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Started by TheCommandTent, April 02, 2012, 09:37:15 PM

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Cool screenies jomni thanks for sharing.
"No wants, no needs, we weren't meant for that, none of us.  Man stagnates if he has no ambition, no desire to be more than he is."


Figured I'm jump on the Total War bandwagon and post some pics of my ACW Brothers vs. Brothers campaign.  I was just playing around this evening in an effort to get some screenies posted here. 

August 1861:  Overview of the Eastern region.  I'm playing as the Union.

Here we see the army I've accumulated in Washing D.C. in preparation of invading Northern Virginia.  Note the small rebel force across the Potomac.  They will not last very long.

My super heavy offensive is launched.  Comparison of opposing forces.

This rebel regiment is firing on my cavalry who is charging them.

Literally seconds after the above image was taken my boys arrive to deal the rebels a swift death.

Near the end of this engagement members of the 8th Massachusetts Volunteer Rgt. fire upon the last of the rebels.

We crushed the rebellion with one swift stroke.
"You and I are of a kind. In a different reality, I could have called you friend."

Romulan Commander to Kirk


^Wow that looks like a nice mod.
"No wants, no needs, we weren't meant for that, none of us.  Man stagnates if he has no ambition, no desire to be more than he is."


Looks like I'm downloading ETW this weekend.

Seems appropriate with next week being the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg.
PanzersEast: Have to think to myself.... will I play the first one by the Winter Sale?  Probably not, then I should remove Dragonfall
PanzersEast: but that is thinking too logically.... and Steam Sales are about ignoring Logic

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Military flying done way back.


Tonights STWII is brought to you by Vivaldi and 'The Four Seasons'. Our conquest against The Ikko Ikki is in full swing. Tonights session brought that warm glow when you realise you've broken the enemys back and its time to mop up the provinces:-

Uesugi - coming at you in Spring -

Warrior Monks doing their thing in the Summer -

Sneaking up on the enemy castle in Autumn -

Approaching the front door, while Ashiguru go round to kick the back door in for a Christmas surprise -


^Nice screenies jomni and Undercover!!

Here is what happened to me this evening in my Civil War Campaign.  It is September of 1861 and during the Confederate turn my forces are presented with an opportunity to intercept an invading force in south eastern Kentucky.  It did not go well for me.  I should have declined the battle but in the interest of sharing some screenshots with you I decided to risk it.  Many Yankees died to bring you these images.

CS General Armstrong and his Kentucky invasion force vs. my pitiful attempt to defend Kentucky's right flank.

View of the battlefield from my side of the line.  Open territory.  I was hoping for heavily wooded area.  This does not look good.

The view from the Confederate side.  They've got cavalry, and lots of it.  I'm doomed!

The battle opens with 3 regiments of CS cavalry attempting to flank me on my right.

Moments later my militia guarding the right flank are terrorized by the first wave.

A few minutes later my right flank is rolled up and my extreme left comes under attack.  Here we see the 7th New York Volunteers going down.  What a bad day for the Union.

I paid the price for my lack of vision.  I should have placed my militia in the center and had my good troops guarding the flanks.  Lesson learned.

Overview of the situation in Kentucky, September 1861.  Note troop buildup near Frankfort.  CS has split Kentucky in two.
"You and I are of a kind. In a different reality, I could have called you friend."

Romulan Commander to Kirk


@geek:  Beautiful!  Love the seasonal theme.  :) 

@W8taminute:  "Ouch"?  Yeah, I'm gonna go with "ouch".  It would be just your luck for your cavalry-less army to have to fight on an open plain... 

"Like we need an excuse to drink to anything..." - Banzai_Cat
"I like to think of it not as an excuse but more like Pavlovian Response." - Sir Slash

"At our ages, they all look like jailbait." - mirth

"If we had lines here that would have crossed all of them. For the 1,077,986th time." - Gusington

"Government is so expensive that it should at least be entertaining." - airboy

"As long as there's bacon, everything will be all right." - Toonces


Should cavalry be doing those charges successfully in the civil war?


Yeah after playing this mod for over 4 hours now I'm beginning to see that cavalry can just walk right in and smash it's way through without too much trouble. 

