Multiplayer: Not ok to be ok?

Started by republic, November 11, 2013, 07:13:43 AM

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I used to be really good at multiplayer games.  I could Quake with the best of them, and a master at Descent....but then I got older and had to go to work and raise a family.  As it is, I have an hour a day to play video games.  As such, I'm not good at many of them that are reaction related.  I can hold my own on DCS because it is skill related, but it takes me some time and lots of coffee to ramp up my brain to Battlefield 3 twitch levels.

The thing I'm finding is that it is nolonger ok to be ok at multiplayer games.

I have been reading up on King Arthur's Gold and thinking of how much I'd like to play it...but I won't buy it because I know that a few months after release the core players will be so good and so anti-noob I won't have a chance to play anyway.

I guess the fix for this issue is to join a gaming clan or community...but that just sounds grueling.


Several years ago (at a different website) we sponsored a Call of Duty server. It was great because we played the maps we wanted and the style we wanted (hardcore). Griefers got booted quickly. There were about ten of us who got together every weekend and played. It was awesome.

More recently there were about half a dozen guys here playing Warlock. That seems to have faded away, but I am sure that with some effort we can get a couple of groups going from the crowd here. The biggest obstacle is agreeing what game to play. Next thing is to convince some guys to play it (that shouldn't be too difficult).

We've got a dedicated sub forum for folks to find multiplayer partners/opponents, but you're welcome to post in here to get more attention until the group is formed. Then it's probably better moved to the appropriate forum.
All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.


Yeah..agrees 100%. I used to love getting home from my midnight shift and firing up COD with some shift mates to blow off steam. Over time though, we began to join more and more open games with "those" guys in it...and you know the ones: the ones that find ways to actually run "under" the map and shoot up at you...or do that thing where they "jump! Jump" like a crazy person so you can't shoot them.

It got to the point that I can't have fun. I run out onto a map, see a guy...and I'm dead. I just don't have the hand/eye coordination anymore for twitch games and I certainly don't have the patience for guys who use whatever glitch or trick they can to win no matter how realistic.

I stick with Sp but would consider MP for "thinking" strategy games"

LT: "what is Kowalski doing??? He's going to get killed!"
Sgt: "He'll be fine sir...the enemy can't hit him out in the open as long as he keeps jumping while he shoots"
LT: "You mean like "Mario Brothers?'
"A government large enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have."--Thomas Jefferson


"A government large enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have."--Thomas Jefferson


how much does it cost for a server if you got a bf4 one or a cod one? surely we could all chip in and contribute


Quote from: undercovergeek on November 11, 2013, 10:22:35 AM
how much does it cost for a server if you got a bf4 one or a cod one? surely we could all chip in and contribute

It's not just the cost, but the control. The cost is pretty minimal. I'm thinking ~ $30/month but it depends on how many slots we open up.

After COD Modern Warfare they tightened up on the server controls. I think it has loosened, but I haven't looked into it. It used to be you could download an rcon that would let me change the server settings. It was really cool - covered everything from bullet damage to gravity. I never messed with either of those settings but I did like how I could manage the map rotation, game play, and easily boot @$$holes who showed up loaded with cheats. I hear things have improved, but I'm not sure they're back to letting the server admin take full control.

Lastly, as far as COD and BF go, I'm not hearing the cheers we used to get for a new release. Jarhead may be one of the few guys to have played both platforms and I'm not hearing him rave about either. As a result I don't have any idea how many guys might be interested. If we can decide one of them is "good enough" then I'm more than happy to take the next step and see what kind of server we can put together.
All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.


Or perhaps one of the ARMAs is the way to go?



Quote from: undercovergeek on November 11, 2013, 11:21:10 AM
poll, poll, poll!!!

Poll has been added.

N.B. I am allowing voters to change their votes. That way if we see some momentum swinging toward a different game than you might have originally selected, you can change it. Also, if a significant patch/mod/DLC is released that could change things.

The poll has no close date, but I doubt voting will matter much in a couple of months.

And in the spirit of changing your vote, if there is a game not listed above that we should add, someone is welcome to suggest it.
All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.


I might jump in for Natural Selection 2 I tried once but found the hardcore experienced players to be too much to deal with. Learning with fellow newbs, or at least with adults would be cool.
"If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labelled a radical 50 years ago, a liberal 25 years ago, and a racist today."

- Thomas Sowell


i feel some late nights for the Europeans coming on!


We've already done Left 4 Dead 2 but we never really had a bad time with it. It is only limited to four at a time, though...

слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.



im thinking a proper Grogs server with squads and teams could only be a good thing


More likely a bevy of comedic treasure.

слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.
