Old World from Soren Johnson

Started by RedArgo, April 14, 2020, 01:54:43 PM

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Quote from: Gusington on June 01, 2022, 09:21:55 AM
^I was just thinking the same thing. Recalling my last turn, there are scattered Assyrian units around the map...they must have claimed those tiles while I was puttering about. Would it be worth it going to war to get a tile?? Or should I just acquiesce and restart...

Also noticed that there were no barbarian tribes in my game. I could swear that I have the game set with tribes active. Another reason to restart, I suppose.

Yeah...restart needed :-)

Grab the City sites as a priority then you can putter about a bit  ;)

BTW...just sent you a Friend request on Steam so I can see what you are up to  :).

Link to Field of Glory Empires MP forum with Slitherine Games


Dammit. Ok I will restart. Accepted your Steam request.

Clearly Old World has sunk it's hooks into me. Can't remember the last time I enjoyed learning as much as this.

I guess one positive from this is the AI is clearly more competent than I am. For now.

слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.


Silent Disapproval Robot

Early game priority one should be scouting the map.  Find the city sites and secret bonus tiles.  If you find another civ near a city site, park one of your units on it so they can't take it.  Might be worth thumping some tribes as well if you're short on build sites.  I try to get a minimum of 4 cities built before I really start switching focus to improvements.  Helps if you can keep the cities fairly close together and build roads fairly early on as well 


I scouted like the Dickens! But didn't realize the Assyrians were snatching tiles up :/

Learning by doing and colossal failure and then trying again.

All that said I do like that Old World games are not as long as Civ games.

слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.



Four city sites is about the best I've been able to grab at the start.  Then I start looking for tribal or barbarian sites to take and occupy and settle.  This last run as Greece I managed to grab an extra 3 sites that way but it was a struggle trying to beat some of the other factions to them.


^Started a new game as Assyria vs. Babylon. And just to show that I am not mental, I have established three new cities. See below screenshot. And now in this new game I have seen barbarians as well - I took this city tile from 'Danes.'

That said, I have not seen or heard from Babylon yet. Fine, it's very early in the game - I'll chalk it up to having not discovered them. However, the entire family dynamic of the game seems to be...gone? In founding two cities I was not asked which families to assign them too, and I have not seen any info on my ruler or court at all.


слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.



Characters are "Off" by default for multiplayer games.  You have to go into the start menu for MP and scroll down to turn them on.

Choosing particular opponents isn't especially user friendly.


There is an option in setup to disable all the family rpg type elements and to play it as a straight 4X....(though why on earth anyone would want to do that is beyond me) . Are you sure you haven't turned that option on when altering other settings ?

If not it may be worth verifying your Steam files or doing a clean install as it may be the game files have become corrupted somehow. I assume you havent modded the game at all ?

Link to Field of Glory Empires MP forum with Slitherine Games


Thank you both - must be the default setting that matt mentions above. There is so much here that I enjoy, so I am determined to learn as I'm setting up games. Lots to learn, though.

Devon I have not modded the game at all.

I'll set up another new game late tonight when I'm back home at my pc and be mindful of all those pesky start up buttons and options.

слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.



Quote from: Gusington on June 02, 2022, 05:49:27 AM
Thank you both - must be the default setting that matt mentions above. There is so much here that I enjoy, so I am determined to learn as I'm setting up games. Lots to learn, though.

Devon I have not modded the game at all.

I'll set up another new game late tonight when I'm back home at my pc and be mindful of all those pesky start up buttons and options.

That's the spirit  :bd:

Link to Field of Glory Empires MP forum with Slitherine Games


It is driving me slightly batty but hey whateva  :crazy2:

слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.



Haven't played the game in a few days after I finished tutorial 5. 

So in order to play a single player game I have to go through the multiplayer setup and dial in all the options I want?
"You and I are of a kind. In a different reality, I could have called you friend."

Romulan Commander to Kirk

Pete Dero

Quote from: W8taminute on June 02, 2022, 07:33:29 AM
So in order to play a single player game I have to go through the multiplayer setup and dial in all the options I want?

When you start a multiplayer game you can select specific (AI) opponents.
If you don't care about that, you just start a single player game.


That startup menu for a multiplayer game is also filled with less than obvious options too, as I've been discovering...like turning off the entire family dynamic of the game, turning off barbarians and tribes, etc.

Gonna try again tonight to tweak it exactly as I want it. I hope in a future update they make the setup a little less opaque and a little more user friendly.

Old World has some great gameplay and it would be a shame for players to get too frustrated with the setup to not experience it.

слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.



Quote from: Gusington on June 02, 2022, 09:26:43 AM
That startup menu for a multiplayer game is also filled with less than obvious options too, as I've been discovering...like turning off the entire family dynamic of the game, turning off barbarians and tribes, etc.

Gonna try again tonight to tweak it exactly as I want it. I hope in a future update they make the setup a little less opaque and a little more user friendly.

Old World has some great gameplay and it would be a shame for players to get too frustrated with the setup to not experience it.

As I only play single player I find the start up options very clear but it does sound like MP complicates things needlessly. I am curious why you decided to set up your 1 v 1 game via MP as you can set up a 1v1 with tribes and barbarians very easily in the SP menu.... ?

Or do you want to only face a particular faction ?


Link to Field of Glory Empires MP forum with Slitherine Games