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Digital Gaming => Computer Gaming => Topic started by: Barthheart on May 03, 2018, 10:06:45 AM

Title: Fridayed
Post by: Barthheart on May 03, 2018, 10:06:45 AM

(HT to Staggerwing for putting me on to this.)

My weekend starts at 1530 today, as our annual Cottage Opening weekend begins.

Some log splitting, stacking to be done.

Get the dock put in if the ice has actually left the lake... reports last week that there was still about 4" on the lake... but it's been warm and rainy all week up there so here's hoping.

Lots of beer drinking and some board games. Lots of food. Bourbon, port, more beer, more food.

One of our group is moving to England to be a kept man while his wife makes scads of money with a pharmaceutical company. So this is a big send off for him as well.

And I've got Monday off as well to recover and rebuild my pool salt water system.
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: HoodedHorseJoe on May 03, 2018, 10:24:55 AM
I've got Call to Arms to try out, for science, and I'm hoping to finally jump into Battletech. I'm also determined to get better at TOAWIV.

On Sunday I'm going to visit a Megagame/Wargame group up in London for one of their monthly meetings and help trial WIP projects.

I'll be taking my four-month old daughter with me, so it's going to be an adventure all round.

Monday's a bank holiday for us as well here in the UK, provided my fiance doesn't try and get me to "do something", more gaming! Yay!
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: Gusington on May 03, 2018, 10:26:08 AM
I can't stop playing Field of Glory 2 - something about it is addicting. Playing out an epic Battle of Issus as the Persians now, then probably Gaugamela and then a proper Alexander campaign...not sure if I will play the campaign that came with the game (a what if scenario) or a more historical one that I downloaded.

Also really want to start a Domina game as well as Apotheon.
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: Rayfer on May 03, 2018, 11:02:31 AM
Love me some Decemberists....great song choice BH.  Somehow I find myself knee deep in the British campaign in Napoleon: Total War.  Having fund with it.
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: Sir Slash on May 03, 2018, 12:00:42 PM
Barth, that's too much stuff to do. I need to take a nap just reading about it. Family coming this weekend so little gaming but I am still working my way through Birth of America 2 when it's quiet, the French & Indian Campaign. Every year when it gets to be Fall, all my Indian and Militia units disband/go home.  :o  Leaving me to cope through the Winter until they re-form in Spring automatically. Love it! Why didn't this make it into any other AGEOD game?
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: bbmike on May 03, 2018, 12:02:25 PM
Quote from: Sir Slash on May 03, 2018, 12:00:42 PM
Barth, that's too much stuff to do. I need to take a nap just reading about it. Family coming this weekend so little gaming but I am still working my way through Birth of America 2 when it's quiet, the French & Indian Campaign. Every year when it gets to be Fall, all my Indian and Militia units disband/go home.  :o  Leaving me to cope through the Winter until they re-form in Spring automatically. Love it! Why didn't this make it into any other AGEOD game?

I need to play BoA2 again.  O0
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: Dammit Carl! on May 03, 2018, 02:51:58 PM
For a second there, I thought I had lost a day....whew!

Will keep on keepin' on in RO2 / RS / RS:Vietnam and have dipped my toe into the wackiness that is Tom Clancy GR Wildlands and have to say that I'm finding it fun.  Granted, I've tried to make my character look as much like Kenny Powers as possible (white male, cornrolled hair, horseshoe moustache as the goatee in the game just don't cut it for me, and wife beater t-shirt) to keep the whole asshole-gringo-in-south-america thing going, so that makes me giggle.

And also still wrestling with the riding lawn mower's steering issue, so I've got that going for me too.

Have fun, folks!
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: JudgeDredd on May 03, 2018, 03:37:58 PM
Quote from: bbmike on May 03, 2018, 12:02:25 PM
Quote from: Sir Slash on May 03, 2018, 12:00:42 PM
Barth, that's too much stuff to do. I need to take a nap just reading about it. Family coming this weekend so little gaming but I am still working my way through Birth of America 2 when it's quiet, the French & Indian Campaign. Every year when it gets to be Fall, all my Indian and Militia units disband/go home.  :o  Leaving me to cope through the Winter until they re-form in Spring automatically. Love it! Why didn't this make it into any other AGEOD game?

I need to play BoA2 again.  O0
That was a great game. I need to go back to it.

