The "Uber" Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Thread

Started by Grim.Reaper, December 19, 2012, 03:07:57 PM

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quick question or two, dont want to mess up AA's awesome AAR thread

when youre advancing to a CAP or a possible interception and not anticipating combat what alt. should you be flying? highest, lowest, somewhere in between - the tutorial teaches me to use the land to sneak up on ground targets but not air

and once i do make contact should i be looking to be higher, lower or same alt as my enemy?

Airborne Rifles

A lot of factors go into it. If you're not concerned about being detected, the best transit altitude is high or max altitude for the aircraft, because this will be the most fuel-efficient, and gives you altitude and flexibility in an engagement. The lower you flight the harder the engines have to work to move the plane at the same speed. If I'm operating within friendly ground-based or aerial radar coverage, I have the fighters leave their radars off until they have to turn them on to engage. This can leave the enemy guessing who these planes are even if his radar can see them. Also, try to approach enemy aircraft from the side or behind to try to stay out of their radar arc.

I'm no fighter pilot, but I think you want to try to be higher then the enemy when engaging. You can always dive quickly, but gaining altitude takes time.


thanks AA, im almost ready for my first scenario - just wanted to get a few things straight


AA is correct. In fighter combat the most important three things are energy, energy and energy. Altitude converts to energy in air combat. The aircraft that starts an engagement at a higher altitude typically possesses the advantage.
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"No beast is more alpha than JH." Gusington, 10/23/18


Quote from: Jarhead0331 on May 03, 2015, 04:46:41 PM
AA is correct. In fighter combat the most important three things are energy, energy and energy. Altitude converts to energy in air combat. The aircraft that starts an engagement at a higher altitude typically possesses the advantage.

I figured this for WW2, didnt know if it was still relevant today

Airborne Rifles

Another thing to keep in mind with Command is that the AI doesn't seem to handle clouds very well. This is important if you are engaging with IR missiles like Sidewinders since the missiles need to detect the target before firing, and the AI doesn't seem to grasp the need to get either above or below the clouds to allow the seeker to acquire. Same goes for laser-guided bombs.



right, <<sips brandy>>

off the coast of Cameroon i have a few support craft, on one of them is a sea hawk loaded with hellfires, and 150km away from them is a carrier with F35s on, and near the carrier is a SAG with harpoons, and near them is a sub with tomahawks - assuming these are all capable of anti shipping attacks (i think they are) - the Nigerian coast guard that ive nominated as my first target, what is the most efficient asset to prosecute the target with, the helo off the support ship, a carrier group, the sub or the SAG? just trying to get my head around the the doctrines required


The Tomahawks are land attack missiles.

What capabilities to the Nigerians have?  That will dictate your decision.  If they don't have any stand off capability then you could use your Harpoons to take them out easily; they have a good 50-60nm range.

You don't want to use your helo with Hellfires as they have a very short range, maybe 4nm and will be vulnerable to SAMs.  You could use the Helo's radar to identify the contacts and then use the Harpoons on the SAG to take them out.

Or you could use your sub to just torpedo them. 

Lots of variables dictate the proper way to proceed.
"If you had a chance, right now, to go back in time and stop Hitler, wouldn't you do it?  I mean, I personally wouldn't stop him because I think he's awesome." - Eric Cartman

"Does a watch list mean you are being watched or is it a come on to Toonces?" - Biggs


so the basic premise is to be as far away from the pointy end as possible?


If you have a bow and a dagger, and your opponent has a sword, do you shoot him with your bow, or rush in and stab him with your dagger?

"If you had a chance, right now, to go back in time and stop Hitler, wouldn't you do it?  I mean, I personally wouldn't stop him because I think he's awesome." - Eric Cartman

"Does a watch list mean you are being watched or is it a come on to Toonces?" - Biggs



too used to the in your face action of Wargame, and i know this is a million miles from that - long range 'fk you' action it is!


Any one use SeaHag?  Is it a useful tool or more for immersion?



It can be fun to use, but got tired of it pretty quickly.

I really don't get the immersion thing with Command.  Immersed in what?  A computer screen with icons that represent ships.  I have seen videos of Aegis warship command centers and it actually seems pretty quiet, even under threat.