Multiplayer on 7 Days to Die

Started by Swatter, August 30, 2015, 02:01:56 AM

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That's some funny stuff alright. Too bad there isn't a convenient way of sharing our death vids.

Last time I was on I made a trek down to hub city. There was an air drop just as I got there, which I found. As I returned to outskirts of town I stopped to read the flaming arrow book I'd just retrieved from the crate. Just as I started reading it I hear the Grrr of a bear at my 6. Next thing I know the bear is snacking on my corpse.


A thought occurred to me as the horde was smacking me around. What I want to do is build a spike pit, I don't know maybe 5 ,6 blocks deep. Then build walls funnel shaped, then build maybe a 3 block long walkway with a ramp on the end, lead the horde on a mini and jump the gap, the bastards fall into the pit. I think it could work. I call it my Evel Knievel plan. O0
Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.  ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Be Yourself; Everyone Else is Taken ~Oscar Wilde

*I'm in the Wargamer middle ground*
I don't buy all the wargames I want, I just buy more than I need.


that's kinda what I do to protect my underground hideouts. I have a one block wide tunnel going in (must be rock) and create a one block wide trapdoor in the middle of it. I make the shaft 5-10 blocks deep and empty into a room of at least 5x5 (or more) full of wood spikes upgraded to the max. Zed's can't make it across the 1 block gap, and never come out of the pit. The tunnel leads to my safe room. I usually have an escape route out the back with the same defense build into it. Once setup like this the only worry is them coming in from the top.


I got totally rocked on the day 35 horde.  I think I died 6 times.  The first time I took one too many steps to the roofs edge and fell.  Right into the middle of multiple ferrals.  There must have been over a dozen ferrals and just as many cops.  They actually burrowed down and got under the house and into the mines.  I'm reworking the Northern defenses and will probably do the same on the other three sides.

I would like if Mike or Budd can find a good place to base close to or in Hub city.  Day 7 hordes would rock with 3 of us there.  Not to mention all of the fun of having the city hordes around.
'Here at NASA we all pee the same color.'  Al Harrison from the movie Hidden Figures.


I found another hub type city up north. We could base and clean out the one by you guys than move up north and pillage that one. We need some calipers and a mini book. Maybe you guys will have some luck in the hub bookstore and working stiff's, god knows i havent had much luck. I'm coming back for some new looting tools mine are wore out and its taking way more hits to crack stuff. I have a 100+ bullets tips, but all the brass is scattered in my drops all over the place, there all marked though if i could just get a mini book to build a bike i could get all that stuff quickly.
Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.  ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Be Yourself; Everyone Else is Taken ~Oscar Wilde

*I'm in the Wargamer middle ground*
I don't buy all the wargames I want, I just buy more than I need.


Well OJ bad news.....i made it back to base by night and the roof had collapsed. All but one of the chests got destroyed, the only one left is the resource chest with all the stuff you mined. I laid down a couple more chests and left you some schematics. No food, no water, i dont remember what was in the chests but its gone. I put a little food and water in there. Mike and I made a run to the hub looted 3 places, picked up a tool set[in the forge] and not much else exciting. I;ll repair a bit and then head south to explore, need those calipers and a perm base.
Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.  ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Be Yourself; Everyone Else is Taken ~Oscar Wilde

*I'm in the Wargamer middle ground*
I don't buy all the wargames I want, I just buy more than I need.


WOW.  How did the roof collapse.  There was no damage there.

So lost all of the food and meds in a chest nest to the mined items.  Weapons and tools chest, clothes chest, weapon parts chest, and a chest with items like batteries, tires, motor, etc.   

'Here at NASA we all pee the same color.'  Al Harrison from the movie Hidden Figures.


you guys are welcome to camp out at my underground dwelling. Unfortunately you wont see a marker on the map for it unless I'm online, however, if you stay on the road heading NE from the four buildings at the crossroads West of your camp it is easy to find as I have a three woodframe tower with torches marking it at the side of the road (~2Km). If any of the chest are locked the combo is 'vvv'. Help yourselves. Excellent water/hunting/mining in the vicinity. There are mines at the back door but don't expect you'll stumble that way.