However - I'll be modelling some and playing Battletech and God of War. Also, weather permitting, I may get Target for Today setup in the garden for going through the manual

And possibly some F1 2017 thrown in to get Silverstone done and dusted.
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: BanzaiCat on May 03, 2018, 03:42:48 PM
The more I played Target For Today, the more disappointed I've become. I was taken in by a lot of reviews singing its praises, and now,'s got some coolness to it, sure, but you're pretty much on a RNG rail, hoping you don't get blown up. I think that is actually the appeal to it, the randomness, which tells a story...but you don't really get a chance to make a lot of meaningful decisions other than the Campaign and plane you want to play/fly, respectively.

I mean, in my first mission, in the first zone I moved into, we got attacked and took a hit to the Bomb Bay. That fortunately resulted in superficial damage, though there's a chance it could have hit the bomb load and blown the plane and crew to oblivion. Talk about a womp-womp start had that happened.

I'll keep giving it a try, but I'm pretty disappointed I spent as much as I did on it and am not 'feeling it' if that makes sense. :(

Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: Silent Disapproval Robot on May 03, 2018, 03:52:46 PM
Quote from: BanzaiCat on May 03, 2018, 03:42:48 PM
The more I played Target For Today, the more disappointed I've become. I was taken in by a lot of reviews singing its praises, and now,'s got some coolness to it, sure, but you're pretty much on a RNG rail, hoping you don't get blown up. I think that is actually the appeal to it, the randomness, which tells a story...but you don't really get a chance to make a lot of meaningful decisions other than the Campaign and plane you want to play/fly, respectively.

I mean, in my first mission, in the first zone I moved into, we got attacked and took a hit to the Bomb Bay. That fortunately resulted in superficial damage, though there's a chance it could have hit the bomb load and blown the plane and crew to oblivion. Talk about a womp-womp start had that happened.

I'll keep giving it a try, but I'm pretty disappointed I spent as much as I did on it and am not 'feeling it' if that makes sense. :(

That's how I felt so I sold it on after two playthroughs.  As there's almost no decision-making involved it feels more like a story generator and not a game.  I think this is the sort of thing a PC game handles better. 

B-17 Flying Fortress Leader is far and away the best of the lot when it comes to the recent spate of solitaire USAAF bombing campaign games IMO.
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: JudgeDredd on May 03, 2018, 04:10:16 PM
Quote from: Silent Disapproval Robot on May 03, 2018, 03:52:46 PM
Quote from: BanzaiCat on May 03, 2018, 03:42:48 PM
The more I played Target For Today, the more disappointed I've become. I was taken in by a lot of reviews singing its praises, and now,'s got some coolness to it, sure, but you're pretty much on a RNG rail, hoping you don't get blown up. I think that is actually the appeal to it, the randomness, which tells a story...but you don't really get a chance to make a lot of meaningful decisions other than the Campaign and plane you want to play/fly, respectively.

I mean, in my first mission, in the first zone I moved into, we got attacked and took a hit to the Bomb Bay. That fortunately resulted in superficial damage, though there's a chance it could have hit the bomb load and blown the plane and crew to oblivion. Talk about a womp-womp start had that happened.

I'll keep giving it a try, but I'm pretty disappointed I spent as much as I did on it and am not 'feeling it' if that makes sense. :(

That's how I felt so I sold it on after two playthroughs.  As there's almost no decision-making involved it feels more like a story generator and not a game.  I think this is the sort of thing a PC game handles better. 

B-17 Flying Fortress Leader is far and away the best of the lot when it comes to the recent spate of solitaire USAAF bombing campaign games IMO.
Wasn't Queen of the Skies the same? That's how I felt about it (QotS) and was advised by many that it's a story generator and there are no decisions to make. I took that on board - though I didn't go back to try it - but bought Target for Today anyway - mainly because although I knew it was the "same game", it had upgraded components

I'll see...I'll put my story telling head on and see where I go.
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: nelmsm on May 03, 2018, 05:16:21 PM
Picked up Wars of Succession and TOAW IV with my Matrix anniversary coupon so he giving those a look see plus playing CMANO until I either get it or get frustrated and play some Flashpoint Campaign plus a few PBEM files and enough yard work to make the wife smile.
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: Destraex on May 03, 2018, 05:31:48 PM
Quote from: WargamerJoe on May 03, 2018, 10:24:55 AM
I've got Call to Arms to try out, for science, and I'm hoping to finally jump into Battletech. I'm also determined to get better at TOAWIV.

