Off Topic: Front Office Football 7.0 Now available!

Started by Grim.Reaper, July 24, 2013, 08:38:25 PM

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Quote from: KyzBP on February 02, 2015, 05:46:52 PM
Do you know if they're giving out steam keys to those of us who already own the game?  It would be so much nicer to have on steam.

From the announcement ...seems like you would have to chose one way or another, if they can pull it off.

We are still working on a plan for qualifying customers to trade a ViaTech Front Office Footbal Seven order ID for a Steam order ID, if they choose to do so (advantages to either system).


Quote from: Grim.Reaper on February 02, 2015, 05:50:49 PM
Quote from: KyzBP on February 02, 2015, 05:46:52 PM
Do you know if they're giving out steam keys to those of us who already own the game?  It would be so much nicer to have on steam.

From the announcement ...seems like you would have to chose one way or another, if they can pull it off.

We are still working on a plan for qualifying customers to trade a ViaTech Front Office Footbal Seven order ID for a Steam order ID, if they choose to do so (advantages to either system).

Thanks Grim.


Yeah, I'd also prefer to have it on Steam if only to avoid that damn activation DRM.


I wonder if it's going to be Steam Workshop enabled?


I believe mods will work, but I am pretty sure the developer said steam workshop would not be included right now


I'm presuming this isn't the same BS game I bought on Steam last year? What a crock that turned out to be.

eugh...just noticed "Seattle Cyberhawks"  :'(
Alba gu' brath


Nope that likely was the front page sports football game...


^ no - I just checked. The one I bought on Steam that stunk was Front PAGE Sports Football

I will have to have a look at this one.

BUT - only if I can edit the teams. I have no intention of playing as the Seattle Cyberhawks or the Green Bay Smugglers or the Miami Sharks  :crazy2:
Alba gu' brath


Quote from: JudgeDredd on February 03, 2015, 11:50:06 AM

I will have to have a look at this one.

BUT - only if I can edit the teams. I have no intention of playing as the Seattle Cyberhawks or the Green Bay Smugglers or the Miami Sharks  :crazy2:

You can edit the team names and only need to do it once after installing the game.

Other than that, you'll want to get an official logo mod.  There is one that stands head & shoulders above the rest.  Called "Glossy Logos" but I can't recall the creator's handle right now. 

Ahhh.. here's the d/l link:     It's by Nugget699, made for an older version but it works the same with FOF7 (little has changed in the structure of the game).

Be aware that it's got some detail that may take some terminology study for someone who's not intimately familiar with american football.  Fortunately there are a good amount of "AI chooses" automation to the strategy & depth chart setups so you have a lot of leeway in how much minutiae you want to tinker with. 

I would also suggest downloading a set of saved Offensive (and maybe defensive if there are any) schemes for the playcalling.  This is something the game needs implemented in the vanilla version, and to a greater extent, but those can be easy setups to play to your roster strengths, with stuff like West Coast, Run & Shoot, Smash Mouth offenses for example.  This thread has the d/l link and extensive explanations of each type for you:   At least you could pop one of these in there (via a simple "load offense" button in the appropriate screen) and only have to worry about modifying stuff, if you feel the need, as you sim along rather than having to punch in percentage numbers for a truckload of matrices from the beginning, which is the main complaint I have about this game.

Anway.. these are the basic mods you can grab when/if you decide to pick it up.

I really really wish Second And Ten had a Career mode.  You can kinda half-ass shoehorn some carryover between seasons but there's no proper drafting, trading, etc like these sims with a real career mode.  It's also looks like a pain in the ass to do, after reading the directions on how to go about it.  Nevertheless SAT is pretty fun, at least for single historical season play, and has less of a learning curve than others.  It's mechanics are based on a boardgame but it doesn't come across as one and the stat results are fairly believable from what I've seen. 


Front Office had an update released today...seems main thing is update 2014 rosters/schedule, although there might be other minor fixes....assuming this was done to coincide with the release on steam tomorrow.


Here is a link for those interested in trading in their viatech license for a steam code, so you have to choose between the two.   Process is not a guarantee as well since you must unregister your two copies of the viatech license before your request will be accepted.  If you used one of the licenses and you were unable to unregister, your out of luck.

Link to more info and request form.  You must complete before end of February.  Personally I am going to wait a bit and see how the launch of the game goes along with people's experience with trading their licenses.


Quote from: Grim.Reaper on February 04, 2015, 05:53:53 AM
Here is a link for those interested in trading in their viatech license for a steam code, so you have to choose between the two.   Process is not a guarantee as well since you must unregister your two copies of the viatech license before your request will be accepted.  If you used one of the licenses and you were unable to unregister, your out of luck.

Link to more info and request form.  You must complete before end of February.  Personally I am going to wait a bit and see how the launch of the game goes along with people's experience with trading their licenses.

Doesn't endear me to it any more than I already am.  >:(

I'm gonna wait until it's out before attempting this.  I have it installed on two of my computers (the limit) so if that crappy DRM feks up and doesn't send the proper shit on uninstall, I will be rather hot.  :knuppel2:

Note that it is the DRM company whose employees went missing for just shy of a month when people were trying to get their activations fixed for the previous version of this game.  They even went silent on the developer when he was attempting to contact them, more than once IIRC.  I'd rather not have to deal with them, or support them in any way, so if they can be ditched I'm all for it.


Alba gu' brath


I'm very, very torn between this and Rugby Union Team Manager 2015. I'm a HUGE rugby fan (yeah...even though I'm Scottish!) but I also love American Football...and this is £10 cheaper!

What to do...what to do?  :(

I have been waiting on the rugby game dropping in price and I can just imagine I buy it and it drops by 50% within two weeks!  :knuppel2:

And this is cheap now.... :D
Alba gu' brath


Quote from: JudgeDredd on February 04, 2015, 05:04:18 PM
I'm very, very torn between this and Rugby Union Team Manager 2015. I'm a HUGE rugby fan (yeah...even though I'm Scottish!) but I also love American Football...and this is £10 cheaper!

What to do...what to do?  :(

I have been waiting on the rugby game dropping in price and I can just imagine I buy it and it drops by 50% within two weeks!  :knuppel2:

And this is cheap now.... :D

You know you will end up with both!  :P
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