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Started by DV8, April 03, 2012, 05:33:46 PM

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Good for you DV8!  Let us know when you're ready to play via VASL.  You know, we should organize a VASL meetup on VASL with us ASL playing Grogheads. I wouldn't mind sitting in helping new players- like I said, I taught my 12 yr old in about 30 mins an I recently taught a former co-worker via VASL and Skype just 2 weekends ago. 
Clip your freaking corners!
Blood Bowl on VASSAL - Ask me about it!
"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son."

-Dean Vernon Wormer


Quote from: GJK on April 04, 2012, 02:52:20 PM
Good for you DV8!  Let us know when you're ready to play via VASL.  You know, we should organize a VASL meetup on VASL with us ASL playing Grogheads. I wouldn't mind sitting in helping new players- like I said, I taught my 12 yr old in about 30 mins an I recently taught a former co-worker via VASL and Skype just 2 weekends ago.

I'm down with that.  There are 2 things I must do first.

1. Learn ASL
2. Learn VASSAL

Easy! ;)
"Most of my cliches aren't original." - Chuck Knox


Here's some more resources for you-

The Joys of VASL Pbem

I HATE to refer to somebody else's forum, but Gamesquad is probably THE place for chatting about ASL/VASL:

How To VASL: This is taken from an email that I wrote to someone explaining step by step how to get VASL up and going.  It's long winded but it hand holds you all the way:

And be sure to start browsing over Jay Richardson's ASL SK Tutorial pdf that I linked to above.  That also hand holds you threw learning ASL. It may be overkill in fact (over thinking it) but it's very detailed.  I'd just browse it casually and not try to learn every single thing in there.  The rules from the Starter Kits aren't terribly difficult.

Oh, and there's a VASL Facebook group:

And a Facebook group for ASL:
Clip your freaking corners!
Blood Bowl on VASSAL - Ask me about it!
"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son."

-Dean Vernon Wormer


Haha.  This is funny that you mention these sites Gary.  I spent the better part of 3 hours browsing the gamesquad forums ASL forum last night.  (Scott, the GameSquad overlord is a member here too.)  So much information, so much passion for the game at that sub-forum.

Also imagine my surprise as I was browsing the Getting Started guide at Vassal and low and behold the chap doing the walkthough used GJK for a player name.  Now it did take me about 15 minutes to associate that to here.  Nice guide by the way.



Thanks for all the excellent resources.  I'm so jazzed to start.

Darn you USPS!
"Most of my cliches aren't original." - Chuck Knox


welcome to the club and good luck DV8.

I am also open to some VASL play, down the road.

Barthheart: if you ever have a change of heart in regards to playing ASL I'd love to play through your Paratooper module some time. Believe we live very close to one another (we met for a game of Twilight Struggle a couple of years back).


Here's a collection of ASL Starter Kit primer videos that I've been watching on youtube

It really gives a good insight into the gameplay and what it looks like when it's laid out with map and counters.

I also now realize that I might need to order a pair of medical tweezers too.  Yikes!  Who knew getting back into boardgames was so complicated!

I think I forgot to mention that I picked up ASL Starter Kit #1 Expansion Pack yesterday too.  I really wanted to go with the original starter kit #1, but the cheapest I could find it for was $55 + shipping. 


Quote from: Rekim on April 05, 2012, 07:54:31 AM
welcome to the club and good luck DV8.

I am also open to some VASL play, down the road.

Barthheart: if you ever have a change of heart in regards to playing ASL I'd love to play through your Paratooper module some time. Believe we live very close to one another (we met for a game of Twilight Struggle a couple of years back).

Rekim, yes I remember that game of TS... my first. Has it really been a couple years already?!?  I'd like to try that again for sure.
As for ASL, well I think I'm done with it. If you know anyone who wants my stuff, I'll let it go for a reasonable price. Only thing is Beyond Valour and Paratrooper and mixed together so must go together.


I'd be interested in some Vassal ASL in the future too fwiw.