In the case of the battle I fought though I have to admit my right flank was manned by militia.  Can militia really stand up to a determined cavalry charge?  My other mistake was leaving the regiment that was to defend against the charge in a thin long line.  I should have dramatically decreased the rank and increased the file (i.e. shortened the width and increased the depth) of the unit and set them straight away to melee.  I'm going to have to experiment a bit more before judging further on cavalry being too overpowered. 
"You and I are of a kind. In a different reality, I could have called you friend."

Romulan Commander to Kirk


Quote from: W8taminute on June 28, 2013, 05:53:57 AM
Yeah after playing this mod for over 4 hours now I'm beginning to see that cavalry can just walk right in and smash it's way through without too much trouble. 

In the case of the battle I fought though I have to admit my right flank was manned by militia.  Can militia really stand up to a determined cavalry charge?  My other mistake was leaving the regiment that was to defend against the charge in a thin long line.  I should have dramatically decreased the rank and increased the file (i.e. shortened the width and increased the depth) of the unit and set them straight away to melee.  I'm going to have to experiment a bit more before judging further on cavalry being too overpowered.

is the mod using the standard ETW cavalry stats tho?


Quote from: W8taminute on June 28, 2013, 05:53:57 AM
Yeah after playing this mod for over 4 hours now I'm beginning to see that cavalry can just walk right in and smash it's way through without too much trouble. 

In the case of the battle I fought though I have to admit my right flank was manned by militia.  Can militia really stand up to a determined cavalry charge?  My other mistake was leaving the regiment that was to defend against the charge in a thin long line.  I should have dramatically decreased the rank and increased the file (i.e. shortened the width and increased the depth) of the unit and set them straight away to melee.  I'm going to have to experiment a bit more before judging further on cavalry being too overpowered.

I really wanted to play this mod....downloaded it and tried to install the other night.  But when I started the game I could get nothing to work.  I saw the new titled screen but everything else still seemed empire.  I followed the instructions from the mod page so not sure what I messed up.  In the end, I had to uninstall empire since it seemed corrupted.  Any chance you can post your install steps and maybe I will give it a go again since this looks great.


Hi Grim,

Did you remember to install the patch to 3.4?  I'm not using the 3.5 Beta as it is known to be buggy.  In any case here is the install procedure:

1. First download ACW 3.4, then the ACW Music files, then the 3.4 patch
2. Run the ACW 3.4 executable, it takes a while so let it finish
3. Run the ACW Music files executable and let it finish
4. Unzip the patch and dump the files into the appropriate game folder.  I can provide a screenshot when I get home if you are not sure where to place the patch files.  You have to install the patch manually and that might be a source of problems if not done right
5. You should now login into Steam with your account but do not run ETW.  Just log in.
6. Execute the ACW exe where you will see a window popup.
7. Select the Wilderness map from the top menu dropdown.  Sorry I can't remember which dropdown gives you the map options.  I can check when I get home.
8. Then double click on either the US or the CS icon in the main body of that ACW popup window.  The first time you do this you will notice some files being moved and copied around, let the script finish.  After about 3 or 4 minutes ETW will begin loading.
9. You can now select new campaign and select the same side you double clicked on in step 8.

This should work but if it doesn't you can try rebooting your computer.  I accidentally started the ACW exe first then logged into Steam and started the ETW game and that's where I crashed.  The forums recommended that if that happens reboot your computer.  Start Steam first, this is very important, but don't execute ETW.  Instead run the ACW exe then it will automatically start ETW for you.

EDIT:  Important!  ETW will not be corrupted by running ACW.  Upon exiting ACW after you have saved and exited ETW you will be asked if you want to restore ETW to vanilla status.  You can choose not to if you plan on playing the mod again or you can let ACW reload the vanilla files so you can play ETW vanilla.
"You and I are of a kind. In a different reality, I could have called you friend."

Romulan Commander to Kirk


Quote from: undercovergeek on June 28, 2013, 05:59:22 AM
is the mod using the standard ETW cavalry stats tho?

Good question.  I'll have to check when I get home. 
"You and I are of a kind. In a different reality, I could have called you friend."

Romulan Commander to Kirk