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X4 Foundations

Started by Jarhead0331, August 27, 2017, 02:40:36 PM

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That's a great mod. The concept of the leaks is silly imo, tedious to pull off and feels like work most of the time to find them.
Not fun at all, so this mod is a great quality of life improvement.

I am still playing the game for sure, however I have been captivated by Red Dead Redemption 2's story and I need to keep up to speed with Huw in Warframe, so that leaves less time for X4.
But definately still playing. I think its a great game.
"Pilots do not get paid for what they do daily, but they get paid for what they are capable of doing.
However, if pilots would need to do daily what they are capable of doing, nobody would dare to fly anymore."


Quote from: Pete Dero on December 21, 2018, 05:07:59 AM
Quote from: JudgeDredd on December 21, 2018, 04:43:39 AM
What's the point of signal leaks? Are those missions? And what's the point of the cheat? Was there no way to identify the leaks before?

These leaks give you missions and sometimes other stuff (the main plot starts at a signal leak).

Without the 'cheat' you needed to get really close to find such a leak.  So you had to fly close around the whole station if you wanted to find one.
This mod only reduces the time needed to find them.

Quote from: Yskonyn on December 21, 2018, 05:14:12 AM
That's a great mod. The concept of the leaks is silly imo, tedious to pull off and feels like work most of the time to find them.
Not fun at all, so this mod is a great quality of life improvement.

I am still playing the game for sure, however I have been captivated by Red Dead Redemption 2's story and I need to keep up to speed with Huw in Warframe, so that leaves less time for X4.
But definately still playing. I think its a great game.
I think I might still hang out for a sale. I don't need another game just now (but then which one of us does?)!
Alba gu' brath

Pete Dero

His pre-launch stream has been mentioned before but this video by Obsidianant gives a decent overview of the game (including the confusion about what to do in some missions).

Pete Dero

X4: Foundations Update 2.00 Released

Player owned shipyards, wharfs and equipment docks:
    Players can now build and operate their own shipyards. This allows leaving an even deeper impact on the game's economy. Build ships for yourself or deliver them to the war factions. Participate in the faction wars on the highest possible level or just make a lot of profitsss.

Steam Workshop integration:
    Starting with version 2.00 X4: Foundations now also supports installing game mods via the Steam workshop. This will make it easier than ever for players to try out some of the already existing cool X4 mods!

Rebalancing of fight and economy:
    With Update 2.00 we changed a lot of parameters of the game economy and fight balancing. The goals include making crew gaining experience a bit easier, but also making a lot of changes to the turret and capital ship fight balancing.


Yeah!! Good times for the game.

"Pilots do not get paid for what they do daily, but they get paid for what they are capable of doing.
However, if pilots would need to do daily what they are capable of doing, nobody would dare to fly anymore."


Bearing in mind I did not like the move from X3 to X-Rebirth (like AT ALL), would anyone recommend this game? Steam review snapshot seems a bit on the low side - but it is Steam so I'm taking a huge pinch of salt with them.
Alba gu' brath

Pete Dero

Quote from: JudgeDredd on February 27, 2019, 04:16:19 AM
Bearing in mind I did not like the move from X3 to X-Rebirth (like AT ALL), would anyone recommend this game? Steam review snapshot seems a bit on the low side - but it is Steam so I'm taking a huge pinch of salt with them.

I had fun with it until bugs took the fun away. 

E.g. :
Deliver x to person y in the bar on station z but station z has no bar
Deliver x to person y in the bar on station z but station z has a bar that disappears when you leave the sector to buy product x
Economy not working as planned (e.g. no demand for products on the market because not enough ships got destroyed (lack of a war) so they don't have to be replaced)

But these are fixed with the updates so I should get back to it.


Thanks Pete.

Those sound like fundamental errors and perhaps the report says "they're fixed", but I can't honestly say I believe them.

I'm going to leave purchase for a while. It's still almost full price and sounds like there were some fundamentals broken. I'll pick it up later this year. I'm in no massive hurry for a game...I just stumbled upon this the other day and it reminded me I had wanted to buy in.

Thanks again.
Alba gu' brath


Did anyone get time to test the new update?
"Pilots do not get paid for what they do daily, but they get paid for what they are capable of doing.
However, if pilots would need to do daily what they are capable of doing, nobody would dare to fly anymore."


Quote from: Yskonyn on February 28, 2019, 06:24:37 AM
Did anyone get time to test the new update?

I still have not been able to get to it, however in the next day or two I plan to..... I just got to feeling better after being sick for four weeks!