Logged off at 2130 so if you get backon the horde should be coming.OJ got a bit done, got some food and water stocked. I reinforced what could defense wise didn't have a bunch of time. Got a lot of log spikes and spikes down, pushed the tunnel out and it exits to the surface now. There's a shotgun and pistol there, not a lot of ammo, left some feathers also. There's a bunch schematics, there yours.
Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.  ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Be Yourself; Everyone Else is Taken ~Oscar Wilde

*I'm in the Wargamer middle ground*
I don't buy all the wargames I want, I just buy more than I need.


Thanks Budd.

I was thinking about the roof collapse.  I'm wondering with the added weight of the gardens and no pillars from the second floor to the roof it was too much.

Next time I'm on, I think I'll head down to Hub City and see if I can find a place that would be a good place to fort up. 
'Here at NASA we all pee the same color.'  Al Harrison from the movie Hidden Figures.


Mike was talking about forting at Hub, maybe you guys could hook up. I'm going north to the other city, there's got to be some calipers and mini book there.....right :)
Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.  ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Be Yourself; Everyone Else is Taken ~Oscar Wilde

*I'm in the Wargamer middle ground*
I don't buy all the wargames I want, I just buy more than I need.


Well, Budd found his mini book in Hub City, but didn't have time to build one as we were getting ready for the day 49 horde.  Budd had the whole building surrounded with 2 rows of spikes, 2 rows of log spike.  The building is brick with a vault front door.  I was on a second floor balcony that Budd had built around the building. 

We had a ladder going up a the way up to the roof into a small room up there where are bags and most of our loot is.  The campfire, forge, and work bench are 1 floor below in an apartment, 5th floor.

Well, the horde hits, and rolls right over the out defenses.  Next thing I know if Budd's yelling there's a feral in the building.  WTF!?  He was yelling for help.  I get downstairs and there's the feral trying to get through the inner metal door.  With the settings, feral's take a lot to kill.  Well, mister feral gets through and in about two hits kills me.  I respawn on my bed roll, grab a couple of weapons and head back down.  Run into the feral half way down the stairs.  Yep dead again.

So I respawn again grab the last weapons out of the chest open the hatch to go down and guess whos there to meet me.  Yep, mister feral.  I shoot him with an arrow, and slam the door shut, but he glitches right on through.  So now we have a feral on the roof at our bed rolls.  So I spawn outside.  I'm about a block away.  Not bad.  Nothing chasing, so I'm good for a little bit.  I decide to get into the tunnels, and head for one of the entrances outside the apartment building.  As I get close, I'm surrounded by 5 cops, a feral, and a dog.  I take off back down the street.  Run right past Budd.  If you had been watching from I'm sure it would have been comical.  With no weapon, I was trying to run around to allow Budd a change to take them out.  A dog got me though.

So I decided to take a change and spawn back on my bed roll, hoping the feral was gone.  As soon as I spawn, he comes back in from the roof.  I used my fists and actually did well against him for awhile.  I spawned next outside, and barely made it into the tunnels.  I ran down to the spike area to draw them into the spikes, when I run into mister feral again.  This time he had no legs.  I got away.  Eventually he died from his wounds. 

Eventually Budd got the building cleared and a bow for me.  The last feral, cops, and others we killed with the help of the spikes.
'Here at NASA we all pee the same color.'  Al Harrison from the movie Hidden Figures.


I'm thinking we need a trench around the apartment building.  Two deep, two wide, with sides and floor made of concreate blocks.  Fully upgraded wood log spikes on the floor.

We need nitrates to make gunpowder for pipe bombs and exploding crossbow bolts.  Let the Z's fall into trench and use pipe bombs and exploding bolts on them.  Especially the feral's. 

The snow biome to the west doesn't go very far south, so we can look there to mine.  Need an auger. 
'Here at NASA we all pee the same color.'  Al Harrison from the movie Hidden Figures.


Budd.  I sealed the breeches around the front door.  Upgraded the frames I placed to concreate.

I made a mixer, its in with the forge.  I took out the skylight in that apartment and placed a hatch and ladder to make an alternate access to the roof.  I also placed a door on the crafting room. 

Expanded the garden quite a bit.  Still want to expand more, but it's a good start.

