HA! I finished it!

Started by MetalDog, February 11, 2015, 11:26:27 PM

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Congratulations to all three of you crossing the finish line!


Finally got a game controller for my computer, so wanted to try it out. I finished Limbo, a puzzle side scroller. Finished in 4 hours, the jumping and puzzles got harder as you go, a couple of areas had some real tough timing sections. A lot of the traps were unfair, meaning you had to die by them to find them or figure out what your supposed to do, some came so quick not much time to react. Nice visual theme, minimal sound, but minimal sound fit the theme. 
Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.  ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Be Yourself; Everyone Else is Taken ~Oscar Wilde

*I'm in the Wargamer middle ground*
I don't buy all the wargames I want, I just buy more than I need.


After almost a full year, my US Pacific Campaign is complete!



Well done ab....I see the USA won after nuking Tokyo twice. 


That's dedication, missed a few episodes will have to catch up. Good work.
Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.  ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Be Yourself; Everyone Else is Taken ~Oscar Wilde

*I'm in the Wargamer middle ground*
I don't buy all the wargames I want, I just buy more than I need.


Last night I finished Warhammer: Chaos Bane


Finished the main campaign.


Finished Mark of the Ninja [remastered[, 10 hours, did both endings. Klei's got a pretty good stable of games, Don't Starve, Invisible, come to mind.  I can recommend this game if you want some good ninja action. There's usually multiple paths to success, you can go full stealth or kill free.....i'm not that good, i'm like a bull in china shop ninja.......i kill everything. The pacing is good and it doesn't drag on to long. Would be a hell of challenge to make it through without being seen.....the whole game. Another quality game from Klei.
Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.  ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Be Yourself; Everyone Else is Taken ~Oscar Wilde

*I'm in the Wargamer middle ground*
I don't buy all the wargames I want, I just buy more than I need.


Congratulations Bulldozer Ninja!

Sir Slash

Excellent work guys. Congrats to the winners.  O0
"Take a look at that". Sgt. Wilkerson-- CMBN. His last words after spotting a German tank on the other side of a hedgerow.


budd with another finish 8). Little Nightmares, clocked in at about 2 1/2 hours. Started and was most of the way thru the first DLC when it crashed twice so i called it over.

The main game was just fantastic, short but great. Short is fine, as a lot of games over stay there welcome. The time in game actually felt longer. The graphic presentation, music, and gaming was top notch. If you have any interest at all in puzzle platformers you have to give this a play. If i had to criticize the game at all, its that maybe... i mean maybe, a couple of check points could of been placed better, but mostly even the check points were spot on and i hate check points. The scale of the game does a good job of making you feel small and vulnerable. The puzzles aren't over taxing, but some require some thought, some of the puzzles you just go WOW....whoever thought that up...bravo. The game and puzzles are fair, with some of the timing and chase sequences full of tension with the timing of the music changes spot on.  I'd really be hard pressed to find something to complain about in this game, yea its short,but it felt long enough.

Go play it.

Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.  ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Be Yourself; Everyone Else is Taken ~Oscar Wilde

*I'm in the Wargamer middle ground*
I don't buy all the wargames I want, I just buy more than I need.

FarAway Sooner

Ever had one of those games where you were certain you had won, only to make it to the finish line, and find off that they'd actually moved the race to somewhere else?

I had just finished off killing 7.3BN human beings in my first game of Pandemic, playing at normal, and I was very proud of myself.  Unfortunately, apparently 38M healthy people were still alive somewhere in the world, even though the whole map was bathed in red! 

The game was a riot.  Clearly, I needed to infect a few more pigeons or something.  And, uh, I needed to learn the interface a little better, because there was some country somewhere that never got infected even though I had managed to shut down the whole world.


Finished Doom 2016. I started it awhile ago, but got over halfway through the game and my save got corrupted, so i rage quit and uninstalled. Finally finished, somewhere between 14-16 hours. Got in the mood when i was watching some videos of the new Doom game. I'll probably go back in, there's some stuff i want to find, mainly the hidden original doom levels are hidden. You have to find a lever, pull it, and the levels will be available from the menu to play. I found three so far. A couple of areas or bosses were ball breaking, just flat out frantic and tense. All in all i enjoyed it. I'll get the new game around Christmas when the price drops. The level themes are certainly hellish. Except for a few levels, most of them were well designed. Posting some screens in the Screen shot thread.
Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.  ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Be Yourself; Everyone Else is Taken ~Oscar Wilde

*I'm in the Wargamer middle ground*
I don't buy all the wargames I want, I just buy more than I need.

Sir Slash

"Take a look at that". Sgt. Wilkerson-- CMBN. His last words after spotting a German tank on the other side of a hedgerow.


Going to the way back machine.

I finally finished the original Portal
Insert witty comment here.