maelgwyn sitting on the ground near the base of a tree.  He kneels to examine his wounds.

Old Garr:  "Aye young Maelgwyn these wounds are ugly but not serious.  You will be fine.  I am quite skilled in the healing arts, please, let me bind these for you."

From a small bag at his side Old Garr takes several bandages and poultices and begins binding your wounds.  The bleeding stops rapidly and as the adrenaline of the fight eases from your system you start to feel much better.

<Mechanics: Old Garr first aid: 14 (5)=S, 3 HP restored; M HP 14+3=17>

Dalan, seeing Old Garr's skill, canters over to Garr for dressing himself.

Old Garr:  "Rest here Maelgwyn while I take care of Dalan and we figure out what to do with this old bear!"

Garr binds Dalan's wounds as well.

<Garr: f/a 15(8 )=S, 3 HP restored; Dalan HP 20+3=23>

Maelgwyn falls into a doze in the shade of the tree while Dalan, feeling nearly normal, joins Garr next to Godric who has remained mounted this whole time.

Old Garr:  "Well, Godric, what shall we do with this old bear now?  You know, this bear's pelt would fetch a mighty fine price at the market, and we could have quite the feast on his meat!  Aye, I love the taste of bear!  What say you, what shall we do young sir?"
"If you had a chance, right now, to go back in time and stop Hitler, wouldn't you do it?  I mean, I personally wouldn't stop him because I think he's awesome." - Eric Cartman

"Does a watch list mean you are being watched or is it a come on to Toonces?" - Biggs


"Pastor, you and your village can have the meat to feast upon and the pelt to sell or mount as you wish. I only ask that each us can keep a claw from the these great paws as a small trophie of our first successful quest together. What say you Dalan?"

Arctic Blast

"Thank you, Garr." Dalan says while stretching the shoulder out a bit before turning to Godric. "I like the sound of that. A claw for us each."

Dalan walks over to inspect the bear a bit more closely, "Are they all this damn big? I must say, I don't mourn the scarcity of these creatures."


Maelgwyn continues to doze, occasionally twitching and murmuring in oddly accented Welsh.
Vituð ér enn - eða hvat?  -Voluspa

Nothing really rocks and nothing really rolls and nothing's ever worth the cost...

"Don't you look at me that way..." -the Abyss
'When searching for a meaningful embrace, sometimes my self respect took second place' -Iggy Pop, Cry for Love

... this will go down on your permanent record... -the Violent Femmes, 'Kiss Off'-

"I'm not just anyone, I'm not just anyone-
I got my time machine, got my 'electronic dream!"
-Sonic Reducer, -Dead Boys

Arctic Blast

Dalan walks to the tree and crouches next to Maelgwyn.

"You didn't actually have to try to kill it yourself, you know. But if your strikes had not hit when they did, it might be me lying there on the ground. Thank you, my friend."


Old Garr:  "Why I thank you, young Godric!  We shall have a feast tonight in your honor.  You, Dalan and Maelgwyn will be our guests!  Bear!  Mead!  Wine!  Song!  This will be a feast to never forget!"

With that, Dalan and Godric attend to the bear under the supervision of Old Garr, who patiently walks you through the process of skinning and cleaning the bear.  After a fair amount of time you have the bear cleaned and cut into proper pieces, the pelt is safely removed and stored on Old Garr's horse while Garr and the peasants walk beside.

Dalan walks over to Maelgwyn and gently wakes him from his slumber.  Maelgwyn wakes sore, but feeling somewhat refreshed.  It is clear, though, that some bed rest will be needed and it will be several weeks before he is completely healed.

