Facebook and Twitter

Started by DicedT, October 25, 2012, 08:26:18 AM

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We all want to spread the gospel of wargaming. But like it or not, the communications today is done through social media. I don't love Facebook or Twitter, I don't use them more than necessary, but I do use them because they are the today's tools for sending or receiving news.

So let's exchange Twitter and Facebook addresses. This way, we can circulate wargaming news to a much larger audience.

My Twitter is https://twitter.com/Mipeck1
My Facebook is https://www.facebook.com/michael.peck.967


Huw the Poo

Same here.  I absolutely detest Facebook but since pretty much everyone I know in real life uses it, I have to as well.  Otherwise I'm just too far out of the loop.  I wish I could convince them all to use Diaspora instead.

Twitter I just use as a news feed.  I rarely say anything on it, I just retweet what I think is interesting.  Although it is useful to use to bug Wester from Paradox. :)

Arctic Blast

I'm on Twitter : https://twitter.com/elcliff76

I curse a lot, rant about sports a lot, and talk about games. And curse. And yell at people. Usually with cursing.


Just added you to my Twitter. Feel free to add me.

The Puss

Facebook - Chris Martin Location - Kilmarnock, Scotland, United Kingdom

Twitter - @KadiTimes
Ave Imperator, morituri te salutant
Si vis pacem, para bellum


'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers'

'Clip those corners'

Recombobulate the discombobulators!

Sigma One

I'll just post my Twitter because it's one of the wittiest names I'll ever come up with my nerd life:



I'm not on either. And get off my lawn.

слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.


Sigma One


Quote from: Gusington on October 29, 2012, 10:54:46 AM
I'm not on either. And get off my lawn.

Sorry....I can't hear you..... hurrican winds you know.....
My doctor wrote me a prescription for daily sex.

My wife insists that it says dyslexia but what does she know.


"You and I are of a kind. In a different reality, I could have called you friend."

Romulan Commander to Kirk


слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.



'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers'

'Clip those corners'

Recombobulate the discombobulators!

Arctic Blast

Quote from: Gusington on October 29, 2012, 01:00:48 PM

Or you'll make us wear something from your collection of trucker caps?


Yeah man you never want to be accused of being a hipster dufus.

слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.