On Sunday I'm going to visit a Megagame/Wargame group up in London for one of their monthly meetings and help trial WIP projects.

I'll be taking my four-month old daughter with me, so it's going to be an adventure all round.

Monday's a bank holiday for us as well here in the UK, provided my fiance doesn't try and get me to "do something", more gaming! Yay!

Make sure you press E when selecting one soldier and scroll in to aim. THAT is a lot of fun.
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: BanzaiCat on May 03, 2018, 05:33:36 PM
JD, that's just a very early opinion of mine. SDR's played through it a lot longer than I (two full campaigns?).

It's definitely QotS on steroids. There's a TON of content in TfT that big time fleshes out QotS's relatively paltry tables.

However, it's not organized too well; it was somewhat frustrating for me as I had to flip flip flip here and flip flip flip there and sometimes not find what I was looking for. One of the books had a page misplaced in it which is a pain, and there's a lot of errata on BGG. Nothing game-breaking with the latter, just more fleshed-out stuff, but still, it's extra stuff that I need to figure how to 'absorb' and learn.

I think there's a lot of fan-made stuff online that helps walk you through these - one is an absolutely essential flowchart that ensures you do not miss any steps in the game, which the book is strangely missing (other than a progression of steps - it really really needed a summary in it).
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: mikeck on May 03, 2018, 05:48:53 PM
Quote from: nelmsm on May 03, 2018, 05:16:21 PM
Picked up Wars of Succession and TOAW IV with my Matrix anniversary coupon so he giving those a look see plus playing CMANO until I either get it or get frustrated and play some Flashpoint Campaign plus a few PBEM files and enough yard work to make the wife smile.

Wars of Succession is a great game. That and Rise of Prussia are my 2 favorite AGEOD hames
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: CJReich46 on May 03, 2018, 08:59:57 PM
Well.. I am off THREE-DAY WEEKEND!

Neverwinter Nights
Stellaris - my little story inspired me to try a different approach to my Space-Brits. "Nova Britannia"
Field of Glory II  (?)

Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: Gusington on May 03, 2018, 09:09:03 PM
Just reversed history and beat Alexander at the Battle of Issus. Damn it feels good to be a Persian gangster.
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: JasonPratt on May 03, 2018, 09:33:22 PM
Well, I've got Day 4 to play in my Operation E of DESERT WAR (and a video to make about that), which will take up a good chunk of weekend.

So will sleeping, although the yard might take exception to that. But 'work' work has been paradoxically busy the past couple of weeks with preparation for spring construction season (starting a bit late, so jobs are piling up ordered but not released. That'll be crazier once it gets going.)

Most of the Crisis Grogs have finished out Generation 3 in GENESIS but Barth and AzTank will be out of pocket this weekend and their final rounds remain.

I started RISE OF THE TOMB RAIDER recently. I forgot how much I hate the constant hard cursing in this reboot series.  :tickedoff: I appreciate the attempt at being realistic, but Lara Croft shouldn't be grimdark, and besides she gets put through so much of a trauma-conga in these new games (plus having to relearn her survival/combat skilz so soon after game 1) that I quickly lose any sense of realism. But I got it on sale back at Christmas, and for the pittance I paid I've probably gotten my entertainment from it already, so any farther I manage to get will be icing. And I do like the environmentals. Maybe I'll just switch over to playing Crystal Dynamics' prior reboot trilogy: haven't played that yet either.

Oh, and I keep forgetting to remind myself to find out how the first shots in my mp game of RED THUNDER with Ysk are going to land...!
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: Kushan on May 03, 2018, 11:06:28 PM
Did a system reformat this week so I'll be spending a good portion of Friday afternoon finishing reinstalling everything.