The three of you mount your horses and Old Garr and the peasants lead you back along a deer trail that leads to the road back to Imber.  You emerge from the woods and begin down the path towards Imber, a few miles away, as the sun begins its journey to the horizon.  Around a bend in the road you can hear a commotion but it is unclear what is going on.  Shortly, you round the bend and in front of you, perhaps 20-30 yards away, a group of three rough looking men are assaulting an older looking man in peasant clothes.  Several cows graze in the field to the right of the road.  The three men are wearing rough, dirty, worn clothes with odds and ends pieces of leather armor; one has a leather helmet while another has a leather tunic but is bareheaded and so on.  All three carry bows slung across their backs.  Two hold great spears in their hands, while the third's spear lies in the grass nearby so as to free his hand to sieze the peasant.

Old Garr:  "Robinson!  What is going on?  Who are these men?"

Robinson:  "Garr, young squires, help me!  These men are robbing me!  Please, help!"

Bandit 1:  "Stay out of this old man!  This peasant wants to use our road, he has to pay the toll!"

Old Garr:  "What say you?  What toll?"

Bandit 1:  "The toll to use our road!  We mean to have these here cows as our payment!"

Old Garr:  "Bah, away with you, you filthy thieves!  This here be the King's Road!  There be no toll to use it."

Old Garr turns to you and says, "Young squires, this is the King's Road.  You must help Robinson against these thieving bastards!"

Bandit 2:  "We said stay out of this, unless you fancy some sharp steel...could be we could use ourselves some nice new horses to go along with our cows..."

Bandit 2 and 3 turn to face you, spears more or less at the ready.  Bandit 1 continues to hold on to Robinson with one hand.  The bandits are 20 yards ahead of you, on the road.  Garr is to your side, away from the direct path between you and the bandits and Robinson.
"If you had a chance, right now, to go back in time and stop Hitler, wouldn't you do it?  I mean, I personally wouldn't stop him because I think he's awesome." - Eric Cartman

"Does a watch list mean you are being watched or is it a come on to Toonces?" - Biggs


Godric shouts "You shall not prevail!" and spurrs his mount into a full on charge with his lance at Bandit #2 (secretly hoping to scare the crap out of them all).


Maelgwyn charges after Godric with a fearsome expression due in no small part to the sharp pain in Maelgwyn's ribs and shoulder from the pounding and shaking of his steed's hoofbeats. He couches his lance as he bears down on Bandit #3 and shouts out "Cigfrain fydd gwledd ar eich perfedd!".
Vituð ér enn - eða hvat?  -Voluspa

Nothing really rocks and nothing really rolls and nothing's ever worth the cost...

"Don't you look at me that way..." -the Abyss
'When searching for a meaningful embrace, sometimes my self respect took second place' -Iggy Pop, Cry for Love

... this will go down on your permanent record... -the Violent Femmes, 'Kiss Off'-

"I'm not just anyone, I'm not just anyone-
I got my time machine, got my 'electronic dream!"
-Sonic Reducer, -Dead Boys

Arctic Blast

"Hmph. At least the bear was interesting." Dalan mutters to himself before charging in with this sword at the ready.



Round 1:

Having chosen your bandits, the party charges, Godric leading the way against Bandit 2 with the other members singling out the remaining Bandits.

Godric:  Godric lowers his lance and charges.  The Bandit deftly parries your lance with his spear, though, and you just miss taking his head off.

Maelgwyn:  With a shout that few understand, Maelgwyn couches his lance and charges Bandit 3.  You misjudge the Bandit's evasion, though, and misses to the right.  The Bandit attempts to stick you as you pass, but his spear passes cleanly behind.

Dalan:  Dalan unsheathes his sword and charges Bandit 1.  The Bandit lets go of Robinson and reaches into the grass and grabs his spear.  He is slow, though, and as his spear is coming up your swing catches him on the top of his head, pealing most of his scalp away exposing his skull.  With a shudder he collapses to the ground bleeding profusely from the blow.

Round 2:

Godric:  Godric spins around and charges again.  This time your lance is true, striking the banding through the chest.  Blood gurgles from the Bandit's mouth as he looks at you sadly.  His eyes then roll back into his head and he slowly slides off the point of your spear and onto the ground.

