Total War: Warhammer

Started by Rayfer, July 17, 2015, 10:00:05 AM

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Quote from: MikeGER on May 25, 2016, 10:43:34 AM
Quote from: Jarhead0331 on May 25, 2016, 07:29:36 AM
I didn't check, but is t Bretonia available for skirmish battles and mp matches?

i just checked Bretonia and Chaos is playable in skirmish  O0 (mp i didn't checked yet)

Good to know...thanks.
Grogheads Uber Alles
Semper Grog
"No beast is more alpha than JH." Gusington, 10/23/18


Quote from: Jarhead0331 on May 25, 2016, 05:42:02 AM
So who is ready for the skaven and dark elf DLC?

I absolutely require a Skaven faction. 

Or there will be warpstone riots in the streetsss.  Yes yesss!

Dark Elves would also be a big plus.  Just hope they don't go overboard on the Assassination stuff.  Oh.. and Tomb Kings, I suppose, for bringing your mummy to the party.

They could also add Chaos sub-factions, for each specific chaos god.

Gus probably wants Halflings.  :P


Quote from: Jarhead0331 on May 25, 2016, 07:29:36 AM

I didn't check, but is t Bretonia available for skirmish battles and mp matches?


At least.. I saw them available in the Custom Battle setup.  Because that's where I went first, to check out all the different factions' specific units.


Quote from: Nefaro on May 25, 2016, 12:14:52 PM
Quote from: Jarhead0331 on May 25, 2016, 05:42:02 AM
So who is ready for the skaven and dark elf DLC?

I absolutely require a Skaven faction. 

Or there will be warpstone riots in the streetsss.  Yes yesss!

Dark Elves would also be a big plus.  Just hope they don't go overboard on the Assassination stuff.  Oh.. and Tomb Kings, I suppose, for bringing your mummy to the party.

They could also add Chaos sub-factions, for each specific chaos god.

Gus probably wants Halflings.  :P

Yeah...there is so much they can do with Chaos. I've been going through the WH Fantasy wiki and the chaos section is huge.
Grogheads Uber Alles
Semper Grog
"No beast is more alpha than JH." Gusington, 10/23/18


No Naval from what I can see. Is there any Naval in the war hammer world ?
"you are the rule maker, the dictator, the mini- Stalin, Mao, Hitler, the emperor, generalissimo, the MAN. You may talk the talk and appear to be quite easy going to foster popularity, but to the MAN I say F*CK YOU." And Steve G is F******g rude ? Just another day on the BF forum ... one demented idiots reaction to BF disagreeing about the thickness of the armour on a Tiger II turret mantlet.


Grogheads Uber Alles
Semper Grog
"No beast is more alpha than JH." Gusington, 10/23/18


"45 minutes of pooping Tribbles being juggled by a drunken Horta would be better than Season 1 of TNG." - SirAndrewD

"you don't look at the mantelpiece when you're poking the fire" - Bawb

"Can't 'un' until you 'pre', son." - Gus


This is probably a dumb question considering I've played every total war game extensively, but:

I've noticed on some gameplay videos that when people play "campaigns" it only has one race. So when a guy plays "The Empire", he only has other break-away empire rebels. Same with Orcs

So if i choose Empire in a campaign (as opposed to skirmish battle) will I ever fight vampire counts or orcs or other guys? Or just other empire "styled" races?
"A government large enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have."--Thomas Jefferson


I lost interest in the TW series some time ago (though I've contined to purchase many of the most recent titles), but I'm enjoying this one very much.  The decision to go with the fantasy theme solved most of my quibbles with the previous games.  The historical implausibilities always bugged me in the historical settings; here, I don't care.   It's just fun.


This has better initial reviews than any TW game ever. I can't hold out much longer. Quick someone tell me how bad it sucks.

слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.



Quote from: Gusington on May 25, 2016, 02:10:19 PM
This has better initial reviews than any TW game ever. I can't hold out much longer. Quick someone tell me how bad it sucks.

Playing as vamps is pretty sucktackular. ;)


Yeah, I'm weakening.  Just waiting for payday.


Quote from: mikeck on May 25, 2016, 01:50:01 PM
This is probably a dumb question considering I've played every total war game extensively, but:

I've noticed on some gameplay videos that when people play "campaigns" it only has one race. So when a guy plays "The Empire", he only has other break-away empire rebels. Same with Orcs

So if i choose Empire in a campaign (as opposed to skirmish battle) will I ever fight vampire counts or orcs or other guys? Or just other empire "styled" races?

You just happen to start with rival empires of the same race next to you. 

Will start bumping into others after a time (or pretty quickly in some cases like the Greenskin campaign). 


For some extra lore reasons (I'm guessing?), each race can only Occupy settlement types of their own race.. and one other race.  Reasoning being that Humies aren't gonna want to live in an underground Dwarf hold, for example.  You can still pillage & raze them, though.

But there is reportedly an official mod that removes this restriction, along with other user-created ones with extras on top.


Purchased this last night. Like others-I really lost interest in these TW games a while back--it just seems if you've played one you've played all of em. I also am not a fan of the new unmoddable engine--tiny black ants in strategic view==RTW and MTW2 look far better zoomed out--and I've never been able to stomach much in RTW2--so with that going in---I got to say this is exactly what the series needed. And art wise zoomed out the units still look good--overall in fact the art and animations are the best I've seen in a TW game.
I haven't made it very far--so I'm still in the rather linear tutorial of the human campaign. i did notice my main enemy is the vampires--and reading the start screen dwarves would get the orcs. However in the tutorial your walked through one battle with orcs then it leads you to fight some rebels and take their town. I did notice radious already has his mod in the workshop as well as mods that allow you attack anyone---I'm not sure how any of that plays out being just in the start so I'll hold off for now.

What i like from the get go is the generals---my guy is like Thor smashing heads with his warhammer-great stuff. The rpg nature of the generals also brings something good---so first impressions are certainly good thus far.


I'm not sure what you're trying to prove by holding out, Gus.  You play Total War games as much as anyone I know.

I mean, I've barely scratched the surface of Rome 2 and haven't even touched Attila yet, not to mention Shogun 2 and Empire/Napoleon...pretty much everything after M2TW for that matter.  So I have an excuse not to pick up another TW game to sit on the shelf.  What excuse do you have?  So just buy it already!
"If you had a chance, right now, to go back in time and stop Hitler, wouldn't you do it?  I mean, I personally wouldn't stop him because I think he's awesome." - Eric Cartman

"Does a watch list mean you are being watched or is it a come on to Toonces?" - Biggs