As for gaming, going to be a lot of Battletech with some CMANO scenario design thrown in. Might do some flying in Prepar3d if I can get it reinstalled and set up.
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: vyshka on May 04, 2018, 01:56:42 AM
Definitely more Battletech this weekend. I just picked up Pike & Shot on sale at Fanatical, so possibly that. I also need to spend more time with recent purchases CMANO and TOAW4. Battletech has me interested in the tabletop game again after 30 years, so I'll be reading up on that and maybe starting something with Mekhq and Megamek.
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: FlickJax on May 04, 2018, 06:09:33 AM
might finally start playing battletech properly not given it any real time yet and may fire up thrones of brittania... couldnt resist being a brit :)
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: Tuna on May 04, 2018, 07:09:03 AM
Staples out today!!!.  <:-)

Been in a bit of a gaming funk for last few weeks. But starting to venture into Field of Glory on my laptop. Maybe move to gaming PC, if I can sit comfortably.
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: Gusington on May 04, 2018, 09:24:56 AM
Good to hear that you're healing up...and playing Field of Glory.
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: MengJiao on May 04, 2018, 09:36:01 AM
Quote from: Gusington on May 03, 2018, 10:26:08 AM
I can't stop playing Field of Glory 2 - something about it is addicting. Playing out an epic Battle of Issus as the Persians now, then probably Gaugamela and then a proper Alexander campaign...not sure if I will play the campaign that came with the game (a what if scenario) or a more historical one that I downloaded.

Also really want to start a Domina game as well as Apotheon.

  War Thunder.  Will be trying to kill something with the 17lber on either the Firefly or the Achilles.  So far no luck with the big gun.
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: Hofstadter on May 04, 2018, 08:57:27 PM
Stuck at a bloody dog show for the weekend. Some freak was watching me at my stall all day. When I got home a got a text saying "hey I was sitting across from you waiting to talk to you all day, but you never seemed to stop being busy"

Черт меня возьми....
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: Gusington on May 04, 2018, 09:00:32 PM
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: mikeck on May 04, 2018, 10:56:09 PM
Quote from: Gusington on May 03, 2018, 09:09:03 PM
Just reversed history and beat Alexander at the Battle of Issus. Damn it feels good to be a Persian gangster.

You do love you some Persian history!
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: mikeck on May 04, 2018, 11:00:09 PM
New girlfriend so less gaming time. Can't lead with that you know? "Well, I guess we could go to a blues bar and have some drinks....OR....OR...we could stay in and I'll play my first few missions of BattleTech!

Yeah. No

But I will find time for BattleTech (total virgin. Never played mech pc gameor board game, never watched a mech cartoon or read a mech novel.

May squeeze in a first campaign as Mercia in Britannia
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: GroggyGrognard on May 04, 2018, 11:35:21 PM
Quote from: nelmsm on May 03, 2018, 05:16:21 PM
Picked up Wars of Succession and TOAW IV with my Matrix anniversary coupon so he giving those a look see plus playing CMANO until I either get it or get frustrated and play some Flashpoint Campaign plus a few PBEM files and enough yard work to make the wife smile.

TOAW IV is a fantastic wargame. Arguably, it has near endless value for your money.

Today I bought Rule the Waves on sale. Going to give it a spin this weekend.

Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: Gusington on May 05, 2018, 11:14:43 AM
New girlfriend, you say? See if she is interested in the Diadochi Wars. If so, she's a keeper. Then play some Battletech.
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: -budd- on May 05, 2018, 01:12:43 PM
After the yard work, mostly planting the garden and flower pots and some light weeding....oo.. and some pressure washing i just remembered i'll be continuing my PBEM games.

Finished my Panzer Corps pbem, lost as Germans, in fact almost got wiped off the map.

On going pbem's

TOAW4- Guns Of August, I'm the Germans. Turn 4 and i've taken Liege and almost invested Namur. Not much action down south yet, just some shuffling of troops. Paris looks a long way off, scenario is 20 turns.

FOG2- Alesia, I'm the Romans. Think we're turn 9, heavy fighting in the city proper, hoping to take it before my outer defenses fall so i can turn and defend.

Age of Wonders- Haven't met my human opponent yet, the independents are giving me trouble and i'm surrounded by them. Lost 2 armies and my Hero once, but as of late I've won the last 2 battles and am finally going to drop my second city.

SCWW2- July 44, I'm the Allies. It's been a really fun gaming experience. i'm approaching Warsaw in the East, i just dropped a para on an undefended Konigsberg which is a primary supply source. The MLR is only two hexes away, will try to link up. Italy surrendered at the end of my turn and Vichy joined France as i has taken Paris 3 turns ago. The Battle in NA should be over with the Italian surrender. I have Uboat trouble but there's only a few ports they can resupply at so i'm throwing up blockades.

Still my opponents turn in SCGC.

other than my PBEM i think its time to go back into ...............THE FOREST....  since it's officially released.