Saw it on offer on Steam for £30....still not tempted I'm afraid.
Alba gu' brath

Huw the Poo

Quote from: JudgeDredd on March 06, 2019, 12:39:23 PM
Saw it on offer on Steam for £30....still not tempted I'm afraid.



So, I've been spending some serious time with the 2.5 beta branch these last three days.
Now 12 hours in I must say the game is in a very good spot.

Since I last played Carriers and Resupply ships have been introduced to the game and the player is now able to build and own shipyards and wharfs! That's an exciting outlook.
Also, the personal crafting profit margin has been nerfed; no more easy money by crafting medkits and selling them. It still is profitable as a side venture, but not nearly as much anymore as it was back in the 1.x version of the game.

So, instead I've gone the manual labour way of mining crystals first to get my first two miner ships going in order to let me focus on the wider things I want to accomplish. After about an hour or two of mining crystals I had roughly 2 million credits (you need to get a little lucky with the crystal types you find, purple is most common but has the least value, blue is a little less common but more valuable and then you have green, yellow and white respectively.). That was enough to create 2 properly fitted mining ships which both got a 3 star crew!
The competence of the crew is very important for the auto-orders you can give the ship. 3 star will enable Advanced  Auto Mining (as oposed to Sector Mining only) and if you fit them with a Resource and Trading extension software they will automatically sell to the highest bidder.

Nividium is a great early-game wealth kickstarter, but its profits will dampen rather abruptly after several hours into the game because demand will decrease as the resource is only needed in small amounts. At first, though, stations that need it will put out buy orders to get their stocks up to snuff and this is great for kickstarting your own financial position.

In a short time I was able to fund 6 auto-miners covering Ore, Silicon and Nividium.

Now it was time to open up the map a bit and start looking for the highway system. Each new game the placement of stations is randomized (within constraints as not to have a defunct economy gamestart) so even if the jumpgates and accelerators aren't (afaik) the systems feel different enough from my last saves.

A quick roundabout on the highway opened up 118 discovered stations without much effort, opening up quite a few profitable trade routes for my auto miners and funds started to roll in at a much higher pace.

I ran into an annoying issue where I had ordered one of my miners to retrofit at the wharf, but there weren't enough engine parts available to complete the upgrade. The game doesn't lock the ship bound for upgrades and I ordered it to go make some money in the mean time, but instead of canceling the upgrade order it remained at the top of the queue of the wharf's construction pad and now prevented any other ships from being produced... oops.
Normally with the ship docked you can delete the queued orders, but with it out in the black you cannot. So I ordered it back to the wharf but I was still unable to cancel the order. I decided to try to buy a transporter to haul the much needed engine parts to the warf, but as I couldn't produce any other ships at the Argon warf I had to scoot to Teladi space to the only other known warf at this point.
There I found out that the engine part deficiency was a galaxy wide issue, so I couldn't build the transporter here either. :(
Luckily my Elite Vanguard had cargo space for 8 engine parts and, while it took me considerable time, I was able to manually haul the parts to the Teladi warf and build the transporter.
This transporter then hauled more Engine parts in bulk to the Argon warf, but the issue of the stuck upgrade loop remained.

I filed a bug report, which got super quick reply, but unfortunately didn't come up with a solution.

Upon reloading my savegame I suddenly saw a lot of ships being built in the Argon Warf again. I reissued the upgrade order (now confirming the system doesn't tell me parts are missing) and it finally overwrote the other two pending requests! Fixed the stuck loop! Pfew!

Otherwise I haven't come across any issues so far. The galaxy seems alive, Xenon are harassing the borders of certain sectors, so the complaints of a much too peaceful galaxy of old seem to have been addressed.
Also the economy is going full steam ahead, so that looks good!

I've also bought a medium fighter as my personal ship for all round duty and relegated my vanguard to exploration duty with a 4.5 star (!) crew that are able to auto-explore sectors.
They will notify my when they find lockboxes and abandoned ships, so I can scoot over there and have my marines board the vessel to claim it.
None found yet, however.

I am now working towards setting up the player HQ. Fun times!
"Pilots do not get paid for what they do daily, but they get paid for what they are capable of doing.
However, if pilots would need to do daily what they are capable of doing, nobody would dare to fly anymore."

Huw the Poo

Excellent, thanks for the write-up Ysk.  It's good to hear the issues are slowly being addressed.  I'll wait until 2.5 hits stable then I may well play again.


Of this literally a day after I delete the thing to free up some badly needed HD space.
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