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DCS Discussion

Started by republic, October 28, 2013, 06:25:38 AM

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Near total meltdown of Eagle Dynamics and DCS today. Razbaam developers went public with a serious dispute with ED over money and essentially stated that they are finished developing for DCS indefinitely.


This leaves the future of several major modules currently in early access very uncertain. Razbaam also alluded to the possibility that the same issues that destroyed its relationship with ED is impacting other Third-party developers, as well.
Grogheads Uber Alles
Semper Grog
"No beast is more alpha than JH." Gusington, 10/23/18



I wanted to do the Mig-23. Too bad.


With money issues and layoffs hitting all the devs and tech sectors, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. But dang, ED had best repair their relationships with their third-party devs if they want to survive the current state of the gaming economy.


Apparently Razbam claims they haven't been paid for the past few months of work. 

I hope they work it out.

The pessimist in me thinks the worst, like dcs is some Ponzi scheme that has finally come to head.........I hope not.

I hope it's all a miss understanding and Zambrano from razbam is just being drama.


Disclaimer: I obviously have no idea what is going on so this is all speculation. But I do in my day job frequently deal with corporate disputes like this, so these comments are in that context.

In virtually any case where you have a contract and are not paid, you have very clearly spelled out recourse under the terms of that contract for dispute and can immediately go to court with a strong claim if your counterparty decides they're just not going to pay you for the hell for it.

You know what no company in its right mind in that situation would ever do? Instead of following those dispute terms under the contract, publicly attack your (more or less) sole customer and attempt to weaponize your/their customers against them. This is not good for your legal standing and it's not good for your future ability to prosper assuming the dispute is eventually resolved. Any lawyer with a pulse (which admittedly is not all) would have told Razbam this.

Furthermore, unless you do think ED is an outright Ponzi scheme- and maybe it is, but I've seen/heard zero evidence of that- you know what else a company in its right mind would never do? Wake up one day and say "you know what, I'm just going to not pay this major supplier. I can get away with that forever with no consequences." If ED really was having financial trouble, that's what bankruptcy procedures exist for. I have a really hard time imagining, even in the most mustache-twirling evil view of ED, what the thought it with respect to what they would gain from acting this way. If they really were in financial trouble, I seriously doubt it would manifest in this way unless ED is an actual criminal enterprise, which we have zero evidence off, screaming redditors notwithstanding.

All this to say, again with obviously no actual insight into the terms of the dispute, but having seen many analogous situations, it looks and smells to me like there is some genuine breach, or at least arguable breach, that Razbam committed and they're attempting to pressure ED in the court of public opinion because they know they lack a strong legal position. ED, being, bluntly, smarter, is not commenting on the legal specifics, but Razbam is meanwhile hurting everyone by stirring up the fanbase and hurting the engine that generates (I assume) all of their money.

Could be totally wrong of course.


I hope it's resolved soon. DCS is like Steam in my eyes. You buy modules and hope it sees you through until you cannot game anymore and that it continuously improves. If it dies I think a large part of the flight simulator community will also die with it. :)
"They only asked the Light Brigade to do it once"


Oh wow! At first I thought this was an official module announcement, but it looks like a well-made FC3 mod.

F-106 Delta Dart


^Has an EFM, as well. Most of their mods use the SFM.

I'm tinkering with the Flanker Project's SU-30. Its starting to rank up there with the best of the community mods. Amazing cockpit with interactivity and a beautiful external model. Definitely check it out.
Grogheads Uber Alles
Semper Grog
"No beast is more alpha than JH." Gusington, 10/23/18


Quote from: mbar on April 16, 2024, 07:37:00 PMOh wow! At first I thought this was an official module announcement, but it looks like a well-made FC3 mod.

F-106 Delta Dart

Interesting. Love me some deltas.


I've followed Bruce Gordon's YouTube channel and read his book "The Spirit of Attack" I've learned so much about the Delta Dagger and Dart. I've grown to appreciate the sophistication and technology of the F-106 so it has a spot in my heart.


Been waiting for 3 years now I think for the dynamic campaigns, still waiting .... specific to WW2 stuff though


How much do you want to delve into the dcs editor? 

There's some dynamic based mission templates out there, you can download them on the dcs site.

 There's also the liberation campaign that works like a 3rd party app. 

The pretense campaign seems pretty good, the dev just announced he's quitting dcs though.


Don't forget about DCS Olympus...

Grogheads Uber Alles
Semper Grog
"No beast is more alpha than JH." Gusington, 10/23/18


CH-47F open for preorders. Release date has been revealed too. June 26, 2024.

Grogheads Uber Alles
Semper Grog
"No beast is more alpha than JH." Gusington, 10/23/18


Quote from: Skoop on April 18, 2024, 12:47:02 PMHow much do you want to delve into the dcs editor? 

There's some dynamic based mission templates out there, you can download them on the dcs site.

 There's also the liberation campaign that works like a 3rd party app. 

The pretense campaign seems pretty good, the dev just announced he's quitting dcs though.

Thanks, its been a couple years since opening the editor but I was unaware of dynamic based ones.  Also tried liberation years back and just too much to setup and figure out to get it to run like I was expecting, I think at the time I tried it ww2 was just a thing with it so maybe it's all changed recently and it's much more straigh forward.