Maelgwyn:  Maelgwyn also spins around and couches his spear for another charge.  However, just as you are about to spur your horse, Bandit 3 throws his spear to the ground and drops to his knees.

Bandit 3:  "Mercy!  Mercy!  I pray of you Sir Knight, grant your humble servant mercy!"

The Bandit bows his head and begins to weep softly, awaiting his fate.  Bandit 2 is alive and conscious but clearly severely wounded and appears dazed; he cannot defend himself.  Bandit 1 appears to still be alive but is unconscious and bleeding out as you watch.

Round 1: Godric lance 12+5 (mounted vs unmounted)=17(19)=L; Bandit 2: Spear 8-5 (unmounted vs mounted)=3(15)=L
              Dalan: sword 15+5=20(11)=S; B 1: Spear 8-5=3(8 )=L (you dodged a serious blow here, potential critical hit/double damage 8d6 wound!);dmg: 5d6=21-4=17 (major wound)
              Maelgwyn: lance 10+5=15 (19)=L/ B1 spear 8-5=3(17)=L
              Bandit 1: dexterity 10(9)=S; he successfully grabs his spear and can attack (but then loses his opposed combat roll (due to modifier))

Round 2:  Godric lance 12+5=17(6)=S/ B2 8-5=3(8 )=L (another close call); dmg 6d6=24-4(armor)=20 (major wound/unconscious)
"If you had a chance, right now, to go back in time and stop Hitler, wouldn't you do it?  I mean, I personally wouldn't stop him because I think he's awesome." - Eric Cartman

"Does a watch list mean you are being watched or is it a come on to Toonces?" - Biggs

Arctic Blast

Dalan hops down off his horse and starts towards the whimpering bandit.

"Mercy can be had for some honest answers. You don't strike me as being much of a smart group of lads, so perhaps you'd like to explain who is behind this little taxation scheme of yours? And while we're at it, exactly how long you've been at it, and where you're keeping the money? Unless you'd prefer these questions be asked by the locals you've been robbing blind..."

As he's waiting for a reply, Dalan remembers that he did just hack off the top of a man's head.

To Garr : "I suppose you probably should check on the one who's a little shorter now!"


Bandit 3:  <sniffling> "It wasn't no one's of ours ideas, sir.  We are starving.  We just need some food, aye?  We've been living in these here woods surviving on game and grubs and such, but there's been no animals to be had on account of that damn bear's what's been terrorizing everything...aye, I barely escaped with me life out hunting over yonder last week! 

Maybe ye's be best out hunting that damn bear instead of lopping the head off some poor folks that just needs a little food to put in me belly!"

He looks at you reproachfully.

Meanwhile, Old Garr is examining the bandit missing part of his scalp. 

Old Garr:  "This wound is deep and serious, squires.  I fear if this man doesn't get to a maester in a fortnight he won't live."


Old Garr first aid 14(17)=L (no additional hitpoints to the bandit). 
"If you had a chance, right now, to go back in time and stop Hitler, wouldn't you do it?  I mean, I personally wouldn't stop him because I think he's awesome." - Eric Cartman

"Does a watch list mean you are being watched or is it a come on to Toonces?" - Biggs


Maelgwyn looks down at the snuffling bandit from atop his horse.
  "The bear is dead, as should be you."
  "Many folk in the parts hereabout are desperate for want of sufficient food yet few turn to the baseness of robbing their own neighbors. Had you any honor you would have joined up with those who fight on the Saxon Marches to earn some favor for your kin or ply your lowly banditry among those villages to the far east where the Saxon merchants now transport their wares. You'll not get quarter from me. Best ye can hope for is that our party's leader spare ye as he follows the ways of the Churchfolk. I've heard that it can be a boon for them to forgive others their wickedness."