Quote from: Barthheart on April 05, 2012, 08:09:58 AM
Rekim, yes I remember that game of TS... my first. Has it really been a couple years already?!?  I'd like to try that again for sure.
As for ASL, well I think I'm done with it. If you know anyone who wants my stuff, I'll let it go for a reasonable price. Only thing is Beyond Valour and Paratrooper and mixed together so must go together.

LOL, yes was April 2010 when we met for TS. I agree that it doesn't seem that long ago. And yes, lets try to do it again soon. Will PM you my contact info. I see we connected through BGG the last time, which also works.

I have a buddy in Ottawa who is a big fan of ASLSKs. I've been trying to convince him to invest in the full game little success. Lack of funds likely being a major factor. I'll check see if he has any interest and put him in touch with you if so.


Quote from: Rekim on April 05, 2012, 11:43:38 AM
Quote from: Barthheart on April 05, 2012, 08:09:58 AM
Rekim, yes I remember that game of TS... my first. Has it really been a couple years already?!?  I'd like to try that again for sure.
As for ASL, well I think I'm done with it. If you know anyone who wants my stuff, I'll let it go for a reasonable price. Only thing is Beyond Valour and Paratrooper and mixed together so must go together.

LOL, yes was April 2010 when we met for TS. I agree that it doesn't seem that long ago. And yes, lets try to do it again soon. Will PM you my contact info. I see we connected through BGG the last time, which also works.

I have a buddy in Ottawa who is a big fan of ASLSKs. I've been trying to convince him to invest in the full game little success. Lack of funds likely being a major factor. I'll check see if he has any interest and put him in touch with you if so.

Cool. Let him know he can have it all for $80 - ASL Rulebook 1st ED., Beyond Valour 1st ED., and Paratrooper 1st Ed.


Quote from: GJK on April 04, 2012, 11:31:44 PM

How To VASL: This is taken from an email that I wrote to someone explaining step by step how to get VASL up and going.  It's long winded but it hand holds you all the way:

I used this to setup VASL.  I imported some boards just to check it out and it works like a charm.  Not that it makes any sense to me, but it's all still very cool.

GJK: One question I went to this for the scenarios, but the link leads to a dead site.  Where are the scenarios hosted?


Scenario files are being phased out because of too many mistakes, so most people are just pulling the counters and setting up from scratch these days.
Clip your freaking corners!
Blood Bowl on VASSAL - Ask me about it!
"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son."

-Dean Vernon Wormer


Well, then.  It seems I have a lot to learn about setting up a VASL game in my future.

Are there counters that need to be downloaded or or they already a part of the VASL download?

I think I answered my own question on this one.  Found the counter tab and put some chits on the board.


What we should do is try to find a Saturday morning or night and have as many people meet up on VASL as want to join.  There was someone from the gamesquad forums that was holding regular VASL-newbie meetups and quite a few people got involved.  I joined on one session and matched up with a new player and we went through a couple of turns of a scenario.

Once you get VASSAL and VASL installed (to avoid the confusion, VASL or "virtual ASL" is just a module that loads under VASSAL) and you launch the VASL module, you see the welcome screen with three options: 1. Start a new game offline, 2. Look for a game online, 3. Load a saved game.  Those are fairly self-explanatory.  Go to option 2 and you'll be in the main lobby where other players are. 

You'll see "rooms" (folder icons) where people are playing.  Double click to enter the room (if it isn't locked).  Here, I joined the room that they've entitled "Hill 621" (which was a popular SL scenario that has been converted):

If you right click on a players name that is in the game and "synchronize", VASL will load the map and pieces and you'll be watching their game - including what is being echoed to the chat window (piece movement, their text chats if they aren't on microphones).

Note that it's common courtesy to ask if it's ok to sync unless the room title says "ok to sync".  Just join the room and then type into the chat window "ok to sync?".  99% of the time you'll get a "sure".

The third option on the "welcome" screen (load saved game) would be the option that you would choose when you had just gotten a log from your opponent or you are loading a saved game.

Clip your freaking corners!
Blood Bowl on VASSAL - Ask me about it!
"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son."

-Dean Vernon Wormer