I also put a basic defense plan in place on the steps on the top floor.  take a look.  I didn't upgrade anything so if you don't like and we remove it not much lost.

Flaming arrows for you in the weapons locker.  I also used all of the nitrates to make gunpowder.

Repaired the ladder going up the elevator.

concrete for you in the chest by the forge.

There is a grass/wood biome just south of the snow biome to our west, not far.  It's where I spawned the first time you saw me on line.

It's about 9am day 51.  I stuck my head out once at the snow hatch in the middle of the night to plant some tree seeds and got hit by a cop.  Never saw him.  Barely escaped. 
'Here at NASA we all pee the same color.'  Al Harrison from the movie Hidden Figures.


That day 49 horde was fun :D ...what 12 ferals, the most effective weapon was luring them onto the spikes. Man they F**ked up the place bad, all 6 floors i think. Here's a little from my perspective. So we didnt have a lot of days to get ready for the 49 day horde, some vault doors and 4 rows of spikes, 2 log, 2 regular all the way around, its not great but im feeling OK about it. So day 49 22:00 the scream always starts it, then it just a matter of finding out which direction there coming from, east, west, maybe north or south. I'm on the ground outside confident behind my 4 rows of spikes, i mean they should buy a little time to do damage. OJ is up on the platform that surrounds the buildings 2nd floor on the outside. OK nothing out front, i can hear the screams but see nothing. So i go around the corner to the west side, all i see is a mass of zombies and feral and dog already past the rows of spikes running at me about 10 feet away.....that was an O shit moment. So i turn around and start running for the front door, i'm thinking the vault doors open slow, the vault doors open slow i'm never gonna make it, i can hear them behind me practically feel there breath. I get to the door and open and get inside and shut it, there's barely a crack in the door and feral gliches through. I mean im face to face with this thing, so i shoot it which stuns the zombies for a split second. I take that opportunity to head to the door at the first floor landing.I make it through the door and close it, its not a vault door its one level down from vault. So the feral starts beating the crap out of the door, thats when i let OJ know we have a problem, i believe it was "feral in the building, help"OJ gets there and the feral is almost through the door,  you can see it through the door. Were trying to shoot it but it aint working. Its gets through the door and it was a coin flip who he goes for, OJ won that lottery. Pretty much one shot and OJ is down. The feral was kind enough to get on him and start eating him, so i'm pumping crossbow bolts into the feral's head. It finished with OJ and turns to look at me and starts coming at me, well i ran like a little school girl. My options were limited, eventually it all deadends. I run around the room still shooting bolts into the feral. I run up to the second floor circle the rooms still shooting the feral, i think OJ came back to help and got whacked again. Ok time to bail, i go out the second floor window to the landing and move around the corner and crouch. The feral loses me, so i take a look at whats outside on the ground. Zombie bodies every where, zombies without legs crawling around, dogs, hornets the whole buffet. i start shooting the cops as they can do the zombie spit, i'm moving around on the walkway and..... i fall, break my leg. Of course the zombies start running at me, no choice gotta jump my spike rows. Well i didnt make it clean, bleeding and damaged i use my last bandage and medkit. On this side of the spikes seems to be the safest place there all on the inside of the rows. there's a lot of ferals but most of them are legless and crawling after me, it was one big damn horde. I never got killed out right, i bleed to death from wounds 4 or 5 times, sometimes from getting to close to the spikes. With bleeding out i got time to move everything to my backpack from my belt. It was a good 12 game hours until they were disposed of and we had to lure them onto the spikes to kill them off. man that was crazy fun, the place was wrecked. Wish i would of recorded it.

OJ not sure how much time ill get this week. If you build a trench they will dig when they land in trench, we can try the concrete with spikes I've never tried that. i'd make at least 3 deep though, once the bodies build up they'll jump out. How about spikes on the walls too pointing in the trench.If i get time i'll make a mini and go pick up my drops i stashed every where. If we dont get calipers we need to start dumping our points into shotguns, thx for fixing up the place. Mike you should pop on down and bunk here for the next horde. Even though we got our asses handed to us it was fun.
Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.  ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Be Yourself; Everyone Else is Taken ~Oscar Wilde

*I'm in the Wargamer middle ground*
I don't buy all the wargames I want, I just buy more than I need.