CK2 King of Leon AAR

Started by undercovergeek, June 27, 2012, 11:25:33 AM

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Here she is, Mrs Leon, the eldest daughter of the King of Denmark, 16 and ready to pop out Jimena's until shes a dried up husk. She already dislikes me - ill send her a few presents and see how we get on


This is going to take ages, and the Atfasids are clearly beaten - the money from the wedding is wisely invested in the now familiar Saxon Company, and they are drafted in to start taking Atfasid lands as soon as they have smashed the army at Salamanca


Im not sure how long its going to take for him to march/row down here but the King of Denamrk wants in on the action too


NEVER! My, my well done Alfonso - please be a boy, please be a boy, please be a boy - thats all i need Alfonso for now - there are tutors in place, the council is getting better - i just need a kick ass son to take the reins


This is a great AAR! Thanks for taking the time to do all this work.  8)

Now I must curse you as well. It looks like a fun game and Steam now has it on sale for $10!! I don't need any more games!!!  >:(

Never played the first one.
Is it anything like EU III? Looks to be...
Do you have any of the DLC's? Are they worth it?


sorry for late reply BH, hope the sale is still on............

i think its an enhanced EU3 map that they decided to use - the first game was a 2d map.

This is just vanilla 1.06b (the most upto date patch)

In terms of play its more about character progression and wanting to set goals for your empire/duchy and character. There is a guy on the CK2 forums saying he just doesnt get it, he loves HOI3 so he bought CK2, he waits, he arranges marriages, he fabricates claims, he gets married, he kills people and grows bigger and says 'what next', 'what am i missing', hes trying to win the game, not play it. If you like EU3 youll know its not about taking over the world, its about the small goals for your state - first across the ocean as Portugal, unifying Germany etc.

Im pissed my current king is a total loser, i found him a Danish princess, i want them to have kids that work! ive brought in tutors, im concerned my muslim neighbours are growing too big, my AI brothers have died fending them off - theres literally only me left from my dynasty with land of my own, do i get it back for my brothers or take it for myself - these are the decisions and that only covers the next 2 hours gameplay, what else will happen, France is encroaching into Iberia, the HRE has just arrived - if you can immerse yourself in your nation and character its perfect, and i think its an exceptional game

more AAR later, ironically enough im not at work today, and therefore its harder to play (dont ask!!)


Thanks for the reply. Yes that's how I play EUIII, small goals while the world carries on around me.



Well thats a shortcut to getting a 100% warscore - capture the trouble making little bastard! I want the war over with as hes the aggressor, if id have thought about it some more i would have ransomed him back for a fortune and then called for peace. Caught up in all the excitement about my next plans i called for peace - they accepted and its all back to square one.

The peace agreement gives me a ton of money and prestige.


With the ink still wet on the peace agreement, we call on the Catalan band (im letting the Saxon band rebuild their numbers) and march right back over the border - now i know the size of his army the little bastard's getting Leon in the face with both barrels - Porto first and we'll take it from there.


That would be about right for a daughter of Alfonso and the Jimena line.

The warscore is -1% because i called up all the realm levies and 25 archers appeared in a province that the Atfasids were marching through - you have an option not to call up in enemy occupied provinces...............

but im an idiot - scratch 25 archers!


God bless you, you fat, humble, thrifty geek.

Please note, Castille has gone and Navarra has gone - only I and Aragon stand against the Moors. Note also the French incursion into Iberia - our swords turn to the West, our eyes look to the East, im unsure whether this is a good development


Holy shit. MY sister? The Queen of France? - this pulls in the prestige some! And a big ass blue ally


That ally may weigh you down in the end :-)
And the One Song to Rule Them All is Gimme Shelter - Rolling Stones

"If its a Balrog, I don't think you get an option to not consent......." - bob


yeah, i realise now the alliance works both ways, i can call them, but they can call me for asistance.

Always with the bad timing - i will join, just not yet


With no resistance at all from the Atfasids its time to move things on a pace - i order up another company from the menu of pillagers - the Saxons have been hired elsewhere - its the Bretons for us