Polaris Sector - another new space 4x

Started by RedArgo, November 02, 2015, 04:48:47 PM

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Nice to see the Beta patch on the way but overall I think the game is pretty solid bug wise. i haven't had a single crash and saw no noticable bugs. pleased after Stardrive II--which still freezes on me after x amount of turns once I'm pretty well expanded. And that's been out some time now-even a new DLC.

I've modded it a bit already. I have a 9 race Spiral map of 900 starts modded as "spiral Campaign"....mainly I re-placed the race start positions so each is far from the other. You can easily change planet types, add planets or delete them as well. it's pretty easy with notepad+:

Start a new game. pick your race, number of starts, ect. Then save the game and exit.

Go into "my documents\my games\Polaris sector\scenerio       Your see a file called gen---this was generated by the game as you set it up. Now open it in notepad or natepad+. At the upper right your see the name again "gen 0". Change this to whatever your going to call the campaign. Say "test campaign"

To find the races search for "HomeworldFor"  -----and your see each races starting planet(s). You can change the type, "earthlike", Ocean" Desert and so on if you wish. if you made notes of star names when you loaded the game of where you want to start just copy the HomewordFor, 0 "HUM"  (or whatever race your playing)  line to that star and delete it from where you moved it from. You can move the A.I. races the same way. opening the map and noting star names around your start position or wherever you can change and add planets to your hearts content.

Not much else you can do with the file, and to do anymore modding you need to unpack files and use tools to edit them. But it's possible to replace races, their movies , ships and their models and so on. The guy doing the Starwars mod has a few files for this as the dev hasn't really released any modding tools yet. His instructions are a bit wishy washy as English is not his native language, and even the mod videos are in a different language as well-but following them is still helpful on some things.

When i have time I might mod some races in, as well as thier movies and music---as I think those areas are the games weak points. Some of that music sounds like "elevator music" -there's a couple tracks that are okay but most of it is annoying. And well, we've discussed the Teddy Bears.  8)


If I understand this correctly ghostryder you spent a week complaining the game had set start points with utter outrage and having been disproved you've now made a mod to do what you were furious about


he'll add "dancing" girls next.   :P
Jarhead - Yeah. You're probably right.

Gus - I use sweatpants with flannel shorts to soak up my crotch sweat.

Banzai Cat - There is no "partial credit" in grammar. Like anal sex. It's either in, or it's not.

Mirth - We learned long ago that they key isn't to outrun Star, it's to outrun Gus.

Martok - I don't know if it's possible to have an "anti-boner"...but I now have one.

Gus - Celery is vile and has no reason to exist. Like underwear on Star.

Ian C

Interesting game. Empire was at peace and continued expansion due to opening up Gas Giants for mining via Celestial Stations being researched causing an eventual food crisis, because of increasing population. Expansion outweighed food production. Before I could stabilise things, two systems broke away and rebelled. The Magellans, who I've been at peace with since the start, claimed them before I could mobilise a force to retake them. Repeated attempts to get the systems back via diplomacy failed, then they sent a fleet into the system. I closed my borders to them trapping their fleets in isolated systems. They continued to violate my space and despite repeated attempts telling them to stay out, a brief war broke out. A peace treaty was signed a few years later, but I lost the systems with no gains. However, from out of the blue on a distant system I was scouting I suddenly found an anomaly with something interesting on it. I now have to collect 3 more... (spoilers).
Loving this game.


Great story. Not sure about you guys, but I am unable to really steamroll the AI. I can win a battle, but it's hard to build a huge fleet an roll. AI very good strategically and tactically. I have to say I'm A bit concerned that the whole time the AI has not really been researching anything. Once they get the research worked out  in the upcoming patch and the AI is actually able to produce advanced weaponry this game is going to be very tough
"A government large enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have."--Thomas Jefferson

Ian C

The game feels organic and it's like you're making proper command decisions and real strategies with long-term repercussions and not just pushing pieces around a board.


I have been putting off getting into this because of my obsession with Xcom2, but you guys are making this really, really hard.


Ian C

Good grief, the resources required but...these are quite something.


Quote from: Freyland on April 04, 2016, 11:15:17 AM
I have been putting off getting into this because of my obsession with Xcom2, but you guys are making this really, really hard.

My defenses were strong but alas they failed under the intense fire of pressure from this having some key points I've wanted in 4x for years (mainly non-linear research and comprehensive ship building / design components)
Insert witty comment here.


Quote from: Ian C on April 04, 2016, 11:20:36 AM
Good grief, the resources required but...these are quite something.

Holy crap! How are you guys getting so far into the tech tree??!?  :o I've only ever made it to Frigates.....  :P

What speed are you playing at? Are you focusing on the large ships in the techs? What species are you playing?

Now, I admit that I've restarted from scratch a pile of times.. each time I learn something new and/or get pummeled by the AI, but still....
I must be doing something wrong with my research.... I've never even seen shields let alone be able to research and build them....  :(


You guys are really annoying me! Like I need another game.... I've decided to make the leap but I see that it's single player so is there any advantage to buying it on Steam or should I just go to Matrix/Slitherine?

Ian C

Quote from: Barthheart on April 04, 2016, 11:35:49 AM
What speed are you playing at? Are you focusing on the large ships in the techs? What species are you playing?

I'm playing humans and yep, I prioritised Capital ship research. Playing at full speed mostly, slowing down for situations.

Started an 8-race game in the spiral galaxy (the milky way type one) on Normal difficulty, no pirates, no external threat options.

My strategy for this particular game was peaceful expansion until I hit other borders, then I made economic and border treaties. The lizards were a problem and there was a mostly skirmish-like war with them for around 600 years. It's my first game, and mainly a learning experience.

Quote from: Millipede on April 04, 2016, 11:44:43 AM
You guys are really annoying me! Like I need another game.... I've decided to make the leap but I see that it's single player so is there any advantage to buying it on Steam or should I just go to Matrix/Slitherine?

The Slitherine site is cheaper than STEAM and the non-STEAM game key is also valid to install and activate on STEAM if you like.


Quote from: Millipede on April 04, 2016, 11:44:43 AM
You guys are really annoying me! Like I need another game.... I've decided to make the leap but I see that it's single player so is there any advantage to buying it on Steam or should I just go to Matrix/Slitherine?

Where ever you can get it cheapest I'd say. If you buy it at Matrix/Slitherine I think you get a Steam key anyway...


Yeah...I'm with Barth on the research issue. I'm still totally reliant on Corvettes. I can see Frigates in the research queue, but its still pretty far off. I can't imagine how long it will take for my empire to develop destroyers, cruisers and battleships. Very impressive, Ian.
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