DCS Flaming Cliffs 3...

Started by JudgeDredd, November 08, 2012, 04:15:48 PM

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...is available for pre-order from DCS   :D
Alba gu' brath


Let us know what you think. I'm curious to see how different this is from FC2
Grogheads Uber Alles
Semper Grog
"No beast is more alpha than JH." Gusington, 10/23/18


I just can't get over the fact that you need the original LOMAC despite being a DCS World module. They say its something to do with (Ubisoft) licensing. I don't want to install my old LOMAC because of the DRM.


Honestly, I think the whole DCS World system is flawed.  It's such a pain in the a$$ to install.  They need to make it more user friendly.
Grogheads Uber Alles
Semper Grog
"No beast is more alpha than JH." Gusington, 10/23/18


Agreed about requiring LOMAC.

I also agree on installation. I have the update to BS2 and do not understand why I need to have BS1 installed. If they don't make this more seemless then they may well ruin a perfectly potentially great concept
Alba gu' brath


I think I read over at the ED boards that you would be able to use the LOMAC CD/DVD to unlock FC3, not actually having to install the software.
But the system sucks anyway. Like the example above with Black Shark; it stinkt that you have to install that first as its only available digitally. Especially since all your serials are linked to your account anyway, but there is currently no link to that upon install.

I disagree with the complaints about DCS World, though. I think it's a big step forward and the reason is that they now can work more efficiently on the different modules to hunt bugs and the like, but more importantly; the new World structure is the basis for a far bigger project and their new EDGE terrain engine.
It's not just an integrated interface, but rather the whole brains and guts of it are now consolidated and the aircraft (and other platforms) are just like mods or plugins in the way they work with World.
So each change in World is immediately active for the module as well without having to update it seperately. At least in theory.

Where I do think ED is going slightly wrong at the moment, though, is the amount of seperate modules they are working on and some of them I highly question their relevance in the system as we have it now.
For example the Huey comes to mind. It will be an old variant with little relevance to the combat environment we have in World.
Same goes for the P-51D, if it's not going to get other toys to make it viable or more interesting.
And in addition they leave some promised features off the radar, like the Nevada map.
It's been the topic of some heated discussion on the ED boards, but input from ED has been scarce.

But I do see the potential of the system and mainly as an A-10C user I am pretty satisfied with what we have at the moment.
Combat Simming is my main form of entertainment, so I might be biased (also because there are little high fidelity options out there) and I can see where the more casual user might find the whole experience a little cumbersome.
Which is the target audience for FC3 in the end.

For me, though, I don't find it a big chore to keep things running, DCS wise. And the auto-updater that has been added quite recently makes our life a LOT easier, regarding patches and updates. :)

As for FC3 itself; it's nice to see fans of the product getting integrated into the big World package now too. But I have been thoroughly spoiled by the fidelity of A-10C and have little interest in FC3 myself. It's too arcade for my liking.
"Pilots do not get paid for what they do daily, but they get paid for what they are capable of doing.
However, if pilots would need to do daily what they are capable of doing, nobody would dare to fly anymore."


DCS World is good.  But to make it a truly module-based platform, they must ditch the requirement of having other stuff outside DCS World.

I'm not looking to learn FC3.  If I want a deep sim, I go for A-10C.  If I want a light game, then I go for Strikefighters.  Learning and configuring the keys for various jets is my main problem.  I didn't like that experience in LOMAC FC2.


Quote from: jomni on November 09, 2012, 09:55:56 AM
DCS World is good.  But to make it a truly module-based platform, they must ditch the requirement of having other stuff outside DCS World.

That's the legacy of the rights Ubisoft still holds unfortunately...
You can also look at it from the other side; at least they have made an upgrade available for those who already owned the first title at a discount instead of just selling it as a sequel alone.
This holds especially true for FC3, which by any stretch, is a significantly upgraded version of the FC line.
Black Shark is in a gray area here, I guess, but still. For only 10 bucks more you can buy the proper module and be done with keeping installs or CD's around. It's a matter of how much it is worth to you I think.
"Pilots do not get paid for what they do daily, but they get paid for what they are capable of doing.
However, if pilots would need to do daily what they are capable of doing, nobody would dare to fly anymore."