Have a good weekend everyone.
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: airboy on May 06, 2018, 09:46:41 AM
Quote from: Tuna on May 04, 2018, 07:09:03 AM
Staples out today!!!.  <:-)

Been in a bit of a gaming funk for last few weeks. But starting to venture into Field of Glory on my laptop. Maybe move to gaming PC, if I can sit comfortably.

Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: airboy on May 06, 2018, 09:48:59 AM
A buddy came over and used his chainsaw for thirty minutes.  I spent four hours hauling the results to the street. 

Then we went to a low country seafood boil with a set of buddies.

I finished the main game of Pillars of Eternity.  Then had to restart from an earlier save to play The White March.

Won the game
Won the Battle of Yenwood Fields

Now I need to:
Complete the White March
Defeat the Master Below
Win the Game a 2nd time.
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: Sir Slash on May 06, 2018, 10:16:07 PM
I did the same thing Airboy when I played it. Not by design, I just didn't know you had to do The White March first. Anyway, it was still great the second time especially with the neat loot you get in The March. Pillars 2 comes out May 8th and I'm desperate to get at it.
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: FlickJax on May 08, 2018, 07:59:05 AM
Finally played some battletech over the weekend and loved it :)
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: Barthheart on May 08, 2018, 10:27:37 AM
This is the lake where we went this weekend... no chance of getting the dock put in.


Friday is rain hard all day so we staying inside and drank beer and played Grand Prix by GMT.


Saturday morning before breakfest even, a quick game of Plague Inc. before the work started.


Maybe a new C&W band album cover.... 3 Fat Guys and a Shed.


End of weekend group shot as one of the guys is moving to England to be a kept man.


Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: MetalDog on May 08, 2018, 10:09:05 PM
Looks like a great time, Barthheart!  M&M's for breakfast though?  For a bunch of fat guys, you'd think one of you could cook ;)
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: bbmike on May 09, 2018, 05:07:56 AM
Plus, really, the dock COULD have been put in.  ::)
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: Hofstadter on May 09, 2018, 06:35:38 AM
My doctor gave me anti seizure medication of my night terrors.

I am the...most cooked.
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: sandman2575 on May 09, 2018, 07:03:06 AM
Quote from: airboy on May 06, 2018, 09:48:59 AM
A buddy came over and used his chainsaw for thirty minutes.  I spent four hours hauling the results to the street. 

Is this what you did or the opening paragraph of a Steven King story?


More BattleTech for me. Can't stop playing this.
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: Barthheart on May 09, 2018, 07:19:41 AM
Quote from: MetalDog on May 08, 2018, 10:09:05 PM
Looks like a great time, Barthheart!  M&M's for breakfast though?  For a bunch of fat guys, you'd think one of you could cook ;)

M&Ms and Caesars were pre-breakfast gaming food.  :bd: Once the game ended we had grilled Italian sausages with cheese and mushroom omelets.
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: Barthheart on May 09, 2018, 07:21:24 AM
Quote from: bbmike on May 09, 2018, 05:07:56 AM
Plus, really, the dock COULD have been put in.  ::)

Sure if we had chipped 15ft of 4" thick ice out of the way. Then when the lake finally thawed the moving ice would have taken the dock with it... You must work for the Government....  L:-)
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: Gusington on May 09, 2018, 08:14:58 AM
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: Sir Slash on May 09, 2018, 09:07:35 AM
Besides, the ice comes in handy for all the gaming-drinking going on.
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: MetalDog on May 09, 2018, 10:03:37 PM
Quote from: Barthheart on May 09, 2018, 07:19:41 AM
Quote from: MetalDog on May 08, 2018, 10:09:05 PM
Looks like a great time, Barthheart!  M&M's for breakfast though?  For a bunch of fat guys, you'd think one of you could cook ;)

M&Ms and Caesars were pre-breakfast gaming food.  :bd: Once the game ended we had grilled Italian sausages with cheese and mushroom omelets.

That's more like it  O0
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: BanzaiCat on May 10, 2018, 09:01:43 AM
I got Thunder Alley some time ago but I think it's similar to Grand Prix. Looks like you had a good time, Barth.  O0
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: Barthheart on May 10, 2018, 10:32:19 AM
Yes Grand Prix is the second in the TA series.

We had a great time.... my liver and my doctor are not amused however....
Title: Re: Fridayed
Post by: Sir Slash on May 10, 2018, 01:41:19 PM
Bahh. Livers are overrated.