Divinity 2 Developer's Cut - Free for owners

Started by Nefaro, November 15, 2012, 08:28:26 PM

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While glancing at the top of my games list, logged into Gamersgate, I just noticed a new one there I hadn't seen before.  Divinity 2: Developer's Cut is, evidentally, free to anyone who owned a previous version of Divinity 2.  I'm surprised they did this, kudos there.

So check your games list, wherever you bought one in the past.  Because everyone needs MOAR games!  :P

I had picked up the Dragon Saga version earlier this year, on a dirt cheap sale.  While I was enjoying the game, I suffered from the widespread issue of artificially locked & low fps that made it a bit of a slideshow despite having more than enough power to render the thing just fine.  Another console-to-PC port oversight & mistake.  ::)  I kept trying to play it, because the gameplay was certainly a bit fun and action-y (I'd compare the combat to Kingdoms of Amalur) but less cartoonish and, oddly enough considering the less-cartoon thing, not taking itself quite as seriously.

Anyway, I'm gonna d/l the thing later and check it out again.  See if the frookeen locked fps situation and such has been fixed.  I'm not sure how much I'd use it, but the Developer Tools have evidentally been enabled in this one - so you can spawn all kinds of stuff, turn yourself into any model in the game, etc etc.  Perhaps I'll find some comedy gold in there ... or just get bored with it after 2 hours.


I already owned Divinity 2 and its expansion, but purchased the Developer's cut anyway from GoG when it was on pre-order as part of their
anthology bundle (the pay what you want).

Mind you it's not a console port at all. It never reached consoles as far as I know.


Quote from: Tpek on November 16, 2012, 05:19:39 AM

Mind you it's not a console port at all. It never reached consoles as far as I know.

My understanding was that they fully intended to release it on console, and that some of the console-friendly decisions had an effect.  Quite possibly the low-locked fps being one of them (so as to not overtax console gfx with stutter due to it's graphics).


I don't know if anyone else was bothered with the low, locked fps like I was.  But I'm happy to say that I fixed it by raising the dropdown graphics setting to Ultra or Maximum Insanity - and it runs a good deal better now (weird!).   

I also noticed that there's an FPS limiter bar at the bottom and raised that up all the way (vsync is on so I'm guessing the vid card will process as for the maximum 100fps performance but the vsync will still limit the end result to 60fps so there's no tearing).   I'm quite happy this has worked out in the new version for me, so perhaps I can enjoy it just as soon as I get in an eventualy 3D action RPG mood again.  The devs must've added that in (thankfully!) in this latest version due to all the choppiness issues it had caused.  :)