Maelgwyn gently nudges he horse a few paces further to where Old Garr is tending to the bandit with the headwound.
  "This one here I'd just as soon leave for the familiars of the Morrigu to feast on same as the expiring one that Godric spitted"
At this moment several large ravens in the nearby trees start to squawk loudly and flap their wings.
  "Alas, I realize that you others may have differing thoughts on this. As he is naught to me, I bow to your wishes."
The ravens' cries die down to an occasional caw. They shift their gaze to Bandit#2's still form.
Vituð ér enn - eða hvat?  -Voluspa

Nothing really rocks and nothing really rolls and nothing's ever worth the cost...

"Don't you look at me that way..." -the Abyss
'When searching for a meaningful embrace, sometimes my self respect took second place' -Iggy Pop, Cry for Love

... this will go down on your permanent record... -the Violent Femmes, 'Kiss Off'-

"I'm not just anyone, I'm not just anyone-
I got my time machine, got my 'electronic dream!"
-Sonic Reducer, -Dead Boys


"Pastor Garr, I think it would be best if you had some of your village folk take that man to the aid he requires as you probably know the closest available healer to this place. As for this one", pointing to the still form of Bandit #2, "You will see to it that he gets a proper Christian burial. Let God decide his fate from there."

Godric dismounts and strolls over to Bandit #3 slowly drawing his sword

"I think, Maelgwyn, that we will let this wretch live today if he promises to leave this area for good. What say you welp? To disagree or return would have dire consequences for your health."

At this Godric places the blade of his sword against the man's neck where it meets his shoulder.


Bandit:  "Aye, aye, I won't be bothering these here folks no more, sir."

With that, the Bandit gets to his feet, glances at you warily, and then runs back into the forest and is rapidly lost to sight.

Old Garr:  "We better get these two into town soon.  Jacob, Henri, come help me."

Several peasants move off into the woods and put gather materials to make crude litters for the two injured bandits.  The bandits are placed upon them and, finally, the entire group continues to Imber, arriving at the village as dusk is approaching.

Old Garr:  "Oy!  Oy!  Everyone, come lookie here!  Look at what these young squires have done!"

From all around, folks begin to spill out of their little cottages and gather around.  Soon quite a commotion begins as the villagers come to realize the bear has been slain.  They gaze at the pelt which Garr proudly displays, speaking highly of your exploits."

Old Garr:  "...And then Dalan there hits that old damn bear on the head with his sword and takes his head clean off!  Woom!  Like that he did!..."

The villagers are overjoyed and insist you stay for the feast.  While they congratulate and thank you profusely another group quietly removes the bear meat and takes it into a large kitchen and mead hall where it is prepared.  The sun sets and a large, raging fire is built up in the village square.  Young children run around chasing each other with sticks, taking turns being "knights and bears" and re-enacting your fight over and over again to your amusement.  Meanwhile, the bear meat is served on large skewers running with grease and general tastiness and you all agree that it is the finest bear you have ever tasted.  A cask of mead is opened, perhaps one of the very few the village has, and everyone drinks to your health, including Old Garr who is clearly having the time of his life.  You all are humbled by the graciousness of the villagers and you are overwhelmed by their gratitude.

Well after midnight you make your way back to Garr's stable and you sleep the sleep of the just.  Too early the sun rises and the crowing of a rooster wakens you all.  Old Garr invites you into his home yet again for a breakfast stew of roast bear with some turnips from his garden in a thin barley soup.  At the conclusion of your meal, you make your way outside to say your goodbyes to Old Garr and the handful of villagers who show up to see you off.

Old Garr:  "Well, before you head off, I guess I needs to know how you want to dispose of those other two rascals we brought back with us.  The maester from over yonder village dressed their wounds during the celebration last night.  They're pretty beat up, but I reckon they'd survive long enough to travel with y'all back to Vagon, if you want to present them to the Earl for justice."

"If you had a chance, right now, to go back in time and stop Hitler, wouldn't you do it?  I mean, I personally wouldn't stop him because I think he's awesome." - Eric Cartman

"Does a watch list mean you are being watched or is it a come on to Toonces?" - Biggs